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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Something to backup my point about Hockey equipment prices

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There is a 16% tariff or (duty) added to skates that are not made in canada. The US has no duty on skates coming from Asia

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Well DJ in order to prove your point that hockey is cost prohibitive today, what were gear prices in say 1980? Let's see what they translate into in real dollar terms and percentage of GDP.

And instead of complaining, why don't you organize a gear swap, or start a fund for poor kids, or write to the companies asking for some kind of grant for your kids you're coaching? That would be much more effective than complaining on an internet forum to a whole bunch of people who drool over $200 hockey sticks and $600 skates.

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Well DJ in order to prove your point that hockey is cost prohibitive today, what were gear prices in say 1980? Let's see what they translate into in real dollar terms and percentage of GDP.

And instead of complaining, why don't you organize a gear swap, or start a fund for poor kids, or write to the companies asking for some kind of grant for your kids you're coaching? That would be much more effective than complaining on an internet forum to a whole bunch of people who drool over $200 hockey sticks and $600 skates.

I do more then you think, i do give back, i have purchased skates from blowout sales, I even gave skates that i own or found people to donate skates, don't chalenge my integraty, i love the sport and i do as much as I can to help it grow strong so leave that alone...

I think its time for you to contact the Prime Minister on why skates are so much more money in Canada. Please explain this.

Thats another issue that gets me agravated, everything is like that, Cars is the worst

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I'm with you on your list untill you get to the skates... 5K's for exemple cost 399$ here...

Ack, that is a problem.

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I'm with you on your list untill you get to the skates... 5K's for exemple cost 399$ here...

I would like to know how highly prices you lhs is, considering here 5k's only cost $325...yes, that is Canadian.

Prices have gone up, but in know way do I feel it's killing the sport. You don't have to buy the top end gear.

If anything the regesteration fee's is what keeps people from playing, it would have cost me $700 just for a regesteration fee if I was to play migget hockey this year. Luckly though I'll probably end up making high school and will get the $700 back then only spend out the $250 to play high school.

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Chadd I would agree, but with companies cranking out new lines on 1 or 2 year cycles, there have always been sale top of the line products available in every shop i've been to due to overbooking.

If that's the case send me a pair of the last year made Pro Tacks in a 7.5E (with the E-Pro holders). I've looked all over the internet and can't find any my size.

The average shop doesn't keep a large inventory because it costs money to carry an inventory and you can get things shipped from your suppliers relatively quick and cheap

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That 7.5 E is a very popular size so it's no wonder you are not having any luck. Pro Tacks became the latest 8090: a skate that guys had to have once they couldn't get them anymore because nothing out there fit them as well!!

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The guy that said a guy like Bobby Orr would not dominate in todays NHL obviously did not see him actually play. Give him todays modern equipment and have him healthy in his prime I totally disagree. He would be a superstar in any era. Also the old NHL was a lot tougher league physically. There where only six teams and you had to be the best of the best to consistently play in that league. And have you forgotten how they brought their play up to a higher level, playing an obviously highly skilled and faster Russian team in 1972. Don't be putting down the older NHLers, their skill was every bit as prevelant as todays players they just played in a different era under different set of rules. The game has changed a lot since their hey day. A pro is a pro in any era.

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Its how you play..not the awesome ultra light gears plus the sickest stick that will automattically make me score. Its how hard you work and acheive the level of hockey you like. Seriously hockey equipment is expenssive in Canada, I have parents that buy me my hockey stuff but, when they say "no" its a no! Decent protection for the level you play is all that matters, the rest is your skills that helped you acheived your goal in hockey and using it. B) All you need is a guy that knows how to fit you in hockey equipment and your set when everything feels comfortable. But, in the end we all want those super awesome skates :S

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The guy that said a guy like Bobby Orr would not dominate in todays NHL obviously did not see him actually play. Give him todays modern equipment and have him healthy in his prime I totally disagree. He would be a superstar in any era. Also the old NHL was a lot tougher league physically. There where only six teams and you had to be the best of the best to consistently play in that league. And have you forgotten how they brought their play up to a higher level, playing an obviously highly skilled and faster Russian team in 1972. Don't be putting down the older NHLers, their skill was every bit as preveant as todays players they just played in a different era under different set of rules. The game has changed a lot since their hey day. A pro is a pro in any era.

I'm just quoting guys Like Gretz, last I checked he is the best to ever play the game right... He said that in todays NHL, everybody know how to play D, it's a system driven sport and it would be hard to come close to his records because of it...

Did you see some of those goals they would score back in the day? please it's comical...

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I agree, Canada should increase income taxes and give away free hockey equipment every year for every Canadian. Because it's obvious that kids will never be happy and never reach their potential without top end equipment. And most importantly, they won't have any fun or get any exercise.

we pay a ridiculously higher amount of $$ for our hockey equipment then you Americans do, so dont be a smug prick.

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$1100 mortgage? Must be nice! My 2BR apartment is $1410 a month! Goddamn Southern California.... :rolleyes:

When I see things like that I don't feel so bad about living here.

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I agree, Canada should increase income taxes and give away free hockey equipment every year for every Canadian. Because it's obvious that kids will never be happy and never reach their potential without top end equipment. And most importantly, they won't have any fun or get any exercise.

we pay a ridiculously higher amount of $$ for our hockey equipment then you Americans do, so dont be a smug prick.

Well the OP didn't address Canadian prices in his original thread and for the first half of this one. You have my sympathy for being charged 50% more when your dollar is worth more than ours. But that's a Canadian thing, not American.

There must be 30 rinks within an hour of my house, most with 2 sheets, and a couple years ago they built an EIGHT rink super complex. The "state of the game" is just fine around here, so that's my status report. Despite increasing gear prices, hockey is more popular now than ever before in Minnesota.

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Fletch, you are still under the OC average of $1551/mo for a 1BD/1BA. Looks to me like you have $141/mo to spend on new gear. :D

Show that to the wife and tell her I said "hi."! LMAO!

$1100 mortgage? Must be nice! My 2BR apartment is $1410 a month! Goddamn Southern California.... :angry:

Yeah but at least you live in a damn nice part of OC....I live in Costa Mesa :angry:

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I put together this list of equipment to pick from. I put together what I think would be a decent set up for a rec leaguer or high schooler. Honestly, I think that's pretty reasonable.

For the sake of discussion I used one of the more popular internet sites for my pricing.

RBK 5K Pumps, White $229.99

CCM Vector V6.0 $179.99

CCM Vector V6.0 SE $179.99

Nike Bauer Vapor XXII $179.99

Easton Synergy 800C $229.99

Easton Stealth S7 $189.99

Mission Fuel 90-AG $199.99

CCM HT 692 helmet w/ cage $54.99

RBK 5K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $149.99

RBK 4K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $123.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One70 Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $189.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $159.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Glove $64.99

CCM Vector V6.0 Sr Glove 07 model $59.99

RBK 5K Sr 14in. Glove 06 model $44.98

Easton Stealth S7 Glove $64.99

RBK 5K Sr Pants $59.99

CCM 692 Tacks Sr Pants $69.99

Nike Bauer Vapor XV Sr Pants $64.99

Itech 230 Jock Pro $19.98


Set up of choice

Nike Bauer Vapor XXII Skates $179.99

CCM HT 692 helmet w/ cage $54.99

RBK 5K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $149.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Glove $64.99

CCM 692 Tacks Sr Pants $69.99

Itech 230 Jock Pro $19.98

Nike Bauer Supreme 70 Bag $37.99


Total 577.92

Compare those to the prices from a Canadian online retailer - wherever possible, I've included the item from your setup of choice, but when that item was not available, it has been replaced by another item from your included list. All figures Canadian dollars, and they're actually not that bad for Canada - if my LHS had these prices, people would be breaking their doors down.

5K Pump skates (black) - $329.99

692 helmet combo not available, but it was $59.99 for the helmet, and $29.99 for an FM480 cage (unless you want a chrome one, then it's $39.99)

5K gloves - $99.99

5K Elbows - $59.99

4K Shoulders (they didn't have the 5K)- $79.99

5K Shins - $99.99

5K pants - $89.99

Itech Jock Plus (essentially the same thing as Jock Pro from what I can tell) - $39.99

They didn't have a Supreme 70 bag - let's just assume this hypothetical person wants the least expensive bag available - in the case of this store, it's the Easton Synergy 900 at $49.99


$939.90 in total - after Canadian sales taxes are factored in, it's $1071.49 for just about the same stuff.

(edited because I forgot to include a bag)

EDIT again - I just now noticed this: Both of our players are set up perfectly fine for their equipment setups; however, neither one has a stick right now, so it looks like they've saved some money by not going for top-line equipment, but by virtue of having to play without a stick, I would think this will hurt their performance a bit.

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Part One

Whine about the price of hockey equipment in Canada all you want. What about baseball equipment in America? When I was a kid a baseball glove cost about $15 and a bat was $5. A baseball was less than a $1. Game on!! Now, Easton bats are over $300, gloves are over $75 + for something good, baseballs are $4 each, I have to wear a helmet with a cage for $100, my cleats are $50, and I can't use the town field to play a chose-up game with my friends unless I have a permit from the town and my own insurance. This is baseball, the All-American game.

Where's the outrage? Where's the justice?

Part Two

What goes around comes around. There was a time in the 70s and 80s when hockey equipment was ridiculously cheaper to buy in Canada than the US. Working in the shop I would often hear that "The team is going to Canada this week-end for a tournament. Do you need any equipment? You can save a lot of money." Then, even if you didn't know anyone going north, there was always the weekly Cupolo's ad in the Hockey News for equipment so cheap that it didn't seem real. So, at one time the shoe was on the other foot. The Americans were paying outrageous prices in the US for equipment while the Canadians got their gear dirt cheap. Now, everything is the other way.

It's the world we live in. Welcome to it.

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Part One

Whine about the price of hockey equipment in Canada all you want. What about baseball equipment in America? When I was a kid a baseball glove cost about $15 and a bat was $5. A baseball was less than a $1. Game on!! Now, Easton bats are over $300, gloves are over $75 + for something good, baseballs are $4 each, I have to wear a helmet with a cage for $100, my cleats are $50, and I can't use the town field to play a chose-up game with my friends unless I have a permit from the town and my own insurance. This is baseball, the All-American game.

Where's the outrage? Where's the justice?

Part Two

What goes around comes around. There was a time in the 70s and 80s when hockey equipment was ridiculously cheaper to buy in Canada than the US. Working in the shop I would often hear that "The team is going to Canada this week-end for a tournament. Do you need any equipment? You can save a lot of money." Then, even if you didn't know anyone going north, there was always the weekly Cupolo's ad in the Hockey News for equipment so cheap that it didn't seem real. So, at one time the shoe was on the other foot. The Americans were paying outrageous prices in the US for equipment while the Canadians got their gear dirt cheap. Now, everything is the other way.

It's the world we live in. Welcome to it.

75+ for a good leather glove is not resonable? :unsure: I just got a nile Louisville for 80$ and i can hit stuff out the ballpark all day... baseball shoes cost less then basketball shoes, are you serious or are you mocking the point?

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My point is the world changes every 24 hours. Nothing is the same as yesterday.

Referencing the original article, the reason Nike is selling NBH is to satisfy shareholders and maintain profitability. The margins generated on sneakers and apparel are much higher than the margins generated through the sale of hockey equipment. It is a simple sound business decision to sell NBH. It is not good news for some but this is the world of business.

As for those declining numbers mentioned in hockey registrations in both Canada and the US, do the math. The decline in players is 1% in both countries. That is not an astronomical number of players leaving hockey because it is too expensive.

As for Firenzo Arcadi's business demise, again read closely. He lost $500K in sales over 4 years of business, not 1 year. That means he lost $125K in sales per year. Perhaps the competition got stiffer in his area, the market changed and he didn't react to it, perhaps he had the wrong mix of product, and perhaps he just thought throwing open the doors was all he had to do since things had been going so great for his shop. I don't know what his problem was but one thing I do know about the hockey business is this: You will never know it all no matter how much you think you know.

Like I said, the world changes every 24 hours.

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My point is the world changes every 24 hours. Nothing is the same as yesterday.

Referencing the original article, the reason Nike is selling NBH is to satisfy shareholders and maintain profitability. The margins generated on sneakers and apparel are much higher than the margins generated through the sale of hockey equipment. It is a simple sound business decision to sell NBH. It is not good news for some but this is the world of business.

As for those declining numbers mentioned in hockey registrations in both Canada and the US, do the math. The decline in players is 1% in both countries. That is not an astronomical number of players leaving hockey because it is too expensive.

As for Firenzo Arcadi's business demise, again read closely. He lost $500K in sales over 4 years of business, not 1 year. That means he lost $125K in sales per year. Perhaps the competition got stiffer in his area, the market changed and he didn't react to it, perhaps he had the wrong mix of product, and perhaps he just thought throwing open the doors was all he had to do since things had been going so great for his shop. I don't know what his problem was but one thing I do know about the hockey business is this: You will never know it all no matter how much you think you know.

Like I said, the world changes every 24 hours.

I agree with most of what you are saying, It still see prices of stuff like skates being too high and the less expensive stuff is so bad that we have very little choice but to fork out beaucoup bucks to play...

That is my situation anyway

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