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Sleeper picks

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Can anyone give me some sleeper picks for an NHL pool. Ive already got a few, like marc savard,scotty gomez, and zherdov anyone else. MAybe just someone you think will have a good year.


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Out of Ovechkin,Erat, and Straka who would you drop. Straka has the speed and skil for the new NHL, Erat is sick straight up and will be over 50 points and ovechkin shows great potential..im stuck

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Tom Priessing, Nils Eckman, Martin Erat, PM Bouchard, i think Brunette could have a good year

I need to Decide whether to hang on to Elias or off load him, any input?

Can you put him on the DL for the first couple months?

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You need guys that put up points in fantasy, not your favorite players. OLIWA WTF?


Chippa, he's just coming into his prime. Look how he's been improving over the years. :o

Hes doing very well with parise as his center, he almost had a goal on Sunday night but got a great glove save. He had an assist i think or else he passed it out and a good breakout for praises goal.

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Erat, Zherdev, Lombardi(if he has the chance to play at least 15 mins of ice), PM Boutchard.

Vancouver guys, how is doing Brandon Reid at the camp?

brandon reid isn't at camp, he's opted to stay in europe i believe.

my sleeper pick would be daniel sedin, although i may be a bit biased...:)

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That reminds me of the question brought up in one of the MSH drafts: "Which one's the good Sedin?" It's sort of like trying to figure out which ice cube is the coldest.

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im doing a pool outside of msh as well, and i have just enough to pick one of these guys, who would you go for?

sidney crosby or david legwand or saku koivu

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If Montreal's top line stays healthy most of the season I think Koivu will have more points than Crosby or Legwand, but it's a tough call. I thik Koivu playing with Kovalev the whole season regular strength and on the PP will produce solid numbers for both as Koivu is a great playmaker and Kovalev is a great goal scorer. Zednik can also put the puck in the net as well. I think Koivu could end up with 70 plus points playing on that line. Now I am a Habs fan so my biase may be showing a bit. Of course out of the 3 Koivu is also the only one to score over 70 points in an NHL season (71 in 2002/03).

Crosby is a great talent and is going to be playing with a lot of offensively gifted players so his numbers should be strong, but he is a rookie and well he's played well in the preseason he hasn't dominated. There's a lot of hype around him...there was also a lot of hype around Daigle, Lindros, Lecavalier, Thornton ect and none of them came in and dominated right away. Gretzky did..but I don't think Crosby has shown he's close to Gretzky just yet - in a few years I'd expect him to put up Lecavlier type of numbers rather than Gretzky type numbers. Around 60 points for Crosby this year seems about right.

The last regular season Legwand played he potted 47 points and played 82 games. He saw a lot of PP minutes then as well. The additional Power Play time this season with the new rules and the addition of Kariya to Nashville could help him. 50-70 points.

All three players should be helped by the new rules. Personally I'd take Koivu and trade him for Legwand if he gets injured (assuming your pool allows for trades). Crosby is good, but I don't think he's going to come in and be one of the top scorers right away.

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Everybody laughed at me for taking Jagr, Staal, Spezza, and Yashin in my pool :o I doubt Staal is going to score 160 points this year, but if him and Yashin can finish the year at a point a game, and all my other picks keep doing good maybe I'll actually win a prize this year.

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