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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Supreme ONE95 Initial Thoughts

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  McDougalfaschnitzer said:

Have you tried skating in them with tongues in, and how much of a difference was there?

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I keep the tongues under my shin pads on the ONE95. With all the support in the boot there is no problem either way.

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One thing that I forgot to add -

This was the first time I skated with the Easton insoles in the skates with the heel lift in them. The foot pain that I used to get were solved once I raised my heel some. Instead of building a lift internally (like I did with my AG120s) I just put the Easton footbed in the ONE95s.

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Hey JR if I fit in a 6ee one90 perfect, will the 95s fit to wide? the length and volume are cool, but dont know about the width, scared me when you said they are wider.

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JR so how are these things holding up so far? are you getting on the ice lately to give more of a longer term thought?

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  NoAngleDangler said:

JR, having skated in these and the CCM U+ skates how can you compare the two? What are the main differences?

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Excellent question. This is the comparison I'm looking for as well. When both are readily available in the market, I will be trying them both on.

I'm sure they fit very different, but I'd still like to hear the comparison:

Difference in:

- forefoot room (JR had mentioned the one95's still pinch the 'bauer bone')

- ankle width

- ankle height

- boot depth

- weight

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yeah, I don't think you can punch composite boots and not create issues, as evidenced with the S15. If "alive" comp is any different in this regard, by all means someone correct me.

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glad to hear

my one90's are starting to break down and I dont even play competitive hockey anymore

I skate 2-3 times a week in I'd say B level beer leagues and the skate seems to be falling apart

made in canada?

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Jr I have a question about knee bending. I really bend my knees a lot when i skate and hate the vapors because of how much of a high cut

they are. Do you find any problems with bending your knees and getting a powerful stride?

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In my vapors I don't lace the top eyelet and lace outside in... I can now get that deep Lecavalier knee bend, working out much better. You dont realize how much the skate is holding you back when you're not getting your full knee bend until you see the results when you get the knee bend.

Just one more time for good luck; knee bend.

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