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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanny Using Warrior

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I don't have any pics, but I was watching the Wings v Sharks game on Center Ice and noticed that Shanny is using a Warrior Dolomite. I think that's real cool, I hope lots of players using innovative will switch to Warrior just to give them some more publicity, however slight it may be.

Also, I noticed they played an Irish sounding song after Shanny scored. Is that a Shanny only thing? Or do the Wings play national-themed songs for other players too? It was pretty neat.

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Also, I noticed they played an Irish sounding song after Shanny scored. Is that a Shanny only thing? Or do the Wings play national-themed songs for other players too? It was pretty neat.

Thats the jig, Detroit fans gotta love it :D

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is the Dolomite the same technology as the 1100 or the true1 and what are the names for warrior for the other innovative sticks

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Interesting, I guess he finally got tired of the classics...unless he has used other things and I haven't been paying attention.

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is the Dolomite the same technology as the 1100 or the true1 and what are the names for warrior for the other innovative sticks

I recall hearing that the top of the line one would be the "mack daddy"

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is the Dolomite the same technology as the 1100 or the true1 and what are the names for warrior for the other innovative sticks

Mack Daddy Grip is the Highest priced stick. Then Mack Daddy..then the Dolomite grip, Dolomite, then the Royale Grip.. (price-point)

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I don't have any pics, but I was watching the Wings v Sharks game on Center Ice and noticed that Shanny is using a Warrior Dolomite.

Scored a pretty nice goal with it in that game too!

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is the Dolomite the same technology as the 1100 or the true1 and what are the names for warrior for the other innovative sticks

Mack Daddy Grip is the Highest priced stick. Then Mack Daddy..then the Dolomite grip, Dolomite, then the Royale Grip.. (price-point)

Since you seem to know much about them...

..When are they coming out??

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Or he finally ran out.....

Actually, Easton made a special run of 1,000 shafts for him just a few years ago. As far as the skates go, he just switched to the XXX's after trying them out in a practice. He liked the weight difference. Still wearing the same shoulders as Bantams though :huh:

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Anyone notice the back of that LA players' skate, it almost looks like he has no back thongue.

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Anyone notice the back of that LA players' skate, it almost looks like he has no back thongue.

i think he just has his socks over the tendon

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That LA player is Matty Norstrom. He tapes over the tendon guard bigtime. But it does almost look like he barely tightens his top eyelets, cuz they look so loose around that area. You can also see his older colored cyclone shaft that is most likely an UL painted to look like a cyclone.

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LOL, I thought it was you that knew that stuff...I just didn't want to misquote ya on that. Yeah, in the pic the shaft walls don't look so thin like a Cyclone.

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is he still wearing easton gloves? if he was that would be interesting considering that he could not work out a deal with easton.

Yeah I'm pretty sure he is.

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