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Meat eaters

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Yeah. This brought back gross memories from the Arby's roast beef slicer at the end of the work day.

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  cxo said:

An undercover video showing crippled and sick animals being shoved with forklifts has led to the largest beef recall in the United States and a scramble to find out if any of the meat is still destined for school children's lunches.


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I for one am in the process of weaning myself off of meat (and a lot of other unnecessary foods) altogether, not because of political convictions, but because I have a problem with additives in my food that I'm not informed about and the way it's processed. Unfortunately I can't quite afford to go completely without meat just yet, and I'm sure I'll always steal some venison from family members during hunting season regardless, but this still just reinforces my will power.

(mistakenly quoted myself instead of editing my first post... oh well)

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Never had red meat in my lifetime and can't really seem to see the big deal. Smelled steaks and barbecue but they just don't appeal to me. Burgers look disgusting no matter where they're from. I just can't see how an animal is treated affecting what I'd eat though as chickens get roughed up as well. I don't yell at the people at the grocery store who drop the box of broccoli flowers.

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It's not so much that they were abused going into the slaughterhouse, but that they were possbily suffering from Madcow disease that was the primary concern.

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Just about any meat is produced through less than ideal methods. I'd love to be able to meet my nutritional needs without animals being killed but It's just not feasible in my area. I have a hard enough time finding good fruits and veggies in the winter.

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  mack said:

Never had red meat in my lifetime and can't really seem to see the big deal. Smelled steaks and barbecue but they just don't appeal to me. Burgers look disgusting no matter where they're from. I just can't see how an animal is treated affecting what I'd eat though as chickens get roughed up as well. I don't yell at the people at the grocery store who drop the box of broccoli flowers.

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No wonder you're a rail, eh? ;)

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  Chadd said:

Just about any meat is produced through less than ideal methods. I'd love to be able to meet my nutritional needs without animals being killed but It's just not feasible in my area. I have a hard enough time finding good fruits and veggies in the winter.

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I agree. Its not cheap to eat healthy.

I try to eat whats in season but when it comes down to it, meat is generally cheap. My family background doesn't help either. I was raised with a meat dish as the main course for dinner every night. I try to balance it out now that I am older and have more choice over what goes on my dinner plate.

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I have food allergies, reflux etc and I MUST eat meat, it's one of the only things that doesn't upset my stomach, so long as it's not seasoned or spiced.

Moreover, human beings are animals, and animals eat other animals to survive. Plus, lean meat is actually very healthy for you (referring moreso to turkey and chicken).

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i try and be a conscientious omnivore. after learning more and more about how factory farms treat there animals i am making the effort to look more where my food comes from. at the very least i want animals that aren't force fed shit just to make them fatter faster.

it is expensive though. to go through with it i will have to cut down how much meat i eat and work on other protein sources.

i don't have a problem with animals being food, i do have a problem with large companies (meat/vegetable/etc.) making decisions that put people at risk in order to keep their bottom line high.

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  mack said:

Never had red meat in my lifetime and can't really seem to see the big deal. Smelled steaks and barbecue but they just don't appeal to me. Burgers look disgusting no matter where they're from. I just can't see how an animal is treated affecting what I'd eat though as chickens get roughed up as well. I don't yell at the people at the grocery store who drop the box of broccoli flowers.

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Tubesteak is red meat...

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  number21 said:
i don't have a problem with animals being food, i do have a problem with large companies (meat/vegetable/etc.) making decisions that put people at risk in order to keep their bottom line high.

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That's mostly my problem with it too. I have a couple irrational fears that I'd like to get over, but one I won't compromise on is processed food/food with potetntially weird additives that I feel under-informed about. I just want to know what I'm eating as best I can, even if that means skimping on some foods I really liked. It is true that the way an animal is treated won't have an effect on the meat, as far as animal cruelty goes, I just don't understand it because it's completely unnecessary.

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Meat is murder. Too bad it tastes so good.

Watch the movie Fast Food Nation. I don't eat much meat and until last year, rarely ate fast food. But after seeing Fast Food Nation, I'm going back to avoiding fast food. But that Carl's Junior Six Dollar Mushroom Burger is a damn fine burger.

Chicken is bad news as well. Male chickens are killed upon hatching. Methods used are bashing, clipping their beaks so they starve to death, or throwing them alive into a grinder. The chicken you consume is all female.

So that leaves fish which isn't the purest meat either considering the amount of toxins in the oceans.

Vegetarian? Most food coming out of the ground is genetically modified and coming out of depleted soil. Thank you Monsanto as well as their non germinating seeds. Although the big seed bank is making the news, it's pathetic that's it come to that.

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  mack said:

Never had red meat in my lifetime and can't really seem to see the big deal. Smelled steaks and barbecue but they just don't appeal to me. Burgers look disgusting no matter where they're from. I just can't see how an animal is treated affecting what I'd eat though as chickens get roughed up as well. I don't yell at the people at the grocery store who drop the box of broccoli flowers.

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Not to be snoopy, but can I ask how you never had any red meat your whole life? Was it where you grew up, or just parents decision? I'm really just curious. I know my mother never wanted us to eat it but we did and she did, only because we really couldn't afford not to then.

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Parents, specifically my mum. Just never had it as a kid so it definitely sucked trying to find food at grillouts because I've never had a hot dog either. Not sure if she qualifies as a vegan or whatever their levels are, but my sister's at least vegetarian. Not me, I love chicken and fish too much to complete excise it from my diet.

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Go out, buy a pair of shoes and POW your buying into child labor or low wages or outsourcing.

Go buy meat and BOOM, animal cruelty, steroid injected food, etc.

Honestly, most things in this world hurt someone somewhere. And though it may be a jaded view I think that you have to live for you and yours and when you can, help others/animals/etc.

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Vegetables are living things too... That's not the point though. Cruelty and putting knowingly diseased animals into out childrens food is the issue. Remember most of the meat was going to the school system. Apparently, jack in the box and in-and-out burger.

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  TBLfan said:
Vegetables are living things too... That's not the point though. Cruelty and putting knowingly diseased animals into out childrens food is the issue. Remember most of the meat was going to the school system. Apparently, jack in the box and in-and-out burger.
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I don't believe that, we all know jack doesn't use real meat.

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I've been a vegetarian for the past few years and it's really not as hard as people make it seem. I really thought it would affect me living such an athletic lifestyle but I feel like I have more energy now than I did before. With all the steroids and pesticides that are given to animals in slaughter houses (as well as the cruelty involved) it wasn't worth it to me to continue eating animals anymore.

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