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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Skates

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Well, as long as Justin is leaving his job to go work in a coffee shop, I think you could have mine too. I have always wanted to be a farmer and grow crops.

Is the offer open to anyone?! :P

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Hey Chief, I didn't start this post. It was from someone at a shop.

Well, as long as Justin is leaving his job to go work in a coffee shop, I think you could have mine too. I have always wanted to be a farmer and grow crops.


Let's get together and form a new Coffee bean Farming manufacturer...Anyone have a name for us....

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Pur-a-gy Beans, featuring the propriatary Thermatec roasting process.

with "Supple-Coil" Technology!!


I know that was dumb, but I had to say it.

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JR - I don't pick "fights". I do not use derogatory language or get personal with anyone. Garnering emotion from a typed statement inferring that I pick fights is ridiculous. I have opinions and sometimes make strong statements. People can take them or leave them just as I do when I read thru some posts on things I am interested in.

Then just take Ryan's statements and take it or leave it.. It's quite simple.

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Well, as long as Justin is leaving his job to go work in a coffee shop, I think you could have mine too.  I have always wanted to be a farmer and grow crops.

Is the offer open to anyone?! :P


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Hey Chief, I didn't start this post.  It was from someone at a shop.

Well, as long as Justin is leaving his job to go work in a coffee shop, I think you could have mine too.  I have always wanted to be a farmer and grow crops.


Let's get together and form a new Coffee bean Farming manufacturer...Anyone have a name for us....

I remember you guys used to do the ads with the coffee beans everywhere and big sacks of beans and it would usually say something like "freshly brewed" or something. This was for your roller stuff. It was funny because I would always go to the supermarket with my parents and search for Mission Coffee... but I never could find it. Hey I was still a little one, and a moron at that.

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Now, which one is going to be Juan Valdez?

My vote is for Justin.

He can pop out of closets wearing his goal pads and his "tux" and hand the lady a bunch of coffee beans in his trapper..."Buenos dias, senora..."

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What's happened to this thread, I thought we were talking about skates? just kidding!! :P

But after reading all this, I could go for a cup of coffee ;)

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I seen the synergy skates and i thought they looked to be very exceptional. I would consider buying thembut i'm not gonna lay down like $800 canadian when my feet aren't stopped growing. Maybe by the time they are they'll have a stealth skate.

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Those look like "fitting stock" skates to me. Don't have all the refinements and comforts or revisions that the final versions have. I wouldn't waste my money on them.

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I am sure you can change the holders with no problems...There is an outsole...It is just incorporate into the boot as well...One solid piece....

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Only problem I foresee is pressing rivets in it. Maybe if you had a pneumatic riveter it'll be much easier. but it looks like you'd have to crank pretty hard to get the steels to set using a manual riveter.

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at the shop we dont have small enough rivets. i didnt look into it but thats what i was told. and yes changing holders would be a pain in the ass. drilling new holes, finding the right rivets, rivetor, voiding warranty...... or sticking with the razors.

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