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Stick/shaft repair

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Let's say you had a SL or XXX or other high end stick, just out of warranty and someone two-handed slashed it and the shaft broke Would you have the stick repaired if the cost was reasonable? What would you be willing to pay? At what price would you just buy another stick? Remember, the broke stick is in excellent shape except for the break.

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$20-30 for me.

Of course, some OPS are easier than others (Vapor XX's, XN10's, M1's can just be heated at the fuse point and pulled out, while Stealth's, Busch's, Synnergies, XXX's, etc have to be cut, augered/chiselled, etc and are not an exact science).

Therefore, it may stand to reason that the cost should vary by OPS.

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$20-30 for me.

Of course, some OPS are easier than others (Vapor XX's, XN10's, M1's can just be heated at the fuse point and pulled out

ok so ogie you can heat up XN10's and pull the blade out? i thought you could only do that with vapor xx's

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Yep, I was able to do it with both of my XN10 pro models. Can't imagine that they'd differ from retail (i.e., I could see it being the other way around, but not retail having a more high-tech than a pro).

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I had 2 guys in the shop the other day poking around about the same exact idea. They were looking at buying a franchise from one of the shaft repair companies. I notice there are two companies in the Hockey News. I asked how much to repair and they said $70. IMHO, I would just put that $70 towards another OPS. The guys said the company would sell them the materials/etc to do the repairs. It sounds like something that a player may try once and then say screw this, never again. Meanwhile, the guy investing the $ in the franchise now has alot of materials/etc with no more repeat customers. I have been in this business long enough to look long term, not short term. Just my two cents..........


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i might pay $20.. just to see...

but i know i wouldnt be happy with the work... and never do it again..

but if it is cheap enough people might do it...

at $70 it's a rip

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I had 2 guys in the shop the other day poking around about the same exact idea. They were looking at buying a franchise from one of the shaft repair companies. I notice there are two companies in the Hockey News. I asked how much to repair and they said $70. IMHO, I would just put that $70 towards another OPS. The guys said the company would sell them the materials/etc to do the repairs. It sounds like something that a player may try once and then say screw this, never again. Meanwhile, the guy investing the $ in the franchise now has alot of materials/etc with no more repeat customers. I have been in this business long enough to look long term, not short term. Just my two cents..........


I looked at the different shaft repair "franchises" out there. One wanted $10k and I told them to pack sand. I did find another one that is fairly reasonable. I did a repair today with this system and it was easy and it did not alter the stick to were you could even notice, unless of course you are a pro. I put the repair parets on the scale, didn't even register in weight. I was thinking most would prob pay $30-40 but not much more. But If I had a 31 day old VAPXXX with a broken shaft, I certainly would spend less than $50 to fix it than to be out $180 alltogether. I think beer leaque guys and parents would go for it. Gear whores like those who frequent this board (you know, the ones who think they can "feel" 2 grams), prob wouldn't just because of the lower "status" they would have. ;)

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I was thinking most would prob pay $30-40 but not much more. But If I had a 31 day old VAPXXX with a broken shaft, I certainly would spend less than $50 to fix it than to be out $180 alltogether. I think beer leaque guys and parents would go for it.

$30-50 seems reasonable to get a high end stick repaired given that the blade is in decent shape still. If the average beer league player and/or parent spent $180-200 on a stick, then spending 50 to get it repaired would be well worth it. I'd rather spend $50 than $180 (providing the repaired stick will hold up almost as good as a new stick)

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But If I had a 31 day old VAPXXX with a broken shaft, I certainly would spend less than $50 to fix it than to be out $180 alltogether. I think beer leaque guys and parents would go for it.

are there a lot of beer league guys that spend $180 on a xxx?

a few parents? may be.. but even that would still be rare...

i havent seen any xxx's or stealths at my local rink

even at my lhs, i see may be half a dozen in stock

there are plenty of good deals to be found, so that you dont have to spend $180...

of people that buy ops, i would think most people keep it to $100 or so...

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For those looking at getting a stick repair franchise: very few players repair their tennis racquets, even though it can also be done. I think that, just like with breaking a high-end stick, breaking a tennis racquet is an excuse to get a newer model. The difference, though, is that tennis racquets last much longer, so by the time one breaks it is "obsolete".

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your right.. the guy that does spend $180 on an ops does care about repairs.. just performance.. so he would never get it repaired..

on the other hand buddy that picks it up for free broken, probably would pay the $50 to get it repaired...

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I'd rather put the money towards a new OPS. Id rather get a whole new stick instead of fixing one section and next week another section say near the top breaks on me instead of the newly fixed bottom.

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Gear whores like those who frequent this board (you know, the ones who think they can "feel" 2 grams), prob wouldn't just because of the lower "status" they would have.

In that case put me in the gear whore category. I wouldn't pay $50, let alone $70 to get a stick fixed, when I could just put it towards another OPS. But also, I just wouldn't feel right knowing that I am playing with a stick that was broken, even if there in no noticeable difference, must be the gear whore in me.

By the way, I haven't heard much about this stick repair thing, although I did see an ad in The Hockey News. How exactly do they a fix broken stick?

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are there a lot of beer league guys that spend $180 on a xxx?

a few parents? may be.. but even that would still be rare...

i havent seen any xxx's or stealths at my local rink

even at my lhs, i see may be half a dozen in stock

there are plenty of good deals to be found, so that you dont have to spend $180...

of people that buy ops, i would think most people keep it to $100 or so...

This is true too. I don' t see many $180 sticks around either, except I do see more kids with them (actually even saw one with 2 XXX's) than beer league players. I only spent $180 cause I got a free pair of gloves with the stick which I needed, otherwise I would only spend about $100 and wouldn't bother with a stick repair for a $100 stick. Most parents probably would though, unless they have a kid that always gets what he wants or they have a lot of extra cash.

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Gear whores like those who frequent this board (you know, the ones who think they can "feel" 2 grams), prob wouldn't just because of the lower "status" they would have

I can't feel two grams but I can feel 30-60 and can really tell when it's all added in one spot.

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Gear whores like those who frequent this board (you know, the ones who think they can "feel" 2 grams), prob wouldn't just because of the lower "status" they would have. 

In that case put me in the gear whore category. I wouldn't pay $50, let alone $70 to get a stick fixed, when I could just put it towards another OPS. But also, I just wouldn't feel right knowing that I am playing with a stick that was broken, even if there in no noticeable difference, must be the gear whore in me.

By the way, I haven't heard much about this stick repair thing, although I did see an ad in The Hockey News. How exactly do they a fix broken stick?

Kind of a flawed theory. Players have had NO PROBLEM using a shaft/blade combo for years I can't recall anyone saying they felt like they were playing with a broken stick. (except when the glue was loose) Think about it, the shaft repair will be much more "tight" than that used on the hot glue on the blade. It will never come apart or rattle, or break in that same spot..

Gear whores are a whole different breed, not your average hockey player who has to get "approval" from his spouse before any more money is dished out for hockey. Most who break their $180 sticks, are forced to go back to wood. OMG!

Imagine for just a few dollars more, and they could have their OPS back in one piece.

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are there a lot of beer league guys that spend $180 on a xxx?

a few parents? may be.. but even that would still be rare...

Absolutely a lot of $180-$150 sticks in my beer leagues Not uncommon at all in my part of the country.

The teens/bantams however are the biggest buyers, especially since they break shafts monthly (mostly from two handed slashes, either giving or recieving). So when mom says, no more $180 sticks and their $50 a week part time job doesn't pay enough to replace their Stealth, I think they will spend the $50 on a stick repair rather than be seen with a woodie by their peers.

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By any financial advantages such a repair might have it will not be too succesful simply because there is 1.) not enough "rational" thinking in ragards to approaching equipment in general and especially sticks. From that point, to make this a profitable business i.m.o. there is just not enough "cool-factor" to it. And 2.) I think families having problems affording flashy/expensive new gear for their kids (which probably is prospected to be the main group of possible customers) will either buy their stuff second hand (teammates older stuff/equipment sales at rinks as an example) or they go with woodies or shafts that are like 40$ brand new. So unless you offer the repair job at a really low price it would not make sense for them to get their stuff fixed when it comes cheaper (or a little more expensive + the benefit or a warranty) off the rack.

I could care less but from a business point of view if you had to drop like 5k to get the system and license I would stay away because it would take ages to pay off.

PS: I wouldn´t drop 30~50$ on it. Maybe once for fun but not really. What I´m trying to say is that someone who can afford a high end stick in the first place will not even give a repair a thought.

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How many times have we seen broken, high-end sticks in the trash at the rink? If you were able to take them (basically for free) and repair them and then sell them in your shop for $40-$50 for what they are, repaired OPS, then that were certainly be worth it and I would bet alot of beer leaguers would be willing to pony up the dough to try them out. I like to use the shaft and blade combo but part of that also has to do with the high cost for top of the line OPS. I would, however, be willing to try one out for $40-$50.

I know this takes his question in a different direction but its basically just another option that his repair business could do. Kind of like all of the "used" golf balls that get cleaned up, re-painted and then sold again.

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