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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shaft/blade combo

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TPS Rubber with a Si-core Modano blade.

Innovative 1100 tapered with a Tapered Mogilny blade.

Easton Synergy Si-core shaft with a Si-core Modano blade.

Franklin Aluminum with wooden Easton Yzerman blade.

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My favorite 2 combos i have are:

z-bubble grip with focus flex sakic pattern

si-core shaft with synthesis iginla pattern

i would love to try an R2 xn10 with a synthesis lidstrom

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Ive got ...

synthesis 100 flex with drury RH blade X2.

& a vapor xx 112 flex with kovelchuk RH curve.

i would like to have...

RBK 6K Taperd shaft with a synthesis drury or bauer xv kovelchuk or inno tapered kovelev X2.

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I use three currently...

Inno 1100 tapered with a Bauer 7500 Hossa blade

Prostock Inno Novius (Standard) with a CCM 1052 Recchi blade

TPS Tricore with a Bauer 6000 Jokinen blade

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Hey, an old post with new momentum. Okay, because I know everyone is dying to know what I use:

Easton Ultra Light Shaft (85 flex)

Easton Sakic wood blade

- I use to use a CCM Recchi blade, but I like the extra lift the Sakic gives me. Still getting use to the slight difference in lie, but gettting there.


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I've got :

R2 Xn10 w/ Pro P13 R2 blade

Vector 120 shaft w/ Pro Z-Carb Swanson (Buzz?)

Looking to add either RBK 6K, White Novius or an XV

I'll fire in a wood Vic Naslund blade or a wood P106 into the Vector (or other standard shaft)

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Isn't an NVS a golf shaft?

Yea they are. Also hockey, as you can see. Also, Aldila, makers of the M-1 shaft make golf shafts. I have one on my 983.

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my favorite 2-pc. was my broken m1 ops and a modano z-carbon blade,but the blade broke so now.my only 2-pc is the m1 with a pro stock tflex blade

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My all time favourite 2 pc combo had to be my ultra lite ultra graphite (modano). Right now diggin a triflex shaft flipped so i can use standard blades for inline.

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I am really enjoying my R2XN10 w/ Drury Synthesis (comp.)

But my favourite is my pro-stock Si-Core shaft, that now accepts tapered blades. That shaft plus a Sakic hybrid synthesis has been my baby.

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'02 Synergy with Easton Hybrid

Salo Prostock TPS Rubber with Nike Quest 3

Easton Aluminum V-Flex 70 with Easton Pro Tkaczuk <--- Street hockey stick.

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What do you guys have on your shaft/blade combo(if you haveone) and what would you want?

NVS Intimadator shaft, 90 flex and Pacrow solid core blade Shanahan - sweet!

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Isn't an NVS a golf shaft?

Yea they are. Also hockey, as you can see. Also, Aldila, makers of the M-1 shaft make golf shafts. I have one on my 983.

Sweet setup, I'm hitting the same head with a GD ys6 stiff. Back to two pieces.....

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Isn't an NVS a golf shaft?

Yea they are. Also hockey, as you can see. Also, Aldila, makers of the M-1 shaft make golf shafts. I have one on my 983.

Sweet setup, I'm hitting the same head with a GD ys6 stiff. Back to two pieces.....

I have a ys7 with a Gemini 355 head. I went from a fade to a slight draw and a few more yards with it.

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TPS R2 with an R2 Tkachuk blade. I perviously had a synthesis hybrid sakic but the R2 blade gives it a better balance!

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my # 1 is the Bauer XV 102 Shaft with TPS R2 Tkachuk blade

2. Synthesis 100 flex with Elias L2 blade

3. Inno 1100 with Modano ZCarb

4. Tapered XN10 with R2 Tkachuk

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