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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best concert you've ever seen!

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Saw Buffett in Virginia last night. No opening act and two sets with about 10 minutes between them. I don't think I've ever seen a show where the artist had as much fun as he appeared to have. He was laughing and having a great time, something that really comes through in his performance. It's easily in the top five performances I've ever seen.

If you ever go to the Nissan Pavilion in Virginia, pack a sleeping bag and a box lunch as you're going to need both before you get out of the parking lot. We moved less than two car lengths in the first hour after the show.

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I also saw TSO on Thursday. The laser, light, band are amazing, but please please get rid of the singers. They are mediocre at best and my wife and I almost left in the middle because of it. Thankfully we didn't because the end was amazing. My advice if you do go, take a snack/beer break for about the 50 mins of brutal boring singing with ridiculous lyrics.

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I've seen a million shows in all genres so it's hard to narrow down, but here are the best I've ever seen:

Iron Maiden- the band is made to perform live. At 50+ years old they put every other band out there to shame as far as professionalism, energy, and performance.

Harry Connick, Jr- the guy's a great performer, his band among the top tier of musicians I've ever seen

Jane's Addiction- they just personify rock star, so much presence on stage

Prince- not a huge fan, but the guy taught himself to play like 22 instruments, and at 5'1" or whatever, was the most dominating figure in the 15,000 seat arena. Played all the hits pretty much and just shredded all the guitar solos

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones- they either make you want to go home and practice or put down your instrument and quit. Their solos will make people who don't like solos change their mind.

Steve Morse or Dixie Dregs- because Steve Morse is playing, that's all the reason necessary. Saw him with Deep Purple as well.

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Bela Fleck and the Flecktones- they either make you want to go home and practice or put down your instrument and quit. Their solos will make people who don't like solos change their mind.

Didn't see it live, but on a TV concert I saw Bela, Vince Gill, Ricky Skaggs and Bruce Hornsby do a GREAT Bluegrass version of "Old Valley Road". Just AWESOME!

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Best concert for me was AVA a couple years back. Always been a huge fan of blink 182, and I saw them on the Pop Disaster tour, but this was a small venue, they played BCR's "There Is", which is my favorite song of all time. just a great live show all together

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I went to a show Sunday in Detroit headlined by Rise Against.

Rise Against was amazing live.

Alkaline Trio was there and they were meh in my opinion.

Thrice was the second band on stage, and though I may be biased seeing as they are my favourite band, they were absolutely amazing. I still say Dustin Kensrue has one of the best and most powerful voices around.

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Belsonic, back in August was an amazing three days for me, two great outdoor gigs, with The Zutons, Reverend and the Makers, The Enemy, and Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip. That and spending two nights in my mates apartment in Belfast.

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The best would have to be LostProphets in the summer, as a warm up to supporting RATM in paris. The venue was only meant to hold 500ish. I'd say there was more than 1000 people there, the mosh started before the first support...

Then again i'm gonna see SlipKnot in 2 weeks... And AC/DC next year...

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Kinda a stretch for me... but I saw Tegan & Sara in Worcester back in October... I thought they were amazing live. The stage banter was a little long-winded, but still a lot of fun. They're just too cute... haha. I've been listening to their albums like crazy lately.

Defiant, I'm jealous... the wife and I wanted to get tickets to TSO but didnt end up grabbing them.

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It would have to be Iron Maiden back in 1986 for the Somewhere in Time tour that was dubbed Somewhere on Tour I believe. Seeing this giant Eddy head get inflated under Nicko McBrain's drum set and seeing him play drums from something like 20 or 30 feet in the air with the two big inflated hands on each side of the stage. Then the giant half human half robot Eddy coming out for gun battle with singer Bruce Dickinson!! A great great show!!

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Probably tied... best performance NIN

The one I was most psyched about... Clash of The Titans.... Alice In Chains opened for Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax, back in the very early 90's.

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Guns N' Roses (Axl & Co) on the 2006 tour.

I was front row centre, where Axl came out. I sang every word to every song (including the yet to be officially released Chinese Democracy tracks) and had the time of my life.

Axl & the gang noticed me and my buddies singing and gave us a few looks.

The show had everything, great stage, video screens, pyro and a rock and roll legend on stage belting out all my favourite songs.

I think the next week the tour was cancelled, or 2 weeks later. I didn't care, I had seen the man and was happy.

Also, Axl went on at 12am and the concert ended at 2 and I didn't go home until 3, and had an exam the next day at 1:30pm

Good times!

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I just went and saw the Saints and Sinners tour in myrtle beach.. Senses Fail and Hollywood Undead are the headliners.. Pretty sick show for a house of blues concert..

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Ozzfest 2003.

System of a Down, Ozzy, Chevelle, Marilyn Manson, Drowning Pool, Alkaline Trio..... uh, I can't remember who else, but there was a few more there that completely tore it up. Good times, good times.

Rise Against was amazing live.

I concur. They are absolutely awesome live.

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i went to jack johnson over the summer and i loved it he sounds as good in concert as he does on his cds

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For the classic rock (ie; old) guys, I scored some Clapton/Winwood tickets for Vegas in June.

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Ozzfest 2003.

System of a Down, Ozzy, Chevelle, Marilyn Manson, Drowning Pool, Alkaline Trio..... uh, I can't remember who else, but there was a few more there that completely tore it up. Good times, good times.

Rise Against was amazing live.

I concur. They are absolutely awesome live.

rise against is going to be in myrtle beach soon. Im getting tickets soon as they're available, can't wait!

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