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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood Woodies - RIP

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Anyone that didn't see that coming is blind. Who knows someday we might see the end of skate sharpeners and have laser guided machines will be doing the work. Things change, times change... It's a fact of life.

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Anyone that didn't see that coming is blind. Who knows someday we might see the end of skate sharpeners and have laser guided machines will be doing the work. Things change, times change... It's a fact of life.

As long as we have bent blades, skate sharpeners can never be replaced by machines!!

This factory closing is obviously tough on the skilled factory guys in Sherbrooke who built the wood sticks by hand. Once the skill is gone and not passed down from generation to generation, it will be lost forever.

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i heard about this a few days ago but wasnt sure it was final until i just read that article sad to read they were a great stick company for wood sticks and great for mens league guys who didnt want a composite shaft or stick

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Best mate had a Sherwood, Bourque woody as his 1st stick some 11 years ago. Now it sits mounted above his 3 year old son's bed. I know this news will sadden him as he always wanted his son's 1st "proper" hockey stick to be a Sherwood woody.

Great article btw.

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i love sher woods, id use them more often if i could make a wood stick last more than 3 ice times. But yeah sher wood makes the best woodies ive ever used, why would they do such a thing and discontinue them :(

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3rd best wood stick I have ever used behind the Titan and Canadien.

I need to stock up on some great SOP's that my LHS has. Sad indeed.

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The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. It shouldn't be such a shock. Some of their sticks have the "Made in Russia" stamp already so perhaps sticks will be avail from there.

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I guess this means that I'm going to have to buy a few of the Crosby "pro pattern" int. woodies we've got in our shop. The lie is a little off from where I'd like it, but the curve itself is absolutely money; I figure if nothing else, they'll make for nice templates for any future customs I get made-up (I'll just have to specify the change in lie).

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QUOTE(Tyler B @ Oct 20 2007, 04:15 AM)

they should just keep making them for tradition sake. :(

You should fund their losses for traditions sake. :huh:

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The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. It shouldn't be such a shock. Some of their sticks have the "Made in Russia" stamp already so perhaps sticks will be avail from there.

So does this mean their product line won't change, just where the sticks come from?

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RIP 5030 Coffey. Best curve ever.

They still offer it in composites. I loved that pattern. One of my all time favorites for sure. Kind of bummer about the plant closing. Sher-wood always made a great wood stick.

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Anyone that didn't see that coming is blind. Who knows someday we might see the end of skate sharpeners and have laser guided machines will be doing the work. Things change, times change... It's a fact of life.

They already have them here in mass :o There at a lot of the rinks. Pretty much everyone is afraid to try them though because they're afraid the machine will chop up their skates

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RIP 5030 Coffey. Best curve ever.

Still have one sitting in the corner in half decent shape. Might have to keep it in decent shape and hang it up.

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