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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The CT Edge Blade

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Open "information" to see more. The web site is very raw bones right now. The concept is interesting. My first ? is that as you sharpen the blade the thickness will become less with each sharpening. So how will that effect performance over the life of the steel?

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I see what they are trying there. The edges will be longer due to the shape of the blade. It would be interesting - if this is the case, it could generate more glide - people would have to go shallower hollow-wise to get the same bite they get from a standard runner.

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My first ? is that as you sharpen the blade the thickness will become less with each sharpening. So how will that effect performance over the life of the steel?

This was my question as well. Does performance decrease with each sharpening? If so, then at what point is the blade garbage?

Also, are the blades machined in a such a way that radius is taken into account or does a rounder radius result into thinner toes and heels on your blades?

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Definitely shallower hollows for this blade. Dan Marouelli is using this blade and I know he skates on a very shallow hollow.

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I get it now.

Looks like there'll be a range of angles to choose from. It will be like figure skate blades, where the type of blade dictates the hollow it must be sharpened at. The bigger the angle on the CT blade, the shallower the hollow.

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It looks like that as the blade wears down that the hollow would have to get deeper to get the same performance as it did as new. Once the angles wear away it looks like the blades would become the same as the traditional ones on skates now. A very interesting concept, I'd love to hear more about these personally.

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The steel that they have pictured is Graf-compatible. Someone who told me that they saw the video said that they do not want to limit themselves to just one mfgr.

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the guys making the CT blades just want to bring it to market. so far the only company that's given them any consideration has been grafcanada, but they're not limited as far as who they want to partner with

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I get it now.

Looks like there'll be a range of angles to choose from. It will be like figure skate blades, where the type of blade dictates the hollow it must be sharpened at. The bigger the angle on the CT blade, the shallower the hollow.

Sounds like the people with bad sharpeners are super-screwed on this one.

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Interesting idea, but if it ever went retail I'm sure you'd be limited to the places where you could get them sharpened (i.e. the shop that originally sold them to you).

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If you check the website, the steel shown on the upper right IS designed for Cobra 3000 holders. Therefore, this blade is not just going to sit in other holders. Between NBH and RBK, they might not want to partner up with CT Edge if this new company would take away sales from their existing steel inventory. Canstar became very protective of Tuuk distribution onto other brands skates in the 80s. This could easily happen again. This will be a hurdle for CT Edge to overcome in marketing the blade.

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heres something weird. i saw these typesof steel at my LHS they were thick with what looked like a dent (made liek that) and then tapered in. they were on a pair of tacks. wierd as the guy said they were supposed to provide stability, the bottom looked a bit thicker than standard ones, not sure what they were tho.

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Do you think it could be good? or it is just like t-blade!...first, you think you skate faster than after a while you just think to go back to normal blades because it cost too much!

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The problem that I see is this -

Too many SKUs...you figure what, 5 different angles, then you have 6 holders on the market (Tuuk/LS/E-Blade/Cobra/Easton/PITCH)...what store is going to stock all of those?

If I were them I'd sell the technology to a manufacturer.

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