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SAT scores

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Just took them this morning with the new essay. It wasn't that bad, I'm hoping to get an equivalent to an 1150. What did you guys get if you took them? (Sorry if this post disobeys the rules of offends anyone in a personal way.)

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It was over a decade ago but I think it was 1390. If not, I got a that on some other test.

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Damn boys - I have to say I feel a little challenged: I took the last of the "old" SAT this past winter and got myself a 1310. I don't know if I'm going to make myself take the new one or not...

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Am I the only one here who did better on the Verbal than the Math? I know most of my friends did very well on the Math, but were pretty "so-so" on the Verbal, which makes me feel kinda like a freak.

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Am I the only one here who did better on the Verbal than the Math? I know most of my friends did very well on the Math, but were pretty "so-so" on the Verbal, which makes me feel kinda like a freak.

I had a couple of SAT prep courses in school and actually aced two verbal practice tests. I did well enough on the math but verbal was my bag.

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