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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL shield logo

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I knew they were talking about changing the NHL's logo, so have they done it?

It seems like all the websites that have to do with the NHL have this new "chrome and black" shield.

Looks nice, IMO.

Sorry if this has been posted already, kind of like how I posted that Beer League t.v. show website...

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So what about CCM/RBK that have everything branded with the logo going the other way????

Or is it possible that SOMEONE at THC knew this was coming and was sworn to secrecy...so they could prepare.


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Letters going forward and up. Very pleasing if you are into finances! :D

(Financial presentations or general progress reports try to show things going to the top right).

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I think it looks a little cartoonish. I like the old one better.

ktang, maybe they are trying a subliminal hint that hockey is moving up...or maybe more appropriately, now with the new CBA, profits will go up.

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I think the logo looks pretty nice except for the letters. It should go top left to bottom right instead of what it is right now. I like the font though.

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So what about CCM/RBK that have everything branded with the logo going the other way????

Or is it possible that SOMEONE at THC knew this was coming and was sworn to secrecy...so they could prepare.


It wasn't a secret that the logo was going to be changed. I'm sure THC knew of it.

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I think it looks a little cartoonish. I like the old one better.

ktang, maybe they are trying a subliminal hint that hockey is moving up...or maybe more appropriately, now with the new CBA, profits will go up.

Hopefully it isn't indicative of an uphill climb...

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So what about CCM/RBK that have everything branded with the logo going the other way????

Or is it possible that SOMEONE at THC knew this was coming and was sworn to secrecy...so they could prepare.


It wasn't a secret that the logo was going to be changed. I'm sure THC knew of it.

I know...but they still had to know to what....before they could continue branding.

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Have you seen it seperatly or are you talking about the picture in this thread. I think the one in this thread with the other stuff around the logo makes it look slanted or crooked.

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It has the same upward / forward lettering scheme as the old Canucks skate logo (see Tanner23's avatar). So, then Tanner23 should like it...

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I think the logo looks pretty nice except for the letters. It should go top left to bottom right instead of what it is right now. I like the font though.

How can you like the font but not the letters -- isn't that the same thing?

I bring that up because I don't like the letters since I don't like the font. :lol: The font doesn't seem strong enough.

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The logo really isn't that much different it still has the same shape in the background. I thought it was supposed to have the cup incorperated into the background?

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The logo really isn't that much different it still has the same shape in the background. I thought it was supposed to have the cup incorperated into the background?

They said they were going to use the cup more in future marketing efforts.

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The logo really isn't that much different it still has the same shape in the background. I thought it was supposed to have the cup incorperated into the background?

They said they were going to use the cup more in future marketing efforts.

Ok thanks for clearing that up.

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i dont see why they felt like they needed a new logo even though i like the new one

All part of the "New Look" NHL

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