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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Soft drink alternative

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What about fruit juice? There are tons of fruits in the world, i'm sure you can find something you like. You can even combine them! I'm a fan of grape/apple juice. Look for real juice, if you see the word punch or cocktail, stay away! It's water, sugar and artificial flavours. ... and fruits are healthy :)

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What about fruit juice? There are tons of fruits in the world, i'm sure you can find something you like. You can even combine them! I'm a fan of grape/apple juice. Look for real juice, if you see the word punch or cocktail, stay away! It's water, sugar and artificial flavours. ... and fruits are healthy :)

nowadays some fruit juices have like 2% juice and more sugar than soda

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I'll go against the grain with Sparkling Water (flavored). I need the carbonation. Besides with them $.50 for 1L over at WalMart or $.65 for 1L at Kroger (near my house) it's as cheap as Sprite or Seirra Mist.

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unconcentrated juice and cabonated water (perrier or things like that). its fizzy and only half the calories without the added sugar

nowadays some fruit juices have like 2% juice and more sugar than soda

key word is some.

"grape drink!"

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even juices like orange juice and apple are high in sugar, it doesn't have to be an artificial or from concentrate juice to have lots of sugar.

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I know you said you dont like artifical sweetners, but Walmarts Great Value drink mixes with bottled water are what helped me get off soda....

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One of my favourite drinks of late, probably because they went on crazy clearance here, is the Arizona Diet Arnold Palmer. It's like 30something oz. for 1.25 here so I stocked up on a bunch of those and they're pretty damned good.

I'm pissed, they still don't have that flavor in Dallas. Stuck making my own. Instead I make a John Daly, 1/3 tea, 1/3 lemonade, 1/3 Jack Daniels or Makers Mark.

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That must be a John Daly when he's in training because that seems a little light.

The Arizona's a nice one though, I haven't even seen a non-diet version to try but this one's plenty sweet.

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I drink alot of Propel. And alot of this so called energy drink called Nos.

Its an imitation of Nitros that you put in a car, like its supposed to make you go faster or somethin. Its good, doesnt give me stomach aches, and comes in a really cool bottle that everyone wants to see.

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I don't think antone has mentioned it yet but Aquafina has flavored water now. I like most of the flavors, I'm just not sure of the sugar content off hand. They are noncarbonated though.

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Yeah, flavoured water has been mentioned and Aquafina hasn't been specified because their flavoured water is horrible.

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One of my favourite drinks of late, probably because they went on crazy clearance here, is the Arizona Diet Arnold Palmer. It's like 30something oz. for 1.25 here so I stocked up on a bunch of those and they're pretty damned good.

Best sh!t ever!! I love this stuff. Drink it everyday.

Vitamin water is good too.

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ive been drinking alot of "Protein Water" from stacker 2, i really like the taste of it, comes in Grape, Sour Apple, Pink lemonade and has no sugar and 20g of protein a bottle.

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i do the crystal light route, but its way too sweet to put 1 pack into 1 500mL bottle, so i split 1 single pack into 2 bottles, gives it the right taste i think...and half the calories per bottle!! hahaha

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I drink a ton of unsweetened ice tea in the summer instead of pop or if I am sick of water.

Second. I go through a couple of gallons a week.

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I drink a ton of unsweetened ice tea in the summer instead of pop or if I am sick of water.

Second. I go through a couple of gallons a week.

I was probably drinking more than I should for awhile...But Speedway took it off the fountain drinks available, and put the raspberry flavored shit on there...kind of killed it. I still have my 64 oz cup if they bring it back dammit.

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