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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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we were a bit busy... all of our inlines are out on the floor, so a customer and his helps themself to trying them on (for the kid, so maybe he's the customer?)... one of the other guys rings him up, and notices as he's handing the box back that it's a size 11 rx:15, and sees the kid the first time and says:

"you know this equates to roughly a size 12 or 13 in shoe size, right?" (kid is under 6', maybe 15 years old)


me: "im free now, why dont i size him up and make sure we get him something that fits better"

I measure him up at a hair over 7.0 on a bauer scale, and the rx 15s have been fitting maybe a half size bigger than the ice bauers weve had... So i put the kid in an 8 since they wanted some room.

me: "hows taht feel?"

kid: "yeah they feel better i guess"

me" you want to lace them up? see if they fit well?"

kid: "i guess"

then the kid just kind of sits there. he's 15, I'm not going to tie his skates, i laced the things before i gave it to him, as i should... dad finally bends down and ties his skates after i suggested tying them a second time.

dad: "so do they fit?"

kid: "yeah they feel good"

i'm thinking at this time, yeah, well he thought a friggen 11 felt good.... like his opinion matters.

so as the kid is wheeling a little trying them, i show that dad on the scale... we went from here |------------------| to here... it was enormous. dad's expression was priceless...

we did the exchange and off they went. I just dont get how an 11 can feel right when an 8 fits with room...

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They feel right because there is a massive amount of space around his entire foot. Nothing is touching or rubbing, no pressure points or pinching. Its not until he skates in them for an extended period of time and gets blisters/arch pain/foot fatigue/ect that it becomes obvious that something is wrong.

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They feel right because there is a massive amount of space around his entire foot. Nothing is touching or rubbing, no pressure points or pinching. Its not until he skates in them for an extended period of time and gets blisters/arch pain/foot fatigue/ect that it becomes obvious that something is wrong.

Then he obviously needs bigger skates if he is getting blisters and pain. :facepalm:

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Then he obviously needs bigger skates if he is getting blisters and pain. :facepalm:

Haha, more space is always the answer! :rolleyes: The folks that try to make skates that are too big for them work until their feet are torn up are always fun.

"These don't feel any better. They still hurt my heel, that must mean they are too small."

"No sir, they aren't too small. They hurt because you have golfball sized blisters on your heels. Nothing I try on you is going to feel good right now. You need to take a few weeks off to let your feet recover from the abuse you've put them through."

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Little bit of an ettiquette question on my part, as a customer. I bought the '09 version of the AK27 shaft from Perani's in Ann Arbor for $99.99 A little bit later I found the older version of the AK27, the gold one, in an 85 flex at the Saginaw Perani's. I called them and they said the older shaft ws $114.99. Would I be out of line as a customer asking if they can come down in the price based on the newer AK27, which I don't believe the Saginaw branch has.

Now that I think about it, the gold 85 flex at Perani's may be a pro stock or pro return shaft. Still, I'm wondering, any advice?

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Little bit of an ettiquette question on my part, as a customer. I bought the '09 version of the AK27 shaft from Perani's in Ann Arbor for $99.99 A little bit later I found the older version of the AK27, the gold one, in an 85 flex at the Saginaw Perani's. I called them and they said the older shaft ws $114.99. Would I be out of line as a customer asking if they can come down in the price based on the newer AK27, which I don't believe the Saginaw branch has.

Now that I think about it, the gold 85 flex at Perani's may be a pro stock or pro return shaft. Still, I'm wondering, any advice?

It never hurts to ask. If you bought one product for X amount at one store in the chain, it's not unreasonable to expect another store to sell a similar product for the same price.

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Little bit of an ettiquette question on my part, as a customer. I bought the '09 version of the AK27 shaft from Perani's in Ann Arbor for $99.99 A little bit later I found the older version of the AK27, the gold one, in an 85 flex at the Saginaw Perani's. I called them and they said the older shaft ws $114.99. Would I be out of line as a customer asking if they can come down in the price based on the newer AK27, which I don't believe the Saginaw branch has.

Now that I think about it, the gold 85 flex at Perani's may be a pro stock or pro return shaft. Still, I'm wondering, any advice?

They are normally pretty good about that... I exchanged a pair of RBK 4 Rolls for a different color before. Ironically those went from Saginaw to Ann Arbor

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Little bit of an ettiquette question on my part, as a customer. I bought the '09 version of the AK27 shaft from Perani's in Ann Arbor for $99.99 A little bit later I found the older version of the AK27, the gold one, in an 85 flex at the Saginaw Perani's. I called them and they said the older shaft ws $114.99. Would I be out of line as a customer asking if they can come down in the price based on the newer AK27, which I don't believe the Saginaw branch has.

Now that I think about it, the gold 85 flex at Perani's may be a pro stock or pro return shaft. Still, I'm wondering, any advice?

Not out of line at all, and it never hurts to ask. Go for it.

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Not out of line at all, and it never hurts to ask. Go for it.

Just called, the stick is $104, not $114, I was just hoping the older version would be marked down, but since Saginaw doesn't carry the new one, I shouldn't be surprised they haven't taken the price down on the old one.

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Even though they don't have it in Stock in Saginaw..they can just call over to Flint or whatever shop you got the new AK at, and have whatever you want sent over in their next order. I was down in Grand Rapids for a tournament, and wanted just to Try On a pair of One95's which GR was out of stock..the girl (Good lookin redhead btw ;) ) offered to have a pair sent over from wherever she could find a pair in my size just so I could try em on if I could come back later. Unfortunately I was going to be gone by the time she could get them in, so I didn't have her do it, but I was Impressed with her service. Hope she's still there. Will be going back to GR next month for the same tourney.

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Just to add to the thread as to why it's good to support your LHS over Ebay and such, at least whenever possible. I recently bought skates at my LHS and went back to get my skates sharpened yesterday. I usually buy skate sharpening cards which comes to about a dollar off per sharpening when all is said and done. Last time I got my old skates sharpened, I had one sharpening left on my card. Buy new skates and get the free sharpening that they give with every skate purchase. I get there last night and get my skates sharpened and when I get at the counter to let the lady know that I got them sharpened so she can enter it in the system and withdraw the last sharpening from my card, she tells me that I have 5 sharpenings left!! I'm like, hmm ok. thanks and leave wondering how the hell I got a new FBV sharpening card. Turns out that for every skate purchase they give you 6 free sharpenings which in that case amounts to 32$

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Here's one from last week. We shipped a repaired stick back to a customer. A few days later he sends a nasty email with a rant on how we ripped him off on shipping, and how he hated businesses that "made money" on shipping, blah, blah.

Well, we only charge exactly what UPS charges us, so we sent the customer a copy of the UPS receipt. His reply, "thanks for your response".

What a douche. Before one goes ballistic, first how about asking a question. To top it off, he made himself out to be a fool, and didn't have the b@ll$ to apologize.

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Thats par for the course Jimmy.

We had a dick the other day. Right before a peewee game, we have like 6 sharpenings come in. No biggy, we get them done before with plenty of time to spare. Kids come get their skates, and there is one pair left. This dad comes in and starts freaking out that his skates are missing blah blah blah! we go well, these are the only ones we have here, are they yours? he goes no, my kids are MUCH better than these, those are junk my kid has Vectors, not CCM (idiot)!! starts yelling at us, telling us how terrible we are etc. So we give the kid a pair of rentals to try to rectify whatever we did wrong and he plays his game. So after the game we take the extra pair of skates in, and start asking if they were anyone's. So the kid of the asshole dad goes, oh yeah those are mine. Made that guy look like a total dick, and of course we didnt get an apology.

I wonder if he will buy new skates for his son, since the ones he had were so terrible.

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Lol. I wonder which team his kid is getting scouted by considering he must be an all star. Some parents need to stop treating their kids like the next crosby and just relax and let them enjoy the game.

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Lol. I wonder which team his kid is getting scouted by considering he must be an all star. Some parents need to stop treating their kids like the next crosby and just relax and let them enjoy the game.

probably past scouting at this point. just waiting for the ink to dry on an NHL contract.

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lol, that's funny knowing the school they're from. You'd think they'd be Smarter than that.

Not to get off track, how are the M.P. boys doing this year? Should talk to the coach/A.D and try and set up a game with Cadillac in the next few seasons.

Frisbee...Looks like we might get our wish...Caddy plays the winner of MP/BR on Wednesday. I'd go to the Monday game, but I've got a game that night myself. But surely will be there Wednesday. Tell the boys to Shoot a LOT..their goalie is the weak link.

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Thats par for the course Jimmy.

We had a dick the other day. Right before a peewee game, we have like 6 sharpenings come in. No biggy, we get them done before with plenty of time to spare. Kids come get their skates, and there is one pair left. This dad comes in and starts freaking out that his skates are missing blah blah blah! we go well, these are the only ones we have here, are they yours? he goes no, my kids are MUCH better than these, those are junk my kid has Vectors, not CCM (idiot)!! starts yelling at us, telling us how terrible we are etc. So we give the kid a pair of rentals to try to rectify whatever we did wrong and he plays his game. So after the game we take the extra pair of skates in, and start asking if they were anyone's. So the kid of the asshole dad goes, oh yeah those are mine. Made that guy look like a total dick, and of course we didnt get an apology.

I wonder if he will buy new skates for his son, since the ones he had were so terrible.

I"ll never understand why all parents don't label their kid's skates with last names. It would make it much eaiser to pick little Timmy's vapors out of the pile of finished skates on the LHS counter.

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If you drop your skates off for a sharpening and tell us you'll pick 'em up tomorrow, PICK 'EM UP TOMORROW!

Lady drops her skates off on Saturday, and tells me they'll be back either Sunday or Monday...

...and she comes back two hours later, wondering if they are ready.


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If you drop your skates off for a sharpening and tell us you'll pick 'em up tomorrow, PICK 'EM UP TOMORROW!

Lady drops her skates off on Saturday, and tells me they'll be back either Sunday or Monday...

...and she comes back two hours later, wondering if they are ready.


"Tomorrow" means "tomorrow", not "15 minutes", not "2 weeks".

I had a woman come in with two pairs of skates. Asked if she could pick them up in a few days. Normally this is fine, but we have no room because we have a lot of repairs and sharpenings already stored to be picked up later. Literally flowing out the back of the store. I told her that it would only take 10 minutes. "Oh ok, we're just going to get a beer (there's a brewery in the complex)",

We go back and forth, basically I could have done one of the skates within that time. I'm sick of pseudo-arguing and she tells me she'll be by to pick them up at noon tomorrow. Made sure they were paid, and that was that.

Aaaaaan that was about 2 weeks ago. I still have two pairs of CCM 92 Tacks here. Funny thing, they were first cuts and they had just gotten off the public session.

I understand extenuating circumstances, but c'mon people.

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Yesterday; I was clearly busy sharpening skates, multiple pairs on the counter, and this D league guy comes in with jersey on saying i play in 15 minutes and i need an end plug. i say they're behind the counter, i'll help you when i can. he clearly hears me and says where are they again? behind the counter? I'm like yes, behind, i can help you when i can. Then he starts talking and saying well i play in 15 i need this now. I help the guy, and then he wants a end plug that is 2 inches that is rubber... wtf? i'm like we only carry wood, then he goes on for a couple minutes asking me if this tour pos stick is good, or if this ccm v1.0 SMU stick is good? I'm like no they probably only cost like 50 bucks, then he argues with me they are worth like 150 a piece. I look at the price tag, he bought them from a shop in minnesota, and they've been marked down multiple times from 80 to 30. After about 5 miuntes of arguing and bullshit, guy's like im not going to get anything i need to go... what the hell?

and also yesterday i was sizing this guy up for a helmet, had an xl sized head, only thing we had in stock that fits the guy is the 4500 and an 8k. the v10 would work but we're soldout. anyways he says he wants a cage on it (not specificizing what helmet), and im like this helmet (pointing at the 4500)? and he goes off saying ofcourse this helmet, if i didn't want it i could go online and fucking buy it. i don't care about local shops i care about getting items now (totally hilarious btw... lhs is how you get items now). and them i'm like no no im not saying if you want it or not or if you want to buy it, i just wondering what helmet you wanted a cage on to try on. guy finally understood it, but way to late to save himself from looking like a total asshole.

sometimes i really hate my job, most of the time though i love it. and at those times i hate it, i look back on it, and love it some more. idiots make my day.

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We had to close Friday due to loss of power because of the big storm. Of course Friday is our busiest day. Many customers came and went after reading the "Closed due to loss of power" sign we had on the front door. One guy went ballistic on an employee of our neighbor in the business next door, screaming he couldn't believe we were closed.

He was absolutely pissed off. The employee told him, "dude, they have no power".

I brought my generator from home down for Saturday, and we sharpened skates all day running the cash register and two machines off that and all the customers were so happy we made the effort. I don't know if that guy came back, but can you believe that. Prob was the same guy who was pissed we closed for my mother's funeral.

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I like how the guy who buys a piece of shit composite stick, and has a broken blade after 4 months wanted to lecture me on how he felt like it was a really solid and well made stick, and that he tapes his stick really well, and that the blade shouldnt be broken in a million pieces. and that he's a defenseman, and that as a super awesome defneseman he needs a square toe to pull pucks off the boards, and that the pattern was perfect, and the stick was the right weight, and was the perfect pattern and was a defenseman so he needs a solid stick and that he really was disappointed that he got four months of use and that he really is disappointed, and that he's a defenseman and he poke checks. And that his last composite stick was really great until the shaft snapped and that he bought it for less, used at $60

yeah. he bought a muskoka composite stick. and his previous used stick for $60 was a TPS.

i was like, "well, yeah TPS is a better stick."

"well then why are you selling a stick that isnt as good?"

"because they're cheap, and some people like spending less money on composites"

"well this is carbon fiber, this shouldnt be breaking like this, i mean look it's really well made" (obviously)

i almost went all materials sciencey on his ass and tell him my expert opinion based on my research experience... then decided to say "sorry" and he said he'd tape it really good (blade was oblitereated, three or four cracks) and keep using it, since it was so perfect.

Later on... i see his ass lining up opposite me as a forward. so much for being that awesome defenseman. and yes, he was using that stick. I was tempting tipping off the refs and getting a penalty called on him for playing with illegal equipment. but i didnt. I'll save that for a playoff game, now that i know who he plays for.

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Dude, if you play adult league you're one step below pro. you're fucking amazing and have scouts watching you. All 3 people in the stands are secretly scouts for your favorite nhl team and they always coem to watch you even though there are other people on your team and league that are better than you... they're there for you.... amirite? :P

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Dude, if you play adult league you're one step below pro. you're fucking amazing and have scouts watching you. All 3 people in the stands are secretly scouts for your favorite nhl team and they always coem to watch you even though there are other people on your team and league that are better than you... they're there for you.... amirite? :P

She might just look like a really bored girlfriend reading Twilight, but she's got Ken Holland on speed dial.

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