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Video Game Console Question

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I've narrowed my choice to either an Elite or a PS3.

For all the PS3 owners out there, is the BlueRay DVD player really that spectacular and enough to take the PS3 over the 360?

My birthday is coming up and my parents told me since I don't play hockey anymore and that's not taking up all their money they'd buy me one or the other and NHL '08.

Now I just need to choose...

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As Mack has said if you're into it for the blu-ray it's a no brainer. The players themselves are around $600 US. They're also giving away 5 free blu-ray movies with the purchase of a PS3.

I went with the elite myself as I'm not convinced that the PS3 is all that much superior than the elite. Time will tell of course.

The elite still needs an add on HD-DVD player for around $129 US (but they're doing the free DVD deal also).

The elite also does not come wireless internet ready. That's another $99. I hooked up an ethernet cable (included with the elite) from my desktop and use the wireless connection for Xbox live.

I'm also convinced that Microsoft will someday rule the world so I'm getting a head start.

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The actual blu-ray player in the ps3 is pretty terrible though. 1x speed

And wow, for some stupid reason the best buy near me set up madden on their floor ps3 and 360. It was like it was running on a regular playstation.

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  D-MaN88 said:

I've narrowed my choice to either an Elite or a PS3.

For all the PS3 owners out there, is the BlueRay DVD player really that spectacular and enough to take the PS3 over the 360?

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It's similar to HDTV compared to DVD in my opinion. It's better, yes, but if you have a sick TV a DVD can look pretty damn sweet on it. The reason I think Blu Ray is the way to go is that HD DVD is essentially dead in the water as a viable format.

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You all keep talking about getting the next gen systems, pffffft.

Pick up a SNES from ebay or your local pawn shop.

And for games all you need is NHL 95, any other game is a bonus.

There is actually a system on ebay now where it plays both NES and SNES games.

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  Hawes_4 said:

There is actually a system on ebay now where it plays both NES and SNES games.

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I bought this for my girlfriend for her birthday at the beginning of the year. Its called the FC Twin System, you can get it at eStarland.com for like 50 bucks. Its sick. Mortal Kombat, all the Mario's, Tecmo, so many good games.

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my roommate and i just modded out our psp's. you have to downgrade the firmware, and then you can throw on all sorts of sweet add ons. we have NES, SNES, Sega/Sega CD, Playstation 1, and lots of extras like Doom, Quake 2, Duke Nukem on there. get a 4gb pro duo card for $50, and you're all set.

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  daca said:

my roommate and i just modded out our psp's. you have to downgrade the firmware, and then you can throw on all sorts of sweet add ons. we have NES, SNES, Sega/Sega CD, Playstation 1, and lots of extras like Doom, Quake 2, Duke Nukem on there. get a 4gb pro duo card for $50, and you're all set.

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I think I want a psp now. that would be sick.

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The bioshock demo is nuts, can't wait to get it. Is it going to be multiplayer or is it just solo because I have a split buy program for single player games with my friend, Saves alot of money.

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  mack said:

Sports games sucked on the SNES. Mega Drive/Genesis beat the crap out of it for those.

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I liked having the extra button on the SNES for Madden.

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It never played right for me compared to the other versions. The only one I could tolerate was '94, because for whatever reason the New England Patriots dominated when I used them and stayed in the goal line package.

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  mack said:
  Hawes_4 said:
  mack said:

Sports games sucked on the SNES. Mega Drive/Genesis beat the crap out of it for those.

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Yes, thus ending what you started to turn into a "yes/no" battle for the ages.

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Oh video game arguments, always reminds me of the clip from Billy Madison

Here is a clip instead of explaining:


Its at 1:56 in the vid, couldn't find it anywhere else.

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  bdj said:

The bioshock demo is nuts, can't wait to get it. Is it going to be multiplayer or is it just solo because I have a split buy program for single player games with my friend, Saves alot of money.

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Single player campaign only. The developers wanted to throw everything they had at making the best SP story they could. Hopefully there will be MP in the (eventual) next one.

Got my copy today at lunch. Can't wait to get out of here to play it. :)

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Well all this reading about game consoles, I think I'm picking up a 360. Gamestop has the refurbs with warranty for $190, add the hard drive and it's $250. Unless I can somehow find a pile of money somewhere and buy a new one.

I'm looking forward to downloading a whole pile of demos and getting a chance to figure out what I want to play before buying. That's a great move on the developers part.

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  Jarick said:

Well all this reading about game consoles, I think I'm picking up a 360. Gamestop has the refurbs with warranty for $190, add the hard drive and it's $250. Unless I can somehow find a pile of money somewhere and buy a new one.

I'm looking forward to downloading a whole pile of demos and getting a chance to figure out what I want to play before buying. That's a great move on the developers part.

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Avoid the referbs from gamestop. I used to work for them way back in the day and the "refurbs" were the busted ones that they jerryrigged back into KIND of working. Just save up another $50 and pony up for a brand new one.

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Just blew out my Third Xbox, Decided to sell it and go console free from now on. Not worth the hassle and thats sad since it's a fantastic system with Great games.

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I took a Rawlings to my 360 about 30 mins ago and goddamn, that felt awesome. I look forward to the $25 in credit I get at Game Stop for my games tomorrow, which will go towards either used movies or maybe Assassin's Creed.

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Didn't even get the rings of death; it just wouldn't read any discs. Nothing worked so fuck it, it's an inferior product and it got its death sentence.

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