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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

2008 CCM U+ lineup

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Nice to have CCM back in the game. Hopefully this great brand can get back to what it use to be -- a long time ago.

From what I saw and felt on this skate I will definitely say that they're back in the game.

Not only did it feel amazing on my foot, the lightweight was unreal. Though their next step is to try and reduce the price of the steel. I know guys that sharpen their skates once a skate, that steel will disappear in a hurry.

Overall a great feeling skate though. Can't wait to demo a pair..

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I think i can get a couple more seasons out of my current Vectors. Hopefully The Tacks line will be back by then. I will say it's an improvement astheticly from the current Vector line.

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Tacks are done, guys.

Pretty much confirmed...obviously you can say "never say never," but yeah...

The new breed of players can't identify with that name anymore.

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Tacks are done, guys.

The new breed of players can't identify with that name anymore.

Crap, I'm old. I hate not being in CCM's target demographic.

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Tacks are done, guys.

Pretty much confirmed...obviously you can say "never say never," but yeah...

The new breed of players can't identify with that name anymore.

RIP my beloved Tacks. You were loved for the 17 years that I spent in you.

RBK's will have to suffice for my for now.

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17 years in the same ones?

Negative.....17 years of wearing VARIOUS Tacks models. :)

First pair of skates were Bauers, ever since then it has been only Tacks, until my recent mistake a year ago of purchasing Vectors. :(

Since that mistake it has been 7K's, and they fit my feet just about perfectly.....very remniscent of the fit of my Tacks.

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Tacks are done, guys.

Pretty much confirmed...obviously you can say "never say never," but yeah...

The new breed of players can't identify with that name anymore.

RIP my beloved Tacks. You were loved for the 17 years that I spent in you.

I feel just about the same. I grew up wearing CCM Tacks, it was an extremely comfy and well made skate. It really sucks they're gone...

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I wonder if those CCM runners will make the endearing ice crunching noise that the T-blades make.

No...it is a lightweight stainless steel...it's not like t'blade at all.

There were guys wearing it when I skated, they just didn't have them on all of the boots.

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i don't know why i can't put it together, but is the U+ stick actaully missing the heel? like is it actually a cut-out or is it there, just hollowed out...i can't grasp the idea from the pictures for some reason.

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Looking forward to trying these on. My only complaint about Vectors is way too little depth for my foot.

These are supposed to have some more volume when compared to the pretty shallow older Vectors.

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IF you check out some of the gear sightings threads, you will already see the new offering from RBK

I think he means an "official" launch, complete with literature on the product, etc.

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It's not the worst looking skate...I kinda wish they stuck to the color scheme that appears to have more black along the edges and at the heel that the pros are wearing.

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