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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior gloves?

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I think they are ugly. Warrior seems too long to have on gloves and the writing doesn't stick out. CCM, Mission, Easton, XX, are all relatively small. Eagle's a little different and it works out nicely, but this just doesn't look visually appealing to me.

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I think they are ugly. Warrior seems too long to have on gloves and the writing doesn't stick out. CCM, Mission, Easton, XX, are all relatively small. Eagle's a little different and it works out nicely, but this just doesn't look visually appealing to me.

I don't know about you, but the "Easton" that wraps around the cuffs on my airs isnt all that small ;)

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Can't really see much in that pics about the gloves, but they look very standard. Nothing really innovative or different, not like lacrosse gloves!

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New city, new gear. Maybe he thinks it will help him reignite his fading career.

His career may be fading but ask Jeff O'Neill if its fading after that wham on the wall he took from Roberts in last nights game. I won't say JO was KO but he was TKO the rest of the game, or basically useless for Leafs.

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Sometime I prefer something basic than something with weird color or weird useless thing.

yeah but there's already 20 gloves like that on the market

Those would be Pro Gloves, probably not their potential retail glove.

4 roll= classic :ph34r:

some of you will know what I hinting at

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