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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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any body know what TPS stands for

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was wondering if any body knew what TPS stands for or when louisville started using it, and in what sport.

i know the answers and will post them soon

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Is that Tournament Player XTREME?

TPX = Tournament Player Xtralite (this came about with their first alum baseball bat that was a -3 length to weight ratio in the early 90's) - found on another forum...

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I am learning things today! :D

I would have said it ment something like

Terrible Producer-of-Sticks (Not like theres something wrong with TPS sticks!)

Or maybe Totally Protective Stuff

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most of you are right.

good job roadrunner for being the first to get TPS right

louisville actually started TPS in baseball in the late '80s, but was switched to TPX not long after. much like easton, louisville made their name in baseball. the louisville name rearly appears on any of their products today. the only ones i can think of are thier wood products (sticks and bats).

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the louisville name rearly appears on any of their products today. the only ones i can think of are thier wood products (sticks and bats).

According to most rumors they were looking to sell or spin off the hockey division so it makes sense to distance themselves.

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