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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S17

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Just call Easton and tell them. Companies tend to be forgiving when it comes to Christmas gifts bought well ahead of time when it comes to warranties. Plus, depending on state laws, it could be a case where the warranty on manufacturing defects cannot expire.

i don't want to get too far off topic :P ..but could you xplain that or create a thread explaining that...cause i don't really understand :huh:

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I've just finished my second skate with my new S17. In my first skate, I played a pick up game. I found the stick handled the puck beautifully and my passes were dead on. But I found my shot was sort-of-off. However, after this second skate, I think I'm getting used to the shaft. My accuracy has returned and my slap shot (which I don't use often) seems to be significantly harder. This stick is awesome! :)

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Just picked up a S17 100 Sakic because i was getting sick of the ONE90 i was using. Feels really nice, shots really come off alot faster then i thought they would. I really like the stick, but we'll see how quickly it lasts. So far, it's good!

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Just picked up a S17 100 Sakic because i was getting sick of the ONE90 i was using. Feels really nice, shots really come off alot faster then i thought they would. I really like the stick, but we'll see how quickly it lasts. So far, it's good!

How dose it feel compaird to the ONE90?

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Just call Easton and tell them. Companies tend to be forgiving when it comes to Christmas gifts bought well ahead of time when it comes to warranties. Plus, depending on state laws, it could be a case where the warranty on manufacturing defects cannot expire.

i don't want to get too far off topic :P ..but could you xplain that or create a thread explaining that...cause i don't really understand :huh:

How about you send me the stick and I give it a try and get a free stick out of it.

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I emailed easton (batman@ eastonsports.com) about my problem 3 days ago and never got a reply, should I be worried or just wait a couple more days?

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Just call Easton and tell them. Companies tend to be forgiving when it comes to Christmas gifts bought well ahead of time when it comes to warranties. Plus, depending on state laws, it could be a case where the warranty on manufacturing defects cannot expire.

i don't want to get too far off topic :P ..but could you xplain that or create a thread explaining that...cause i don't really understand :huh:

Simply put, there are some states which have laws that prohibit limited warranties.

I emailed easton (batman@ eastonsports.com) about my problem 3 days ago and never got a reply, should I be worried or just wait a couple more days?

You should call. It is much easier to explain a situation over the phone, as well as answer any follow-up questions the company may have.

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so i am coming to think these sticks are amazing for a day or two then get super flexy or break? judging by all the feed back

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Just picked up a S17 100 Sakic because i was getting sick of the ONE90 i was using. Feels really nice, shots really come off alot faster then i thought they would. I really like the stick, but we'll see how quickly it lasts. So far, it's good!

How dose it feel compaird to the ONE90?

I find the feel to be better with the S17 than with my ONE90. the blade is lighter on the S17 which felt a bit awkward at first, but I was able to adjust within 2-3 skates. I never felt fully comfortable with my ONE90, and kept going back to my dolomite when using the one90. I've pretty much left the dolomite on the shelf at this point, and am using the S17 exclusively.

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I bought one for my son from the first batch. The blade broke off right at the heel after 2 weeks of use. The folks at Easton told me that is were most of them are breaking. I still have yet to receive a replacement. I was told yesterday that the replacement sticks are still on back order and they do not expect to get them for 10+ days. This is a huge disappointment, there must be too many defective sticks for them to support. I had to go out and buy yet another stick to have while I wait for Easton to get their act together. I would think that a company the size of Easton could support their customers, but in this case they have not.

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Easton IS supporting you, just not to your satisfaction. A 10+ day wait on a brand new stick seems pretty good. Sorry that they don't have a 10,000 stick inventory in their warehouse, but it is better business to have a constant influx of supplies coming in, rather than have a tremendous backlog in the warehouse. By doing this, they keep their overhead lower and thus keep stick prices down. Besides, nothing like having a backup stick just in case. ;)

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Easton IS supporting you, just not to your satisfaction. A 10+ day wait on a brand new stick seems pretty good. Sorry that they don't have a 10,000 stick inventory in their warehouse, but it is better business to have a constant influx of supplies coming in, rather than have a tremendous backlog in the warehouse. By doing this, they keep their overhead lower and thus keep stick prices down. Besides, nothing like having a backup stick just in case. ;)

Reread his post, it was still at least a 10 day wait from when he called for an update. There was time before that, as well.

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It's a hockey stick. US soldiers are getting killed in Iraq. Take a breath.

Or read through that playing with a disability thread. I think about not getting enough ice time, those guys have real problems and don't complain.

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Don't forget that they still have their toy drive sticks needing to be sent out, retail store shipments and of course the pros need their sticks.

This is one small reason why I keep a small LHS selection of hockey sticks taped and ready to go.

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Easton IS supporting you, just not to your satisfaction. A 10+ day wait on a brand new stick seems pretty good. Sorry that they don't have a 10,000 stick inventory in their warehouse, but it is better business to have a constant influx of supplies coming in, rather than have a tremendous backlog in the warehouse. By doing this, they keep their overhead lower and thus keep stick prices down. Besides, nothing like having a backup stick just in case. ;)

Reread his post, it was still at least a 10 day wait from when he called for an update. There was time before that, as well.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

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Don't forget that they still have their toy drive sticks needing to be sent out, retail store shipments and of course the pros need their sticks.

This is one small reason why I keep a small LHS selection of hockey sticks taped and ready to go.

Ya, I'm curious to see how long it takes them to send out the sticks from the toy drive. I think if they get shipped sometime in the end of this month or beginning of the next that would be pretty fast considering there aren't even that many in the LHS's.

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