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Video Game Console Question

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do a little research. goto IGN.com check out lists of games that are coming out, and what the systems have to offer. don't let us make the decision for you.

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Well, true to form Sony is doing something idiotic. The lower price for the 60gb is a clearance price, so when it's gone it's gone and the 80's the only choice.

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  mack said:

Well, true to form Sony is doing something idiotic. The lower price for the 60gb is a clearance price, so when it's gone it's gone and the 80's the only choice.

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haha, I read that too...classic Sony, I knew they would screw things up somehow. They claim to have enough inventory such that 60 GB systems will be available for 'months', but still what a bunch of morons. Seriously, how many 60 GB owners right now are thinking to themselves 'man, I really wish I had an extra 20 GB of space'..it is even more ridiculous when you consider you can just attach a external HD if you really really want huge disk space for some reason.

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you can put in a larger internal drive if you want to. it's not hard. my roommate did it. he threw a toshiba 120 gig hdd in there.

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Wonderful, Sony will become the Monopoly in the videogame business. No way Nintendo will be able to keep up with them in the upcoming years unless they can come up with something better than the wii. That technology will be incorperated into future consoles anyway IMO. Sucks to see Microsoft go, they had a great system.

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I dunno - I call bullshit on that article or supposed quote from Bill. It's just a guess but I don't think he'd equate losses on the xbox to how many kids he could have vaccinated. That sounds to me like somebody trying too hard to put words in his mouth.

If it's true though, that will suck big time for people like me that own a 360.

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  Drewhunz said:

Apparently, Microsoft is about to pull a Sega.


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:lol: That was a good-enough laugh. The thought of Bill Gates screaming expletives is pretty hilarious... And I don't think it's serious, at all. M$ is not going to pull out now.

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  Drewhunz said:

Apparently, Microsoft is about to pull a Sega.


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Wow. Its one thing to believe something you see on the internet with no official source, but its a whole new level of stupid when you start thinking that what people say in blogs (with no official source) is true.

Edit: My bad sabre09923. Fixed now :)

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Don't know if I can believe it or not, but when a company has an admitted product flaw and projects that about 3% of their net worth alone will go into fixing damaged goods, I can see it going either way.

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for what it's worth, when I went to go buy some games a while back, I heard that sony lost its "gamming rights" and that all the games that were supposed to be just for the PS3 will now also be available for 360. (this was a few weeks back, so i'm not sure if this is really news or not).

The only exception I've heard to this will be that Metal Gear Solid 4 will only be available for PS3. So i think my vote is for the PS3.....

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Not just did they lose rights to a lot of games but most studios are going to be releasing xbox-only online content.

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  mik3 said:

Not just did they lose rights to a lot of games but most studios are going to be releasing xbox-only online content.

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So I guess this means Microsoft aren't throwing in the towel on the console market just yet?

...Right? :unsure:

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  Cavs019 said:

Oh you've played GT5? :unsure:

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demo... yes im just sayin that i like the gm play on forza better. yes i have not played the final gm but from what i saw...

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