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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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well i did get a chance to try out those new chassis sprung suspentions,the sprung roller hockey frames are pretty cool,i got a great rebound with each stride,the turning is tight,the transition from front to backward skateing was smooth due to the way the suspension is set up.the maneuverability with these frames are great,even the stopping was smooth.i could see these frames help make someone a better skater.as far as the durability of these frames well they seem pretty solid,time will tell,by the way some of the FIRS international players were useing these frames on their skates this past week in Detroit and man some of those guys could skate.if you ever get a chance to skate on these frames give them a shot.im an old school guy but i would put these on my next skates.

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What boots were they mounted on? Have they brought these to market yet? Any word and when and where they'd be available or if they're close to any agreements to sell them on a branded pair of skates?

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they were mounted on a ccm boot ,they were a ice 652 converted to inline skates,im sorry,ididnt even check to see what wheels were on the chassis,iknow they were labeda wheels but i dont remember what mm they were.they were selling the chassis without the wheels for $99.and with the wheels for $160.check out the web site at www.sprung-inline com

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Well according to hockeygiant, the old mission penetrator chassis were 16oz/pair.

Therefore, you don't you get a dramatic weight difference with these chassis. Nonetheless, the setup is intriquing.

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that seems like it just has 2 rockers on it from the rocker chasis. the rocker parts seem like they work just the same, but there is 2.

i dont think thats worth $100

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i thought that also (dual rocker)but after trying them and haveing the sales man explain the concept,i was pretty impressed.idependent suspension,i felt like i was gliding on ice.

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i dont have a picture of the skate ,but it was a ccm,maybe the 2004/2005, 652ice boot. .i dont wear ccm skates ,but they were comfortable, the skates were a demo i dont think the ccm boot is being sold with the frames.the frames were being sold in the pro shop at the rink in tayler mich.this whole chassis is pretty new.i hopeing they hook up with a skate co.and hit the market or just sell the frame separate for custum skates.i liked the way these frames felt ,it gave me a very smooth skate,almost like skateing on a fresh cut ice.

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i thought that also  (dual rocker)but after trying them and haveing the sales man explain the concept,i was pretty impressed.idependent suspension,i felt like i was gliding on ice.

Have you ever tried the TUUK Rocker? If so, how does it compare to the Sprung in the way that it feels?

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My name's Keith Longino, and I invented and developed the Sprung chassis. I've come by to answer any kind of questions RE the Sprung frames and, also, talk hockey!

the big question I see here;

Is it like the TUUK or the Vibe?


NOT AT ALL! This works like high end racing suspension on a car or motorbike. The Tuuk only has the two center wheels that rock back and forth looking for a front or rear wheel to ballance on. You're never on all four wheels. No suspension at all. None of the stability that suspension gives you.

The Vibe had a plunger front and back. Both tended to freeze up cause things don't work that way on anything but a bike. And on a bike, nose dive is one of the worst aspects of that type of suspension. Most guys jammed the front and only used the rear.

How does it work?

Ans; My frame adjusts to your shifts in balance forward to rear, always keeping the max number of wheels on the court. If you're pushing off, your weight shifts to the toe, and you can skate through the toe like ice. The front wheel actually moves further than the rest for the push off. The polyurethane spring between each set of front and rear rocker arms (different meaning from rocker) allow the wheels to adjust to your movement. And the resistance is progressive. Meaning it gets stiffer as you bear into it. It doesn't bog down and loose energy. The springs store the energy and deliver it back to you when they unload. You can feel the push.

When you're turning, your weight transfers to your heels like an ice blade, and you go from four to three to two wheels, invisibly. Two wheels turn a hell of a lot tighter than four stiff ones.

I hope this makes sense! The main thing is they feel like ice and ice players feel it instantly.

does it work?

Yes, better than you could imagine. The frames in Detroit were all the old model. The new one is way better and much more durable. All of the guys that were used to the old one, can't believe anything that good could get that much better.

are they worth the money?

Ans; Everybody is out there skating on Model T's, and these things are Ferrarri's. Is a one piece stick worth the bucks over plywood?

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A couple questions for you Keith:

1. Are the new sprung chassis available for sale currently? If so, where and how much?

2. Are any rollerhockey skates going to be produced in the near future with the sprung chassis stock?

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Q;Are there pictures of the new frame mounted on boots?

A;Yes, there's some from the tournaments in Detroit, with players in the boots. We haven't had a chance to get them on the website yet. There's also a ton of pics of the old model on players.

Haven't had a chance to shoot beauty shots cause the new samples came in and got mounted just in time to go to Detroit. But here's the new frame, unmounted; The red spots front and rear are the polyurethane springs.


Q; Are the new sprung chassis available for sale currently? If so, where and how much?

A; So far, we have only gotten in sample quantities, while we test them. But we are confident in them now, and we have a few retailers that will be carrying them. They'll be available in the Autumn. We are working out the priceing, it will be as affordable as we can possibly make it- we want to sell lots of frames! We'll have frame-only prices, and also frames plus wheels-and-bearings deals. There'll be links on our site to the retailers.

If you're wondering if skaters will buy an aftermarket frame, you only have to go back to when Sure Grip made the first aluminum frame (and before everbody knocked them off since they didn't have a patent). I heard they were making and selling 10,000 pair a month. There's still a ton of these frames still in the game.

Q;Are they available as an OEM (original equipment) on different companies boots yet?

A;Not yet. We're currently talking to a couple of companies and we'd love to close a deal soon. It's a big change for companies to switch frames and big changes cause big decisions and big decisions take big time.

They won't close deals of this nature till they have to. The number of top players wearing them in Detroit will help some, cause skaters see them on players that impress them. But skaters wanting them on their fav boot is what we need most, and that's happening as we speak.

You'd think that if something comes along like this that's way better then anything the companies currently have, they'd jump on it. But it's not like that. They have their own interests and advertised "best product". There's quite a bit of pride that has to be swallowed. And that's only natural.

Also, they've all been making aluminum frames for a long time and the cost (and quality) has gone down through the years. Their price structure is based on what they're paying now. In '98, a reg extruded and machined aluminum frame with no stamping was about $25 bucks, thier cost. They're all around $12-$15 now and they have to be able to justify paying more for a better product. Even if there's no comparison in performance.

They've also been waithing for us to make the fame industructable. When you're the new guy you don't get the leway alloted to the status quo. Our latest demo tests indicate that it's now way stronger than an aluminum frame.

Maybe that'll turn the trick. You could ask for them and see what they say...

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hey keith,im glad i had a chance to give these frames a try last week in detroit,these frames are for real and are everything you guys say they are.i was impressed with the way they responded .i hope they hit the long island area soon,i would like to put them on a pair of easton z airs and see how they go.

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hey keith,im glad i had a chance to give these frames a try last week in detroit,these frames are for real and are everything you guys say they are.i was impressed with the way they responded .i hope they hit the long island area soon,i would like to put them on a pair of easton z airs and see how they go.

Hey Ice,

PM on the way

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Will there be any way to get ahold of these frames in Europe?

Some of my friends who are Pro Icehockey players in Denmark and Sweden. complain about the transition (mostly bitching because I can skate circles around them) to Roller during the off-season.

Sounds like just the product for them.

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Will there be any way to get ahold of these frames in Europe?

Some of my friends who are Pro Icehockey players in Denmark and Sweden. complain about the transition (mostly bitching because I can skate circles around them) to Roller during the off-season.

Sounds like just the product for them.

This is an ice product. That's the trick. Performs like ice.

The guy that runs the Swiss National team is an old bud of my partner Joe Noris, who' ex NHL and Canada Juniors. He knows EVERYBODY and they all love him.

Anyway, Swiss friend tried our samples and wanted to put them on his top two guys, but one guy's boots (no names here) were so shot they couldn't be remounted. The top guy used a pair of our Reeboks and DID GOOD. The whole team is gonna go on the new model when it comes out and our friend wants to help us with Swiss distribution at least. He's also getting us a personal intro to Mr. Graf himself, who thinks current roller frames suck.

Ditto the Czech National team. I think their guy that used them was the high scorer in the tournament. They're all getting them.

Reebok has touted their European distribution prowess to us, and they could certainly get them all over with class. But closing OEM deals is like swimming through set concrete.

It'll happen with one of the companies talking to us, then the flood gate will be open. Selling aftermarket frames is a lost art and most shops can't gamble on them untill they're some big company's OEM. It's like some of the guys on the fourum ask. If they're so good, why don't they come on a boot???

Tell your shops about us and tell the companies. In SoCal, where we live and breathe, these skates have sold like hot cakes by word of mouth. The best part, is that it's not the hot shit players, cause they get them for free. It's beer league guys and girls. And the kids. And the can't play for shit but I LOVE the game players. It's us.

If companies know FOR SURE it's safe, they'll move. Companies do not thrive on CHANGE. They hate it. I love it and it's always been part of my life and career as an advertising creative director/musician/inventor/product designer. I've worked at places that hired me to turn the world upside down for them. After a while and tripple the sales, they break out in a rash and fire me. Sales go back down, but their wives stop yelling at them about the scarry things they're doing with their companies. "It's like that, and that's the way it is." as Run DMC says so eloquently.

Anyway, my point is that change starts with the people and works backward. So does distribution.

I'm new to forums and I hope I haven't said things I'm not supposed to say. If I really vented I'd probably be banned for life.

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Sounds like THC is the closet to a OEM atm, would suit me fine since I know the Rbk rep in scandinavia and it's the most available brand around here.

But unless a deal is made with them, I'm guessing the product won't be available over here anytime soon?

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