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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best curves of all time

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Why do this kind of curve topics keep coming up?

because ppl think that our curve advice wil turn them in to travel players rather then rec leaguers.

you should go with the search curve.

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can some mod please combined these curve threads... and the hollow threads while you're at it. Please!

I don't mean to be rude but i seriously don't see the point of 5 threads on curves with very slightly different subjects on the FRONT PAGE. Call me an asshole but when I see that I don't want to even bother reading any of those threads let alone answer someone's question. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that feels this way.

And just for good measure; the iginla curve is ok.

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This one may actually be decent for some of the "old memories" that we get when we see curve names

I loved the Koho Ozolinish and Bauer Tverdovsky patterns. I've switched to Drury now and I kind've miss the old Leetch pattern (square toe, Drury type curve)

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can some mod please combined these curve threads... and the hollow threads while you're at it. Please!

I don't mean to be rude but i seriously don't see the point of 5 threads on curves with very slightly different subjects on the FRONT PAGE. Call me an asshole but when I see that I don't want to even bother reading any of those threads let alone answer someone's question. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that feels this way.

And just for good measure; the iginla curve is ok.

i concur

but the sakic is still better B)

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can some mod please combined these curve threads... and the hollow threads while you're at it. Please!

I don't mean to be rude but i seriously don't see the point of 5 threads on curves with very slightly different subjects on the FRONT PAGE. Call me an asshole but when I see that I don't want to even bother reading any of those threads let alone answer someone's question. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that feels this way.

And just for good measure; the iginla curve is ok.

i concur

but the sakic is still better B)

I second that motion, errrr I third that motion :ph34r: especially the sakic part

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This one may actually be decent for some of the "old memories" that we get when we see curve names

I loved the Koho Ozolinish and Bauer Tverdovsky patterns. I've switched to Drury now and I kind've miss the old Leetch pattern (square toe, Drury type curve)

Koho Stevens and Lemieux patterns. BTW I found some old Ozolinnsh sticks a while ago...another great one.

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I've switched to Drury now and I kind've miss the old Leetch pattern (square toe, Drury type curve)

Sounds like my custom Sherwoods. I love having the square toe. It makes digging along the boards and deflections so much easier. :D

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in no specific order, here were my favs...

Bauer Tverdosky

Easton Zubrus

Old Old sherwood Mogilny and Clark patterns

Sakic Canadien curve

honorable mentions:

Koho Jagr curve (the black replacement blades with the heelish curve)

Old Easton Leetch curve

Old Easton Roenick Curve (the T-flex ones)

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This one may actually be decent for some of the "old memories" that we get when we see curve names

I loved the Koho Ozolinish and Bauer Tverdovsky patterns. I've switched to Drury now and I kind've miss the old Leetch pattern (square toe, Drury type curve)

Definately agree with you on the leetch curve.

And now I also use Drury.

I also loved the older Bauer Jokinen when it was called "Heatly"

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Dave Andreychuk CCM curve was my curve for the longest---then moved onto the Recchi. TPS NASH serves as the weapon of choice in my arsenal

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It's all about the Mogilney

R.I.P Mogilney Curve :(

Warrior "Weight" pattern is the 'new' "Mogilny" pattern.

The curve is slightly bigger on the weight and its more of a heel curve and the lie is different, i know its close but.........


Its just not the same :(

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