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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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No, you just complicated things.

LS2P is obsolete.

What is on the 95s is a regular LS holder. It will fit LS2 and the 2.1 steel that comes on the ONE95s.

Am I correct in understanding that the new holder will hold a standard blade if you dont like the feel of the longer blade?

Yeah it will fit either. I'm going to skate a few more times before I decide on what I want to go with. So far I love the turning, but with the round toe I'm not sure if I'm getting the best push. Have to see how I adjust.

If you have LS2 on your 8090s, put the steel on the 95s.

Yellow laces doesn't have you thinking right.

Are the yellow laces "bad" for the One95 because of the fit of the boot? Meaning you don't need the extras tightness that the yellow waxed laces give?

Gotta love the theorists on here...

Nothing to do with that, everything to do on how yellow laces belong on Graf and nothing else...

First thing I did when I took my Ultra G5's out of the box was to toss the yellow and lace up the black. What was the topic anyway? ... oh yeah, the One 95's ... Nice skates.

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We're talking about your laces, not your fantasy. ;)

My fantasy of you not being gay anymore?

Says the gay with yellow laces fantasizing about me. :o

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We're talking about your laces, not your fantasy. ;)

My fantasy of you not being gay anymore?

Says the gay with yellow laces fantasizing about me. :o

I'm just tired of you hitting on me all the time. Is it too much to ask to be left alone?

On a related note, I'm going to skate again tonight so we'll see if things go without issue. Hopefully the blades are dulled a bit so that I can do a bit more.

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We're talking about your laces, not your fantasy. ;)

My fantasy of you not being gay anymore?

Says the gay with yellow laces fantasizing about me. :o

I'm just tired of you hitting on me all the time. Is it too much to ask to be left alone?

On a related note, I'm going to skate again tonight so we'll see if things go without issue. Hopefully the blades are dulled a bit so that I can do a bit more.

I'm just using your appreciation for men to get closer to your little sister.

Let us know how the skate goes.

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I'm just using your appreciation for men to get closer to your little sister.

Let us know how the skate goes.

That's not what she told me. She said "Why is this friend of yours asking me if I have any pictures of you without a shirt on?"

I think I'm going to be reffing tonight so I'll get a lot of stop, start, and turning action. Should be fun.

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I'm just using your appreciation for men to get closer to your little sister.

Let us know how the skate goes.

That's not what she told me. She said "Why is this friend of yours asking me if I have any pictures of you without a shirt on?"

I think I'm going to be reffing tonight so I'll get a lot of stop, start, and turning action. Should be fun.

Must have been more convenient than explaining why I was leaving her room that early in the morning.

Icetime is icetime, getting paid to test out your new skates... It's a beautiful thing.

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I might plan on getting some black laces if i decide to get some one95's lol yellow just doesnt work this time. It works on grafs, vectors, old vapors imo

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I might plan on getting some black laces if i decide to get some one95's lol yellow just doesnt work this time. It works on grafs, vectors, old vapors imo

They'll be your skates and you will be able to do whatever you want with them. :)

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coming from one90 - how long before you were comfortable? need wheels asap and cant afford long break inpoeriod - got tryouts comoing up. tks

A breeze. Maybe an hour of good skating in them? They feel fantastic, respond like nothing else. Definitely recommend going to buy a pair.

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I might plan on getting some black laces if i decide to get some one95's lol yellow just doesnt work this time. It works on grafs, vectors, old vapors imo

I got some black laces on my one95's. Looks pretty damn sexy IMO.

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Wow, how interesting. A thread about lace colour. Mine are white and they highlight my cheekbones.

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Skated on them for a couple of hours tonight and they felt even better. Turning, stops and starts, pivoting, running crossovers, and quick transitions felt great. Much more used to the power blades and I'm most likely going to keep them. No pain either.

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I got some black laces on my one95's. Looks pretty damn sexy IMO.

The black laces with the blue accents would be NICE

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Skated on them for a couple of hours tonight and they felt even better. Turning, stops and starts, pivoting, running crossovers, and quick transitions felt great. Much more used to the power blades and I'm most likely going to keep them. No pain either.

Excellent! I SOOOO can't wait to order mine!

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I am really excited to try them on....unfortunately it looks like none of the shops in SoCal will have them anytime soon.... :angry:

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Well, after checking in at the 3 LHS in my general area, none are getting them in before June 1. So I went ahead and ordered mine online since I need new skates ASAP.

Question is this however... does the One95s come with baking instructions, and is this something I can do at home? I've never baked my own skates, however the LHS's by me are pretty much just as clueless. I remember one of my team mates when the One90's came out got them baked at our LHS, and when he went home he looked at the instructions and they baked them at about 125* too high. Don't feel like putting out $650 just to get it ruined, at least by someones hand besides mine lol

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Skated on them for a couple of hours tonight and they felt even better. Turning, stops and starts, pivoting, running crossovers, and quick transitions felt great. Much more used to the power blades and I'm most likely going to keep them. No pain either.

Had mine on for a couple hours yesterday and same thing. Everything to do with quick maneuvers felt awesome. Even shooting feels better. Its hard to describe but you almost feel more solid and stable wearing them.

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In order for stores to get ONE95s in April, they had to be booked in November 2007, which was hard for a lot of stores (especially small ones) because it was before the holiday season.

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Now that more people have had the chance to try them on....

Are they more or less stiff as the Vapor XXXX, especially in the upper portion of the boot. The One90 was not as stiff at the top, so I was curious to the One95 stiffness. I noticed some people say that forward flex was tough due to the stiffness with the laces all the way up.

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