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How stupid is Chris Simon?

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x2. Simon is garbage. That was uncalled for and downright dirty. If Bertuzzi gets charged with assault and whatever else, then Simon could be too. This was a blatant attack on Ruutu, nothing remotely close to anything to do with the game of hockey.

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It's as worst as taking your skate off during the game and trying to stabb a guy. ;)

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I don't see them pressing charges since he didn't put Ruutu on the IR. I bet because Ruutu was seemingly unharmed he won't get more than a slap on the wrist.

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How many games did they give Havlat for his last kick? This one will probably be around 20 and only because he's a repeat offender.

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And wasn't Havlat on his back? In that case, you could argue (but probably not credibly) that it was his self-protection instinct that motivated the kick. In Simon's case, it was a clear, brutal attack. I don't think those 2 cases are really that comparable, given each player's very different posture during the kick.

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I hope he plays the Flyers soon.


What surprises me is that Avery is the NHL's most hated player, and yet there are guys that get suspended for serious infractions who aren't even whispered about.

I guess people are wrong; sticks and stones do break bones, but words do you hurt you. Because that's all Avery is guilty of.

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I hope he plays the Flyers soon.


What surprises me is that Avery is the NHL's most hated player, and yet there are guys that get suspended for serious infractions who aren't even whispered about.

I guess people are wrong; sticks and stones do break bones, but words do you hurt you. Because that's all Avery is guilty of.

Thats because Avery is a piece of shit. I hate him and its not just because I'm an islander fan, but Avery doesn't swing his stick or step on people. Maybe a spear here or a punch in the face there, but he doesn't do career ending things.

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That was totally uncalled for, but it makes you wonder if we'll see more of cheap crap like this in the future from various players with the reduced amount of legitimate fighting in the league. If you don't have a sanctioned way to blow off some steam it ends up coming out in crap like this.

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That was totally uncalled for, but it makes you wonder if we'll see more of cheap crap like this in the future from various players with the reduced amount of legitimate fighting in the league. If you don't have a sanctioned way to blow off some steam it ends up coming out in crap like this.

Simon could've easily dropped 'em with Laraque. What he did instead was slew foot Ruutu and then stomp on his foot. Not only was it dirty as hell, it was a pussy move to boot.

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I hope he plays the Flyers soon.


What surprises me is that Avery is the NHL's most hated player, and yet there are guys that get suspended for serious infractions who aren't even whispered about.

I guess people are wrong; sticks and stones do break bones, but words do you hurt you. Because that's all Avery is guilty of.

Avery also has some skill, I don't even know how Simon got into the NHL in the first place

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I hope he plays the Flyers soon.


What surprises me is that Avery is the NHL's most hated player, and yet there are guys that get suspended for serious infractions who aren't even whispered about.

I guess people are wrong; sticks and stones do break bones, but words do you hurt you. Because that's all Avery is guilty of.

Hey 96, That is a great point on Avery.

Unreal just how thin skinned some players and fans are.

Sure, it you want to pull teeth I have seen Sean turtle in the past or the famous dive on Jagr, but we all know people hate him because of his words first and foremost. He plays hard every shift and makes more of his skills because of that.

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Avery also has some skill, I don't even know how Simon got into the NHL in the first place

Simons best season consisted of 29 goals. Thats pretty damn good for someone without skills, no?

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Avery also has some skill, I don't even know how Simon got into the NHL in the first place

Simons best season consisted of 29 goals. Thats pretty damn good for someone without skills, no?

Don't be too harsh...He probably was a wee little tike when Simon made it into the NHL so of course he wouldn't know

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I hope he plays the Flyers soon.


What surprises me is that Avery is the NHL's most hated player, and yet there are guys that get suspended for serious infractions who aren't even whispered about.

I guess people are wrong; sticks and stones do break bones, but words do you hurt you. Because that's all Avery is guilty of.

Avery also has some skill, I don't even know how Simon got into the NHL in the first place

affirmative action.

Ted Nolan is hard core about having their native tribe representin' and would scream bloody murder if Simon got the boot. Five bucks says if he gets banned (only a matter of time) Nolan crys racism, because his tribe is "so oppressed" in hockey circles.

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I hope he plays the Flyers soon.


What surprises me is that Avery is the NHL's most hated player, and yet there are guys that get suspended for serious infractions who aren't even whispered about.

I guess people are wrong; sticks and stones do break bones, but words do you hurt you. Because that's all Avery is guilty of.

Hey 96, That is a great point on Avery.

Unreal just how thin skinned some players and fans are.

Sure, it you want to pull teeth I have seen Sean turtle in the past or the famous dive on Jagr, but we all know people hate him because of his words first and foremost. He plays hard every shift and makes more of his skills because of that.



Sean Avery Fanclub

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