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NHL 08

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  M-Cohen said:
  Sven said:

I just got me the game and i think there is something wrong. It says NHL08 but the grafix all look like 07 (in the menus). When i check this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8_GMYBS-RI&mode=related&search=) the menus all look totally different.

Whats up with that?


Its also pretty weird that it has got some new logos but old rosters in other leagues, new design when it comes to the infos during the game and stuff. Seems like a cheap mixture between 07 and 08.

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It's only going to be good (or "next gen") if you have it on PS3 or Xbox360.. PC/PS2 have the same crap graphics as last year.

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I see. Also, there were no "next gen" options like this MSHish create-a-skater mode.

I gotta go to Blockbuster and visit some XBOX friends.

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just got the game.

glad to see the NHL08 team at EA has once again dropped the ball when it comes to the details. Details which anyone who bothered buying the game cares about 100%. These are my immediate gripes...

1. Vishnevski is wearing Scott Stevens' #4 and not his actual number which is 2. slight oversight there.

2. Johnny Oduya in the game is like Kevin Weekes black, and not like his actual complection which is "tannish" with black hair.

3. is it me or does it look exactly the same as last years?

4. Ray Emery stopped 44 shots...yeah right.

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I havent been an EA sports hockey fan since NHL 94, but this new one is the shit. I bought BOTH 08 and 2k8 for 360, and I played each. 2K8 is gone, and Ive been a 2k'er for years.......08 is way more realistic.

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  trajik78 said:

just got the game.

glad to see the NHL08 team at EA has once again dropped the ball when it comes to the details. Details which anyone who bothered buying the game cares about 100%. These are my immediate gripes...

1. Vishnevski is wearing Scott Stevens' #4 and not his actual number which is 2. slight oversight there.

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So you edit the number and it's done. Not brain surgery.

  trajik78 said:

2. Johnny Oduya in the game is like Kevin Weekes black, and not like his actual complection which is "tannish" with black hair.

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Like he'll make anyone's starting 6 so I don't see the big deal.

  trajik78 said:

3. is it me or does it look exactly the same as last years?

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It looks good, just like last year's. They're not going to re-invent the wheel for looks every year and the gameplay makes up for it in my opinion at least.

  trajik78 said:

4. Ray Emery stopped 44 shots...yeah right.

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Okay I'll give you that one; I don't believe it either.

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I got the game on PS3 and firt things first, I love it. Best hockey game I have ever played by far. Just wanted to get other peoples opinions on one thing though, when last years game came out i saw the Staal "If i didn't win this face off......." ad and when I saw it, it made me want a 360 just because of the graphics. But now having the game on PS3 and seeing videos of the 360 version online, does anyone else think the graphics have taken a step backwards from last years version?

If the graphics are improved along with the bugs being fixed, i'll definitely pick up 09 even though i rarely get a sports game two consecutive years because in my opinion that would be the PERFECT hockey game.

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Just did create a player on a friend's copy.

Awesome that they have the curve names from each company. Pissy that they don't let you be a pro and design your own.

Why do the Grafs have Tuuk C+ holders? Sweet with black on black, but it's just weird that they don't have Cobras. They should let you put different holders on boots, change colors, change laces.

Only 2 visors, can't change the tilt. I didn't check the tint options, but if they have Ovey tint on the Itech visors, that's just wrong.

Why did they put the old 7K and the 7K Sickick? Could use another TPS or a niche Trilage or Salming or something- I'm sure those companies would love to get in the game. ST and SL, but no Stealth or SE?

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  Rustpot said:

Just did create a player on a friend's copy.

Awesome that they have the curve names from each company. Pissy that they don't let you be a pro and design your own.

Why do the Grafs have Tuuk C+ holders? Sweet with black on black, but it's just weird that they don't have Cobras. They should let you put different holders on boots, change colors, change laces.

Only 2 visors, can't change the tilt. I didn't check the tint options, but if they have Ovey tint on the Itech visors, that's just wrong.

Why did they put the old 7K and the 7K Sickick? Could use another TPS or a niche Trilage or Salming or something- I'm sure those companies would love to get in the game. ST and SL, but no Stealth or SE?

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They're ALL in 2k8. Only sticks we did not include was Salming. I compiled a list on the 2k8 thread of all of the gear in the game.


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  Rustpot said:

Just did create a player on a friend's copy.

Awesome that they have the curve names from each company. Pissy that they don't let you be a pro and design your own.

Why do the Grafs have Tuuk C+ holders? Sweet with black on black, but it's just weird that they don't have Cobras. They should let you put different holders on boots, change colors, change laces.

Only 2 visors, can't change the tilt. I didn't check the tint options, but if they have Ovey tint on the Itech visors, that's just wrong.

Why did they put the old 7K and the 7K Sickick? Could use another TPS or a niche Trilage or Salming or something- I'm sure those companies would love to get in the game. ST and SL, but no Stealth or SE?

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the Grafs have Tuuk Custom+ holders because it was supposed to be a Jagr thing for 07. I guess they didn't change it and I'm a bit surprised on the lack of equipment this year too but i can't complain, the whole radius/curve/flex thing is good enough for me to last until 09 which i'm sure they'll update the gear. Maybe that choice for holder is something for 09.

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jbyun - is it listed as Graf in the game? I'm curious - because 2k couldn't seal the deal on the licensing. Wondering if it was just them or Graf just didn't want to do it for anyone.

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  mack said:
  trajik78 said:

just got the game.

glad to see the NHL08 team at EA has once again dropped the ball when it comes to the details. Details which anyone who bothered buying the game cares about 100%. These are my immediate gripes...

1. Vishnevski is wearing Scott Stevens' #4 and not his actual number which is 2. slight oversight there.

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So you edit the number and it's done. Not brain surgery.

  trajik78 said:

2. Johnny Oduya in the game is like Kevin Weekes black, and not like his actual complection which is "tannish" with black hair.

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Like he'll make anyone's starting 6 so I don't see the big deal.

  trajik78 said:

3. is it me or does it look exactly the same as last years?

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It looks good, just like last year's. They're not going to re-invent the wheel for looks every year and the gameplay makes up for it in my opinion at least.

  trajik78 said:

4. Ray Emery stopped 44 shots...yeah right.

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Okay I'll give you that one; I don't believe it either.

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i shouldn't have to renumber/rename anything in the game. not a matter of having my Doctorate in "fixing what should have been done right in the 1st place" just should have been done right.

Oduya is 1 of Jersey's starting six, not all the time, but he logged quite a few minutes last season as well as in the play-offs. so why not show the guy a bit of respect by rendering him correctly.

and yes, every year EA puts out a game it SHOULD look better than the year before. there's new hardware coming out every year that can do more. it's EA's job to make the game look more realistic, because in general that's what gamers want. if every developer had your gaming sense we'd all be playing Rushin' Attack 10 on the NES. i think the PC version looks the same as last years, but i believe the console version is on a different engine which looks much better...

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  JR Boucicaut said:

jbyun - is it listed as Graf in the game? I'm curious - because 2k couldn't seal the deal on the licensing. Wondering if it was just them or Graf just didn't want to do it for anyone.

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yep it's Graf. They've had the Graf license since they've had actual equipment so.... i think 2004?

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agreed. You know plenty of PC games as well as console games commonly use the same engine as previous versions. I believe Quake used the same engine for like, 3 consecutive games. Unreal tournament does the same thing.

Another thing to remember is that the PC ALWAYS has updated things coming out, and the game could ALWAYS be better if they tailored it to that card/ hardware setup. A console has the set hardware, and more importantly, has to have the same hardware. You take for granted that you put the Xbox cd in, and it works with the hardware. (unless you're 99% of the population with a dead/messed up box.) The PC has to be a specific setup.

I personally believe they did a great job on the graphics.

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  mack said:

Yeah you're just too picky, Trajik.

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that may be but I don't like paying full price for yesterdays reheated coffee.

with all nit-picking aside, it's still a fun game and it runs fine on the ol' rig.

I just find a lot of problems with titles that EA puts out. seems EA along with many other developers/distributors aren't putting the proper time in games before they're released. they rush them out with a ton of bugs (or lack of attention to detail), and then release a patch 2-3 months later which really should be the release client in the 1st place.

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It's a 360 and PS3 marketplace now. Is it a coincidence that those two have the best versions of the game, no. Clearly EA allocated most of their resources to the next-gen systems this year, not toward the seven year old PS2.

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  mack said:

Yeah, if he's playing it on PC or PS2 it's time to get with it.

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absolutely right. when your at Gamestop again pick me up a 360 with your employee discount ;)

i have a perfectly humming PC with a lil ol 8800GTS in it. it is sadly more likely the case that EA's PC crew doesn't have the resources as the console crew does. it's too bad, my card eats kittens and spits out wonderfully rendered head-crabs. :D

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anyone on here play online w/ ps3? Just finally got mine working today, had to figure out how to get around the damn roster bug. and hopefully they come out with updated rosters for the game soon now that the season is starting.

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  revolutionz_s13 said:

anyone on here play online w/ ps3? Just finally got mine working today, had to figure out how to get around the damn roster bug. and hopefully they come out with updated rosters for the game soon now that the season is starting.

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you'd be the 1st person i "know" who actually has a PS3. what's the roster bug?

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  trajik78 said:
  revolutionz_s13 said:

anyone on here play online w/ ps3? Just finally got mine working today, had to figure out how to get around the damn roster bug. and hopefully they come out with updated rosters for the game soon now that the season is starting.

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you'd be the 1st person i "know" who actually has a PS3. what's the roster bug?

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Online worked pretty good for me on the PS3, didn't notice much lag at all.

Anyone got any tips for me on this game? I dunno, maybe I'm just shit, but I CAN'T score. Like I get 50 shots a game and maybe 2 goals, and it seems like everyone I play scores 4 or 5 on less than 20 shots. Should I try auto-aim? I'm just using the default difficulty setting so I don't see what the problem is. I always use the Leafs though, so maybe that's part of the problem.

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