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Easton Helmet

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Since everyone's doing it...

Trevor Daley of the Dallas Stars is wearing it tonight against Anaheim.

On a separate note, but still on a helmet topic, if you take a look at Modano, Halpern and Zubov, you'll notice that on their old CCM buckets, they're sporting the new CCM logo. Just a sticker, I'm sure, but all the same.

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  Krev said:

On a separate note, but still on a helmet topic, if you take a look at Modano, Halpern, Kovalev and Zubov, you'll notice that on their old CCM buckets, they're sporting the new CCM logo. Just a sticker, I'm sure, but all the same.

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Mmm, yeah, I don't care about Kovalev. That, and if you noticed that I named only Stars players, that might give a hint as to what game I was watching, and therefore not able to include more players.

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  Krev said:

Mmm, yeah, I don't care about Kovalev. That, and if you noticed that I named only Stars players, that might give a hint as to what game I was watching, and therefore not able to include more players.

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Right...I forgot Halpern was a Star now.

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  Krev said:

Mmm, yeah, I don't care about Kovalev. That, and if you noticed that I named only Stars players, that might give a hint as to what game I was watching, and therefore not able to include more players.

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Thanks for assuming we care about Trevor Daley then, by your rationale. He just added another player to your list of needless information.

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I'd like to see you contribute something actually slightly useful in terms of good solid hockey information, mack.

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Stalk my posts; it's there. From what I've seen from you it's nothing but cheap douchebaggery each post, but I guess that's your" thing."

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  NJDfan said:

Ryan Hollweg was sportin' the Easton Helmet Tonight also against the Bolts!

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Watching the game on the DVR...just saw Hollweg's bucket. It looks pretty sharp.

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I might get this helmet next year, it looks pretty neat. The front does look like the intake but, the vents are more sharper to the side

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i got to try on both new easton helmest and 9500 helmet. the new 9500 helmet looks nice had good kneck support system but does not feel that great. easton is coming out with 2 helmets. one to battle the 4500 helmet series and another high end helmet. he lower model uses honey comb inside the helmet underneath the regualar thin padding. feels nice and uses same screw techniche to make the helmet larger. The high end helmet has its adjustments in the back. the helmet is quite nice. uses a similar system to the 8k helmet with dial in the back but dials in around the entire head not just the back. also uses a foam thay is supposed to kill bacteria. who knows how well this is going to work. if any of you have any questions on any of the new stuff. i saw and tried most of it on. feel free to ask.

o0h yeah i forgot. the new easton helmet is undergoing its hecc certification now. so it is not yet certified

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I should see both Easton helmets in a few days. From what I heard the lower model should be vn based and the top model epp. can't confirm until I see them, has just been hear-say.

If it's ok with JR and Easton I might post a pic or 2 after I see them.

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