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wrist guards

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I play in a "no contact" adult league. Because it's non-check, players tend to use their sticks more to defend against you (slashing, hooking, etc.). I've got really short elbow pads, so in order to cover the gap between them and my glove cuffs, I've had to resort to wrist guards, otherwise I'd be going home every night with scabs on my forearms.

I'm starting to consider if I should go and buy longer elbow pads with more extended slash coverage or if I have a better thing going on here with my EP/wrist guard combination.

Does anybody here use wrist guards? If so, what are your thoughts on them?

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I used to wear short elbow pads and I had the same problem. I wore wrist protectors to bridge the gap between my gloves and my elbow pads for a couple of years and it worked well. When it came time to replace my elbow pads I simply bought the longer version so I no longer need to use my wrist guards. If you don't feel like shelling out for new elbow pads then I would say yes, wrist guards are the way to go. They are less pricey than new elbow pads.

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Tried them awhile back...and absolutely hated them. Not only do they interfere with wrist movement (even with the shortest of cuffs), but they're also hot and uncomfortable. I'm a bit pickier than most, though, so you might not find them to be so obnoxious.

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Tried them awhile back...and absolutely hated them. Not only do they interfere with wrist movement (even with the shortest of cuffs), but they're also hot and uncomfortable. I'm a bit pickier than most, though, so you might not find them to be so obnoxious.

I have to agree...same impression myself. I solved that problem by grabbing some RBK 8K elbows. They are very long, and have been a lot less restrictive on wrist movement.

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As you can see it's a personal preferance thing. Try out a pair, if they work for you great, if not you'll just have to go with longer elbow pads or gloves.

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I'm right handed, so i tend to only wear it on my bottom hand, as it tends to get hacked up quite a bit. i have one of the older Easton's with the plastic insert and i don't notice it's even there. Fits perfectly fine between my RBK 9k EPs and my gloves. A nice and cheap solution to the problem.

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a bruise here and a bruise there never hurt anyone... I should wear them but I should use a mouth piece too.

If you feel like you should use them, use them.

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I'm using the TPS guards, they're not bad. Kind of bump against my elbow pads and gloves, but not enough to bother me. Haven't been slashed since I bought them of course :rolleyes:

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I've used the Mission wristguards (plastic insert) without a problem. The plus side that I've noticed is they also act like a sweatband and my hands and gloves are drier afterwards.

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Tried them awhile back...and absolutely hated them. Not only do they interfere with wrist movement (even with the shortest of cuffs), but they're also hot and uncomfortable. I'm a bit pickier than most, though, so you might not find them to be so obnoxious.

I had the same issue this guy had. Im not picky I just hated the fact it limited my wrist action. I bought longer elbow pads after a few weeks and haven't gone back. If you like the wrist then use it until you have to buy elbow pads. It really is a personal preference.

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I've used them on my bottom hand and they never got in the way before. It wasn't the bruises that bothered me, since they went away, but instead it was the constants scars I got from being cut up by sticks.

I was thinking of trying out that rbk triple impact shirt since they seem to be designed to work with RBK elbow pads. As of now the 5ks are too long for regular sized slash guards.

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I used the wrist guards that attached to my gloves rather than my elbow-pads. They do restrict movement but I'm a defensive defenseman so not too much of an issue.

I could see a dangler having problems but it's all pp./

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well i use s9 elbows and vapor xxx gloves, there's no gap at all. the xxx have such huge cuff flare that you can wear really long elbows.

just my two cents, because i hate wrist guards, they make my arms so hot.

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I also have the Easton S9 elbows(medium). Best elbows ever IMO! I wear them with One90 gloves or TPS HGT pros (both 14"). I have a pair of the Easton slash guards and I really like them. I got tired of getting slashed on the wrist. In some wrist positions there would be full coverage, but when I would bend my wrists, a gap would open up. I always seemed to get slashed in that area when driving hard to the net. I actually took a slapshot on my arm between the elbow pad and glove once. That was the last straw. The Easton guards are like sweat bands with plastic inserts. For a medium sized forearm they offer great comfort and mobility. They also absorb sweat which should keep your gloves a bit dryer. If you need even more protection...Eagle makes an almost exact replica of the Easton style guards but they are about an inch longer. The Eastons are about 3 inches and the Eagles about 4. Hope that helps you out.

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I use wrist guards when in league/competitive games, but not pick-up. I've always used pretty decent elbow pads with forearm protection, but for 15+ years have used gloves either made real short or had the cuffs shortened.

The guards I use are the older style hard plastic Jofa ones. I like the guard in between and independent of both gloves and elbow pads since it seems less restrictive that way (if in the way, both elbow pads and gloves can slide over snug fitting slash guard) ... also, all the long elbow pads seem to run long on the bottom; the slashes I take, mostly on my lower hand, fall across the top, almost palm side of wrist. So I keep my guards rolled especially inward to the palm, with the plastic/padding right on the bone.

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I also use the TPS ones and love them. I just took an errant puck off a deflected slapshot right on one of them last weekend...talk about 8 bucks well spent! I didn't even get a bruise.

I also play no-check, and I know what you mean about the slashing. Especially with most guys wearing a full cage all the time, those sticks get pretty crazy. I have not noticed any decrease in mobility at all. I use CCM Vector 8 elbows and Bauer Vapor X gloves. The gloves and elbows offer good protection, but the wrist guard does a great job for those 1 or 5 sticks that work their way in between every game. And the extra sweat absorption is a bonus too. I really like how they keep most of the sweat from getting to my palms.

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I wear Eagle slash guards with old school Jofa elbow pads that are pretty short. My issue isn't with the slash guards after getting used to the heat and the lesser mobility (not that I noticed this much). My issue is more of elbow pads - I can't stand the bicep pad so I have always bought and used Jofa pads with only the forearm straps. I haven't found longer versions of this to cover the open gap between the elbow pad and gloves.

With regard to the slash guards, I have tried Bauer's (with 1-side with the insert) and Eagle's (with inserts all over) and prefer the Eagle's.

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