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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is kinda a random question ,but does any elses cat like to drink out of the sink faucet? Ive never seen any other cat do this besides mine. My cat also pisses me off by this because she always wants to get a drink at like 4 in the morning and it wont stop meowing untill you get up. :huh:

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We had a cat who would do that but he had a heart atack several years ago. Our new dog likes to get a drink out of the bathtub faucet any time I run water.

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yeah my girl cat always drinks from the tub faucet, dont know why though when the bowl is downstairs...

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An ex-GF of mine had a cat who'd jump into the shower and lick the tub for water. Most of the time the little shit wouldn't even wait till you were out.

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An ex-GF of mine had a cat who'd jump into the shower and lick the tub for water.

My cat does that now. He also drinks from the toilet :blink: . It's always clean when he does though lol. Oddly enough, he's never drank from the faucet.

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This is kinda a random question ,but does any elses cat like to drink out of the sink faucet? Ive never seen any other cat do this besides mine. My cat also pisses me off by this because she always wants to get a drink at like 4 in the morning and it wont stop meowing untill you get up. :blink:

My cat loves to drink out of the tub faucet. There are some times when I'll just turn it on to dribbling and leave it on. I hoped that when I spent a lot of money on one of those trickling water bowls that the need for tub water would stop, but that hasn't been the case.

What is even more fun is that my cat loves skim milk, so every now and then I give him about a 1/2 teaspoon full in the bottom of a saucer. Sometimes during the nigh he will wake me up and demand a milking and not let me get back to sleep without it. Now my wife and I have a running joke.."I had to milk the cat last night, boy are those nipples hard to get at when you're half-asleep, especially when he starts squirming."

Another fun story, nothing can wake you up from a sound sleep during the night quite like the sound of a near by heaving cat, Sir Barfs-alot strikes again so watch your step.

So now you know that your cat is not the only one that does this.

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An ex-GF of mine had a cat who'd jump into the shower and lick the tub for water. Most of the time the little shit wouldn't even wait till you were out.

Were you sadistic like me and turn the water on for it?

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We have one cat that drinks out of the sink faucet in the upstairs master bath and one cat that drinks out of the tub in the downstairs bath. Neither will drink or invade in the others space (their both Tom's but both have been fixed), however they're both still trying to decide who the dominant one is.

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had one cat who would flush the toliet. his favorite time to "go" was in the middle of the night. he'd do it for about 30 mins straight. liked to watch the water go down the bowl.

now have one who plays fetch like a dog.

how about this for a wake up. a 15lbs cat on your chest whinning to be fed, and won't stop until you put down her food.

does anyone else's cat sleep on their backs, belly up? both of mine do this.

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how about this for a wake up. a 15lbs cat on your chest whinning to be fed, and won't stop until you put down her food.

does anyone else's cat sleep on their backs, belly up? both of mine do this.

There have been many nights when I woke up with 12lbs of cat standing on my chest making noise. I have now been trained to check the food dish before I go to bed so I can be certain to get a full nighs sleep.

My cat has this cute little sleeping position where he is all curled up and drapes one paw over his eyes.

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sorry i should have said that she get soft food in the morning around 6am and again around 4pm. both cats have a good supply of hard food all day long.

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2 of my cats drink out of the tub faucet, but will only do it in my moms bathroom, my other cat will sleep belly up with all 4 paws in the air

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This is an ancient thread but FYI they drink out of the faucet because its fresh water. A cat's sense of smell is far far superior to that of a human's, they can smell that the water in their bowl is old and may get them sick.

For a Cat, it cannot risk getting sick from bad water because if it can't hunt it dies, clearly this isn't the case for house pets but they don't know that.

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My cat has this cute little sleeping position where he is all curled up and drapes one paw over his eyes.

Haha tell me about this. How could you possibly say no to that?

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