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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Norstrom's Sweden UL

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btw It's a Koho 4490 Composite RB blade, I have it too and love it...

But yeah that UL is Sweet! you know your pretty good when that's made up for you... :o

Funny thing is he never suited up for the olympics and yet he uses the shaft....

Spectators don't seem that intrested though....

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btw It's a Koho 4490 Composite RB blade, I have it too and love it...

But yeah that UL is Sweet! you know your pretty good when that's made up for you... :o

Funny thing is he never suited up for the olympics and yet he uses the shaft....

Spectators don't seem that intrested though....

what do you expect from LA fans...they were probably waiting for a call on their cell phones from their agent.

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man how sexy does that stealth look!

im starting to come around omn the looks of the new easton sticks. at first i thought they looks kind of stupid now. i still dont like the look of the non grip stealth or the non grip ST i think they should of stuck with silver.

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btw It's a Koho 4490 Composite RB blade, I have it too and love it...

But yeah that UL is Sweet! you know your pretty good when that's made up for you...  :o 

Funny thing is he never suited up for the olympics and yet he uses the shaft....

Spectators don't seem that intrested though....

what do you expect from LA fans...they were probably waiting for a call on their cell phones from their agent.

That happens in the lower bowl at Staples....the majority of the "real" fans sit in the cheap seats :)

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btw It's a Koho 4490 Composite RB blade, I have it too and love it...

But yeah that UL is Sweet! you know your pretty good when that's made up for you...  :o 

Funny thing is he never suited up for the olympics and yet he uses the shaft....

Spectators don't seem that intrested though....

what do you expect from LA fans...they were probably waiting for a call on their cell phones from their agent.

That happens in the lower bowl at Staples....the majority of the "real" fans sit in the cheap seats :)

What was the quote from the owner after they opened? "Three million canadians in LA and they all moved here because they don't like hockey" or something like that.

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btw It's a Koho 4490 Composite RB blade, I have it too and love it...

But yeah that UL is Sweet! you know your pretty good when that's made up for you...  :o 

Funny thing is he never suited up for the olympics and yet he uses the shaft....

Spectators don't seem that intrested though....

what do you expect from LA fans...they were probably waiting for a call on their cell phones from their agent.

That happens in the lower bowl at Staples....the majority of the "real" fans sit in the cheap seats :)

What was the quote from the owner after they opened? "Three million canadians in LA and they all moved here because they don't like hockey" or something like that.

Yep, Jack Kent Cooke.

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dang i thought he switched to OPS, i should (hopefully) be picking up some of those tommorw night. they are 120 flex so i dont know how many peps would be interested

on BTW he was on the sweden team and backed out a couple days after the tourney started, thats why he has em

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btw It's a Koho 4490 Composite RB blade, I have it too and love it...

But yeah that UL is Sweet! you know your pretty good when that's made up for you...  :o 

Funny thing is he never suited up for the olympics and yet he uses the shaft....

Spectators don't seem that intrested though....

what do you expect from LA fans...they were probably waiting for a call on their cell phones from their agent.

That happens in the lower bowl at Staples....the majority of the "real" fans sit in the cheap seats :)

yeah those rich people take all the good seats from the real fans...those bastards. that's okay. the 300 section is where the fun is at right?? :D

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Gaborik's stick looks huge and Norstrom's seems a bit shorter than most defenseman. Maybe it's the skewed picture angle.

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Where do you get that it's tapered?

The fact that he is using a Koho 4490 blade and from the looks of it, it is a low connection shaft. It looks to me like a Synergy II with the Sweden fade at the bottom just with Ultralite graphics.

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I'm not going to break out a jeweller's eyepiece to verify, but it looks standard to me. Couple that with Norstrom using a UL for as long as I can remember and I'll go with that.

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He also used a Cyclone for the longest time too. Plus that blade is not as short as a tapered would be. My guess is standard. I can probably get proof anyway.

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It looks shorter, but that's how Koho/Rbk/CCM pros are now. I got a couple CCM ones and they're short as hell but still standard.

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