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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So, ovechkins skates this year have chrome

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It's not a bad guess either, it's like when fedorov got his nikes, he wanted to be the only one with them, we will see if ovy is like this.

I just said that I'm pretty sure they will hit the retail market because that's what I heard.

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Probably one of the clearest pictures. Got an email from CCM promoting their 2006-2007 Hockey Pool and this was on the advertisement.


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I figured the yellow laces were just waxed laces. I must admit , those black e-blades do look phenominal. I may have to give CCM a try considering I am in the market for new skates.

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I don't know how excited I am with the accents of white on the blade, it makes it look like CCM forgot to paint the rest.

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I don't know how excited I am with the accents of white on the blade, it makes it look like CCM forgot to paint the rest.

i thought the same thing, but that could easily be remedied with a sharpie

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