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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Pulse

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Chadd - you're thinkin Marleau - I think the previous post was for Moreau in Edm - He's sporting Pulse...Damn his leftiness!..*lol*

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Chadd - you're thinkin Marleau - I think the previous post was for Moreau in Edm - He's sporting Pulse...Damn his leftiness!..*lol*

My bad, been a long weekend. I was thinking of Marleau. I forgot he was still in the league.

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Any idea why the intermediate version is a 65 flex? The other mission intermediates are a 75flex.

I'm used to a TPS whip flex is why I am asking and wondering what would be closest.

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Jordan Leopold has been sporting a Pulse Grip after using Reebok sticks this season.

edit: so totally beaten to the punch on that one.

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I was so totally beaten to the punch.

So, are VDS blades going to be offered in the Carter pattern?

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If the VDS blade is as good as everyone says it is all I have to ask is: Which pattern is the Mission "Drury"?  :D


Catalogue doesn't show a Carter, Ribeiro is the closest I've seen to Drury.

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Forgive my ignorance (as I'm sure it's been discussed) but will Mission be offering the VDS blades seperately as opposed to only in a OPS?

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I believe Carter is coming out in the summer. Something about demand for it. :)

Thanks for the update, it will be a great re-addition to their patterns.

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Forgive my ignorance (as I'm sure it's been discussed) but will Mission be offering the VDS blades seperately as opposed to only in a OPS?

I don't think so, Kelly.

What hand do you shoot again? Shoot me a PM.

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I've seen only a small handful of Pulses in the shops around here. There seems to be a real anti-Mission bias around these parts with the LHS.

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Curious - how many people have seen them in their stores?

I saw 6 or 7 seniro righties in various patterns this weekend. $179 I think.

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Curious - how many people have seen them in their stores?

Hockey Giant (Bloomington, MN) had Pulse and Pulse Grips when I was there this weekend. I didn't even look at the price.

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Forgive my ignorance (as I'm sure it's been discussed) but will Mission be offering the VDS blades seperately as opposed to only in a OPS?

I don't think so, Kelly.

What hand do you shoot again? Shoot me a PM.

Dang, I was hoping the VDS blade in standard hosel would be offered.

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Curious - how many people have seen them in their stores?

A shop about a half hour from me has them in Elias pattern. (no grips)

The shop at my rink doesn't. I'd say Easton is the most popular around here and most LHS's carry the lower end Mission OPS. ($100)

(Wash DC Metro Area)

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Ugh, you guys are lucky. My LHS' never get their stuff til mid-to-late summer, sometimes even Fall. It pisses me off.

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QUESTION!!!!!!!!!! lol.. i have 5 hours, ok I use a warrior starskie used to be a federov, but the blade broke, and now has a "Elias" L-2 blade in it, and I am lookin' at a RIBEIRO pulse, now my questions (i've looked at the specs...):

1) how much difference would a Elias blade to a Ribeiro blade be? Would I notice it incredibly? I have a tendancy to slap way too high if the blade has to much loft!

2) I read the lie is 6, will I notice a diff. from my warrior 2 pc with a Elias blade? ;)

ps: tia, i think thats it.. lol any more help is greatly appreicated :)


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From what ive seen in the shop they are similar curves. I think that the ribeiro is a tad but bigger then the elias but I doubt very highly youll notice an incredible difference. As far as lie s its hard to say because everyone is different. Alot of people cant adjust lies, some can. Id say hold it in your hands and if it feels good go with it.

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I still haven't seen a pulse. :(

I'd love to have a pulse blade in a flyweight shaft... bet that would be a killer combo! *hopes a mission rep is reading this*

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