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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  mack said:

I like how Belichick has absolutely no class. Pulls a Cartman and takes off. Serves him right and I can't wait to see how far back these tapes go and what becomes of that ordeal.

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Yeah that wasn't the classiest of moves but I couldn't be happier with the outcome....there are alot of rich giants fans tonight thats for sure

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  habsfan87 said:
  mack said:

I like how Belichick has absolutely no class. Pulls a Cartman and takes off. Serves him right and I can't wait to see how far back these tapes go and what becomes of that ordeal.

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there are alot of rich giants fans tonight thats for sure

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there was a 12 point spread though, i wanted the pats but with a spread like that i'd take the giants all day.

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Sweeettahhh. I am a Giants fan and Welker is the MVP hands down. Without him the Patriots do nothing. Was there also any doubt Belichek would find that 12th man on the field with the 13 extra cameras he has his staff shooting towards the Giants sideline??

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  DarkStar50 said:

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Best Super Bowl ever.

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I agree! That is one that will be talked about 25 years from now. I knew the giants were winning as soon as manning broke those tackles , scrambled threw the bomb which was caught beautifully by smith. Pretty cool how all of the teams NY have beat this playoff beat them in the regular season.

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  mack said:

When the 1 is in the Super Bowl it is. It's even worse when they were constantly fellated by the media.

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so true! :lol:

new enlands organization is a classless joke!

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The Giants' D played great.

Either Brady was more hurt than they let on, or the Pats were worried he was more hurt, because it was obvious they had altered the game plan slightly from the regular season. When they had the first three-and-out, I said to my wife that they wouldn't typically run it for a first down in that situation, although they should have been able to pick up two yards by the run.

Then they didn't put Brady into motion until the second to last play of the game. That also was different from normal, so I'm wondering if they were trying to protect the ankle.

Another shortcoming was forgetting about Wes Welker for stretches of the game. He was such a chain mover during the year, yet there were times they wouldn't pass to him for a quarter or more. Without seeing the coverage downfield, it's hard to know whether teams changed their defense, but whenever announcers would say it looks like the Patriots were getting into rhythm, it generally involved Welker picking up first downs.

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Brady looked all right moving around, but the pressure was too much for anyone even if he wasn't/isn't injured. I think they said 18 knockdowns for the Giants D? That 4th down killed them.

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