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hockey movie

whats your favorite hockey movie  

107 members have voted

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I have to say slapshot. Is Sudden Death the one with Naslund?


Dunno, I just know it's on TV here this coming weekend, and I remember nothing except for JC Van Damme's incredible Belgian ass. :lol:

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Mighty ducks all the way! That movie taught me the finer points of hockey! I mean, come on! Who wins championships without the flying V? :huh: ........ :lol:

EDIT:I have never seen slapshot but watched the last 10mins about a week ago....... WTF!?!?!?! Made no sence what so ever! They was just fighting then some guy started to strip? Then they won the Championship (Without the flying V) :huh:...... Lmao! Seriously confusing!

I will buy it off E bay and watch the rest when i got the time.

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i have only seen miracle, slapshot, slapshot 2 , mighty ducks, mystery alaska, and youngblood

have i missed anythign by not seeing these movies?

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If I remember correctly, the only thing hockey about "Sudden Death" was the fact that it took place in the Igloo where the Penguins play/played. And that a helicopter crashed through the roof during the game. Correct me if I'm wrong.

But Slapshot, Mighty Ducks, and Miracle.

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I'm ashamed to be a hockey player with Sudden Death on the list, Rob Lowe was more convincing as a player than JCVD but he couldn't save the world and win a game though

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Mighty Ducks, even though it is quite cheesy, it's my roots as a hockey player (learnt to play as a team, believe in anything, have fun). Everytime I watch it, I feel good.

Second comes Miracle. Very inspiring, more mature and makes you wanna play hockey.

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I'm ashamed to be a hockey player with Sudden Death on the list, Rob Lowe was more convincing as a player than JCVD but he couldn't save the world and win a game though

...while in a mascot suit...

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All us Canadian guys have to give an honourable mention to Strange Brew, not a true hockey movie but sure made me piss myself a few times.

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Mighty Ducks 1, I dunno that movie always gets me and I also like the beginning ot Mystery Alaska when that guy skates thru the icebergs.

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I'm ashamed to be a hockey player with Sudden Death on the list, Rob Lowe was more convincing as a player than JCVD but he couldn't save the world and win a game though

...while in a mascot suit...

that movie sounds really good . where can i find it at?

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finally someone metions aomething good about mystery tht movie is definetly my fav movie next to slapshot 1&2 and miracle

Slapshot 2? That was a waste of money...What a terrible movie.

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finally someone metions aomething good about mystery tht movie is definetly my fav movie next to slapshot 1&2 and miracle

Slapshot 2? That was a waste of money...What a terrible movie.


it was like hherlem globetrotters

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I voted for SlapShot just because I thought it was the funniest: "F*cking machine ate my quarter!"

But I did love the Mighty Ducks movies when I was little. Mystery Alaska was also a great movie, I wanna see that again, I haven't seen it for EVER it seems!

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