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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 9k O-Tech Stick (pics added by JR)

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I think it would look better if it had A brighter/fuller green colour, almost a lime green, not dim like the faded green they have in the picture

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oh really? I hope they make it like that for retail... actually if the green was darker it would look better too.

I just edited JR's photo that he posted(hence the faint watermark on the shaft).

That was the first thought I had when I saw the stick, too much green!

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Americans need to stop whining about the cost of sticks lol. Even with the conversion, sticks are still more expensive here in Vancouver. For us a high end stick is 200, and thats just an st. non grip. Stealths first came out at 350, xxx lites are 269, and stores are being told to sell their one90 sticks at 289 (they're not, cause its not a better stick then the xxx lite) Regardless, i wouldn't be surprised if this stick was around around 300-350 here, if its being labeled as 200 plus in the states.

Sorry man but UK prices win this time.

Stealth - £220 ($431.24)

NBH Vapor XXX Lite - £99 ($194.05)

CCM Vector 10.0 - £159 ($311.73)

Dude where have you seen XXX lite sticks for 99 in the uk? Ive only ever seen them above 200! Or are you thinking of the prolite stick? thats about 90 ish

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ash u beat me to it.

We have the XXX lite in the shop for £195 (around $400) i think. the prolites are £89. Never seen the XXXlites for £99 or all the people in the UK would have them.

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Woops. Got the XXX Lite and Pro-Lite mixed up. They look so similar though! Was starting to wonder why so many people here had XXX Lites!

£195?? Ouch! My LHS only has Vapor XXX's and that's going for £129.

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I thought I would jump in here to help explain O Tech. O Tech is a unique design for a composite structure that allows ports to be molded into the structure. I use the word ports because they are not holes. There is no drilling or cutting of fibers. Each port is molded as a 3D structure, providing an internal column of support inside the shaft.

There are numerous benefits to O Tech. The obvious one is speed. The ports act as tiny wind tunnels which allow air to pass through the shaft. Another benefit is stability. The 3D structure of the ports improves the torsional properties of the shaft. Another benefit is flex. The ports allow for a tailored flex zone to allow the shaft to “load up†and return with greater resiliency and power.

Concerning strength, the shaft is very strong thanks to the internal support columns of the ports. This is why simply drilling holes in a traditional shaft will not work.

I can tell you there is nothing like O Tech. This should be one heck of a stick.

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I was actually thinking that the "ports" as you call it might make the shaft snap back faster. Seems like that's one of the benefits you mentioned.

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I think it would look better if it had A brighter/fuller green colour, almost a lime green, not dim like the faded green they have in the picture

Are you serious? look at my pictures, a couple of them are purposly to show damn bright the green is, believe me its not a good thing, you can almost use the stick to guide an airplane landing or at a rave.

Hey, You're talking to a guy that plays with A Warrior MacDaddy!

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Datsyuk is using the 9k tonight,

He's been using it for a few games now... Broke several so far, and I haven't heard anything as far as him liking/not liking it

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I am not sure if Datysuk is still using the 9K...I first noticed in the Wings game against the Jackets. There were a couple of close ups and the stick looked like the wholes were painted on but I couldn't tell for sure.

Here is a pic...FYI I am color blind so I can't really tell


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I am not sure if Datysuk is still using the 9K...I first noticed in the Wings game against the Jackets. There were a couple of close ups and the stick looked like the wholes were painted on but I couldn't tell for sure.

Here is a pic...FYI I am color blind so I can't really tell


I believe the holes are there. You can see the white from the ice thriugh it and yellow through it where the bottom of the boards are....atleast that is what I believe I see.

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I am not sure if Datysuk is still using the 9K...I first noticed in the Wings game against the Jackets. There were a couple of close ups and the stick looked like the wholes were painted on but I couldn't tell for sure.

Here is a pic...FYI I am color blind so I can't really tell


I believe the holes are there. You can see the white from the ice thriugh it and yellow through it where the bottom of the boards are....atleast that is what I believe I see.

Its painted, no shadow of a doubt.

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the top ones are always painted but if you look at the bottom ones towards the top they are yellow where there's yellow behind them and theyre white where there's white behind them. they're not painted.

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I'm going to have to disagree. If you are looking at his bottom hand on the stick and count those 12 holes down, then yeah they are painted, but if you look at the 7 holes above the blades they are clearly holes.

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I believe the holes are there. You can see the white from the ice thriugh it and yellow through it where the bottom of the boards are....atleast that is what I believe I see.

Good eyes man! I never would have seen the colors like that. I don't think I'd have examined the pic that closely. I'd just wait until someone who was at the game chimes in the "definitive answer." :lol:

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Check out O-Port Technology at www.princetennis.com and you'll have your answer!

those tend to break when strung incorrectly. i shudder to think what the stick's durability will be like.

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