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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Original Nike skates?

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hey i was just thinking about the whole "evil BNH" thing and was trying to find a picture of the first skates nike "made" they may have just put their logo on it. but im not sure how to load the picture from gettyimages since there is no url but i found a picture of sergei fedorov wearing these nike skates. Go to getty images and go to Image #386350 (just put that in the search box) I always thought they looked cool but they never made them a retail skate. I think the ones gretzky wore (not sure of the model) were the first retail nike skates . just thought of looking for them because of the talk and wondered if anyone remembered them

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Fedorov and Sundin were the first. I remember Sundin's skates being regular Bauer skates with the Nike swoosh and other things glued or sewn on. Similar to Naslund's Nike skates a few seasons ago.

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We had Denis Leary and the cast of "Rescue Me" from FX film at our rink twice in the last year. Leary is good friends with Cam Neely. Cam brought along Lyndon Byers and they were all part of the NYFD vs. NYPD hockey game they taped. Anywho, I was given Cam's skates to sharpen last June when they came in the first time. The skates were total special make up Nikes that looked like nothing that ever got near retail. A strong stiff boot with ballistic nylon uppers that had a fairly large black on black Nike swoosh sewn on the outside. Cam also had black pants with a rather large swoosh on them as well. Bauer was making the pro pant with a Nike logo in the early years of the BNH marriage. The pro Nike pant was hard to get as it was a non-catalog item. I remember buying a few for my old shop in royal blue only because they my Nike rep had access to some pro stock to clear out.

Fedorov's original Nike skates were also nothing like the first product to hit retail. Nike went through a few different styles on Federov. I still think that Nike struggles in the skate department but I believe their protective line is excellent, especially V 14 shin pads and elbow pads. Just my two cents.


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i'd agree with that but its conceivable that monkeys choose the strap material on the shin guards. I swear if I wore them longer than I did they would have severed my leg clean off.

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I just started using the V 14 shin pads. The top strap is just there to snug the pad to my leg. I still use clear tape over my sock below the knee to snug in the pad. The bottom strap with velcro was cut off after the first game. No great loss on that strap. It is truly cosmetic and most players will probably get rid of it anyway.

I have the V 12 elbow pads as well. I think they extremely comfortable and worth every penny. You never have to adjust them during the game. I have sweated buckets in them over a year now and they are holding up just fine.

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I still have the original Nike skate catalog from their first year. That model was not available. Thanks for putting up the pix, JR.

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Fedorov and Sundin were the first.

Remember the commercials? Like the one where Sundin plastered some guy rollerblading down the sidewalk? Or all the commercials with NHL goalies who were forced to retire and find alternative occupations because the handful of guys then endorsing Nike lit them up (...Panger was the cashier at "Burger-Rama")? Priceless.

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I thought the first production ones were Air Accel Elite? the 2nd generation stuff was ignite, but gloves etc in the beginning had names like bolero,etc..

that Sundin commercial was classic since he levels the guy wearing the Sundin jersey...unfortunately..a lot of people didn't even get that in the States (MSH'ers excluded)

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Around here the v-10's (orange and silver) elbow pads were a great hit, alot of people on my team including me had them. And a few years ago the quest pants were huge. So many people had them.

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there are quite a few of the old Nike inlines on ebay right now..I was a bit surprised..I think those were the Agitate's or something..

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Hey - I think I did that picture for our website! I always find it amusing when I see a picture off our site somewhere else! We've still got one or two pairs floating around. Those particular ones were the pro-stock models, which were quite a bit different to the retail models, which we also had. I suspect that these were based on the Supreme skates, and made to look cosmetically like the retail versions.

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I have a pair of those evil foot killers in the closet downstairs.

they killed feet because the insole was a terrible design. try replacing the insoles and you will find that the skates themselves aren't bad at all, just heavy.

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