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Best Stand-up Comic

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Carlin is my favorite simply because of the way he loves to make fun of the English language and how we abuse it. Pryor, Williams, Miller (before the political stuff) and old Eddie is all great stuff.

I've been a fan of George Carlin since I "found" my brother's comedy albums of his. I think I was about 11 at the time. I appreciate social satire. You could probably rerelease his stuff now and just substitute his views on Nixon, etc...with today's administration and it wouldn't seem dated.

His books are also a good read.

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You could probably rerelease his stuff now and just substitute his views on Nixon, etc...with today's administration and it wouldn't seem dated.

That is less as a credit to how topical his work is, but more of a crack at how all American politicians are cast from the same mold.

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You could probably rerelease his stuff now and just substitute his views on Nixon, etc...with today's administration and it wouldn't seem dated.

That is less as a credit to how topical his work is, but more of a crack at how all American politicians are cast from the same mold.

Agreed. It is intersting to me that his material is poignant to this day and age. The parallels between 1967 and 2007 are interesting though.

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I have no idea who's out there currently, but my favorite of all time would have to be Bill Cosby. Spawned a cartoon show, two sitcoms and a movie.

The thing I like about Cosby is he doesn't resort to swears to create a false sense of funny. I remember one comic I saw who swore in every punch line for emphasis. I remember one punch line about Thanksgiving was something like, "It was the FUCKING turkey!!" It struck me the story wouldn't have been all that funny if he said, "It was the turkey!!"

Because of that, I have a lot more appreciation for comics who can create unique stories/points of view.

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I like Carlin, he is a good big stage comic. But its less laughing and more head shaking and smiling. You get satisfaction from the fact that you agree what he says. While you do find it comical, it is not the belly laughs that you get with other comics.

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suprised no one mentioned Sarah Silverman. Shes awful and I mean that in a good way. Some of her jokes will get you a one way ticket to hell if you laugh at them.

Also, Zach Galifinakis I think is hilarious and very original. Jim Norton is really good too, whether he is on O&A or by himself.

From back in the day on HBO I loved the one they had with Dana Carvey.

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suprised no one mentioned Sarah Silverman. Shes awful and I mean that in a good way. Some of her jokes will get you a one way ticket to hell if you laugh at them.

Also, Zach Galifinakis I think is hilarious and very original. Jim Norton is really good too, whether he is on O&A or by himself.

From back in the day on HBO I loved the one they had with Dana Carvey.

For a female comic... shes not so bad. Galifinakis is pretty funny. Norton is alright, honestly not a big fan. I've been an O&A fan for 6 or 7 years and I loved him when they were on NEW, but now I would actually prefer Billy Burr on 3rd mic. Also add to my favorite comic list: Louis CK

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Three categories:

Of all time: Billy Connolly

Still alive: Billy Connolly

Seen live: Billy Connolly

ive heard most of billy connollys stuff.. robin williams is also quite funny when he does the stand up on golf.. dont know if you guys get these guys over in the US but Peter Kay and Ricky Gervais are totally awesome..

Peter Kay, Wedding = :lol:

the walking to the dancefloor dance is unbelievable :lol:

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My mates back home have sent me the Peter Kay DVD and another one, the name escapes me now, the guy who uses the masks, does michael jackson.

Think his name is Aved or something like that? But thats not the name of his show

EDIT: Bo Selecta, thats the name of the show :lol:

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I really can't pick a favorite as I'll listen to pretty much any comedian and get a laugh out of it.

I figured I'd post a few that nobody listed yet though

Bill Hicks has some good stuff

Dennis Leary can be funny but if you listen to Bill Hicks first you'll find where he got his style (and some material) from.

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im suprised that not one of the blue collar guys have been mentioned yet. Although a lot of it is repetative, i think Ron white is the funniest guy out there right now, and i get a good chukle out of larry the cable guy once in a while.

carlos mencia's tv show is aweful, but some of his stand up work is hilarious.

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im suprised that not one of the blue collar guys have been mentioned yet. Although a lot of it is repetative, i think Ron white is the funniest guy out there right now, and i get a good chukle out of larry the cable guy once in a while.

carlos mencia's tv show is aweful, but some of his stand up work is hilarious.

Only problem is, it's not "his" work.

Apparently he has a name in the comedy scene from other comics for stealing material. Joe Rogan confronted him while he was on stage about it a couple of weeks back, there is a video out there of it, I will try find it if I can

EDIT: Found it


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im suprised that not one of the blue collar guys have been mentioned yet. Although a lot of it is repetative, i think Ron white is the funniest guy out there right now, and i get a good chukle out of larry the cable guy once in a while.

carlos mencia's tv show is aweful, but some of his stand up work is hilarious.

Only problem is, it's not "his" work.

Apparently he has a name in the comedy scene from other comics for stealing material. Joe Rogan confronted him while he was on stage about it a couple of weeks back, there is a video out there of it, I will try find it if I can

EDIT: Found it


I've seen a couple other videos with Ned (Mencia) stealing stuff from other comedians.

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im suprised that not one of the blue collar guys have been mentioned yet. Although a lot of it is repetative, i think Ron white is the funniest guy out there right now, and i get a good chukle out of larry the cable guy once in a while.

I am not. To call them comedians is a joke.

You know your a redneck if... OH HAHAHA, I live in a trailer!!! Its so topical... die.

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suprised no one mentioned Sarah Silverman. Shes awful and I mean that in a good way. Some of her jokes will get you a one way ticket to hell if you laugh at them.

OK I knew somebody must be out there that laughs at her. Personally I wish she would go to hell and stay there. I've yet to laugh at anything she does.

Louis CK had an awesome show on HBO for a season. Sadly his standup routine borrowed a lot from the jokes in his show.

I saw Seinfeld in concert and he was really good. One of the few guys that can make you laugh without profanity (not that I'm against it but it's certainly harder to do.)

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The jews are the chosen people, they dont go to hell.

Louis CK's show "borrowed" jokes from his standup. It is natural in the writting process to use your material when you are writting your own show. It is your show, and they are your jokes.

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