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NHL used equipment sales. . .

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So having not been to one yet, are these sales for collector purposes, or can the equipment actually still be used, for example the skates? On average, how 'used' is the equipment, really, or do these pros really go through lots of pads, skates, helmets, etc. yearly (and the equipment is 'newish')?

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the ones i have been to (ducks and kings) a majority of the stuff is usable. the ducks is much better because its cheaper and you can find a lot of brand new stuff, last year they had racks and racks of brand new synergies, vapor XX's (sticks), brand new V-12's, surpremes etc the only thing that sucks is the ducks gloves are eggplant!

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They're usually a once-a-year thing that takes place in the summer. Some teams advertise them, others have a note on their websites, while others make it a season ticket holders first affair.

If you can get there early there tends to be a few deals. Sticks go fast, so does the goalie gear. Other stuff can be pretty beaten up.

I bought skates once, but they're all custom sized so it's tough to get a good fit. I ended up reselling the skates at a loss. (They were Matt Cooke's of the Canucks.)

Not all the skates could be traced back to a player. Some had their numbers on them, others didn't.

They also sold a bunch of old souveniers at discounted prices. It was interesting to go once, but unless I can get in early, I am not in a hurry to go back.

Hope this helps.


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Any one know...if the Canadien de montreal have one..?? I never been able to find information about it....for the past 2 year...

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I'd loooove to go to one sale, i guess i'll be in Ft. Lauderdale, when im over there, does anyone know if they do something like this too ?

But to be honest, i just think its some kind of dream which wont come true. Never. :ph34r:

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Devils had the draft party and had a little section of it with equipment. Had all new sticks. Synergys,innos and missions all reusable and the skates were usable and then ahonenes koho 580's that were reusable. THe draft party is the same as the equipment sale right?

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the ones i have been to (ducks and kings) a majority of the stuff is usable. the ducks is much better because its cheaper and you can find a lot of brand new stuff, last year they had racks and racks of brand new synergies, vapor XX's (sticks), brand new V-12's, surpremes etc the only thing that sucks is the ducks gloves are eggplant!

i'd be syked to get a pair of ducks ealges.

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Does anyone know if the Red Wings do one, and where? I would love to pick up some Williams synergies, or an Yzerman stealth.

I know the Detroit Redwings have sticks for sale year round at Hockeytown Authentics, the problem is the prices are outrageous. I recall my friend going up there and they had Yzerman synergies for $200+. I cant even imagine how much is stealths would cost. But for the other Redwings I heard they were decently priced.

I'd loooove to go to one sale, i guess i'll be in Ft. Lauderdale, when im over there, does anyone know if they do something like this too ?

But to be honest, i just think its some kind of dream which wont come true. Never. 

Sven if your in Florida the Panthers are stingy/cheap, they had one sale in which I went and it was nothing, they had sticks that were really old and were mostly wood. I picked up one stick and it was Mats Sundin's Graf OPS. Dont know why they had it, but they did and it was also autographed. I live in the Palm Beach area so shoot a PM if you'd like to know more.

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Does anyone know if the Red Wings do one, and where? I would love to pick up some Williams synergies, or an Yzerman stealth.

The wings have a shop that sells used stuff that you can buy, last time I was there there were Innos, sicores, synergies and grip there was skates and jerseys but im not sure what skates.

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Does anyone know if the Red Wings do one, and where? I would love to pick up some Williams synergies, or an Yzerman stealth.

The Wings did have one at the end of the 03/04 season. You could pick up a good mix of stuff, from the game used sticks (which were priced a little higher than if you got them in season from the Hockeytown Authentics store), and other game used equipment, skates, gloves, etc. Plus they had a ton of brand new sticks, shafts, blades, and some new skates, etc. I believe that all the new OPS went for something like $99.00. You do have to get there early, as whatever they had of the newer OPS at the time (Grip Si-Cores, etc) went fast. I don't recall anyone walking away with any new Stealths though. I was able to get a new Datsyuk Si-Core that had a tacky feeling to it, but yet was orange in color.

Just pay attention to the TV, newspapers, or the Wings web site after the season if they will have one this year. It would probably be held at the JLA like the other one was.

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Does anyone know if the Red Wings do one, and where?  I would love to pick up some Williams synergies, or an Yzerman stealth.

The Wings did have one at the end of the 03/04 season. You could pick up a good mix of stuff, from the game used sticks (which were priced a little higher than if you got them in season from the Hockeytown Authentics store), and other game used equipment, skates, gloves, etc. Plus they had a ton of brand new sticks, shafts, blades, and some new skates, etc. I believe that all the new OPS went for something like $99.00. You do have to get there early, as whatever they had of the newer OPS at the time (Grip Si-Cores, etc) went fast. I don't recall anyone walking away with any new Stealths though. I was able to get a new Datsyuk Si-Core that had a tacky feeling to it, but yet was orange in color.

Just pay attention to the TV, newspapers, or the Wings web site after the season if they will have one this year. It would probably be held at the JLA like the other one was.

I haven't been to HTA - I hear it's by my store's Troy location.

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The Stars usually have one every summer. It's completely open to the public and usually happens in the middle of a general Starcenter pro shop selloff (like on the 2nd day of a weekend thing). You'll want to get there early if you're really after something because it gets to be a mad house quickly.

I've picked up quite a few used sticks for collecting purposes before I played, but next year, I intend to take a closer look at some of the sticks for my own use.

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I haven't been to HTA - I hear it's by my store's Troy location.


it is in the strip center right out side ot the troy sports center. if you go to the rink off of big beaver you should see it.

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The Blue Jackets have had 3 equipment sales in 5 years. They are rare and usually only advertised within 48 hrs of the actual event (if at all). If they do advertise they just put up flyers at the local rinks. One time they tried to make it a collectibles type sale selling items for $200 with certificates of authenticity (for geoff sanderson game used gloves). The other two times have been awesome!!! Game used equipment that is in great shape for the most part, skates were 100, gloves were 50, shafts were 50, OPS 50, pants 50, helmets 40. This was at the begining of the sale when you have the most options. After every hour of the sale though they mark everything down. By the end of the sale (last 10 mins) you can name your price, literally!!!!! because the equipment guys dont want to have to cart the stuff back to the locker room. Gloves for $10 a pair, helmet for $10, shafts for $20, skates were still $100. Sizes on most skates are hard to tell, you mainly have to sort through by holder size. Its worth getting there early for best selection and just to see all of the cool stuff that they have to offer but in my experiences the only time to buy is at the very end. I picked up a pair of x70, CP94, and 9505 gloves ALL for $30 TOTAL once and they were very useable. I was able to find easton T-flexs (which are almost extinct nowaday for $20 each. Im still kicking myself for not picking up a few more pairs of gloves (at $10 each I should have bought all that they had left on the table).

Also, ive been to the BlackHaws store in Chicago and they have a decent selection of game used stuff. TONS OF PANTS, SHELLS, XL SOCKS at a good price ($50 I think). The gloves that they had were in great shape but I think they were $60 or $80 bucks (whatever it was they were priced way to high for game used considering that you could get a great pair of retail gloves for $60 new). The big kicker to me atleast at this store was the pro stock BOOT ONLY sale that they had, 40 BUCKS!!!!! If they have your size its a steal. They are very gently used and most of us have extra holders and runners so for $40 u just got a sweet pair of pro stock skates.

Last note on NHL sales, beware of OPS with tape on the blade. I recommend untaping sticks and checking the blade for chips, cracks etc. I have known people to buy without looking and wound up cutting the blade off and having to settle for just the shaft. ALSO, big thanks to GRAZSTROM for taking me on a tour of Chicago during my visit and introducing me to that Hawks shop, I will return one day with more Cash to spend (FYI, they have vapor 4 EPs, lots of em. Ive been looking for those dang things for years, finally broke down and bought a new pair of EP 900, and then 3 weeks later I see not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 friggin pairs of gently used EP 4s for $40, un friggin believeable)

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I went to the canucks one last last year and they had some decent equipment. It depends what you're looking for but you definitely need to get in first to get the good stuff. One of my buddies got in really early and grabbed a bunch of vapor XX sticks for me. :D

All the OPS were 100$ Canadian. Some were pretty much brand new but the majority showed a little bit of wear. They didn't really put out anything that was too beat up.

Its definitely a sale I look forward to going to after every season...

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Anyone know if the Leafs have an annual sale event? For those who gone...how much can we expect the ops sticks to go for?

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