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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick/skates gallery

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ponty a guy like you has obviously tried out too many sticks for your own good, if you had to pick the best performing stick or shaft of the ones you have used what would it be?

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Never counted the amount of sticks or cash. I dont for a reason and never will.

Would that reason be that you might realize that you have a stick problem, and just so you don't go insane because from the math I can do in my head you have at least $10 000+ worth of sticks there. Your my hero.

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Its was a problem but I am getting better. ;) I dont pay $150 a pop for those sticks. Ebay and the Pepsi Center have been kind.

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ok i only have like 3 sticks.. (that's not my equipment on the left) STICK RACK

but I love my skates.. (why i liked the look of grafs great whites too-really like white/black skates) Thanks for letting me share my not-so-rare but i love them skates hehehe :D


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LOL my skate rack is looking pretty decent right now.  I'm getting one more pair, and possibly another.  It's getting ridiculous...

And to think I'd settle for just one pair that fits me right :D

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Come on Ponty, you've got to set up a stick rack similar to Buzz's. It would be a lot more impressive, this way you can just walk by and admire your arsenal :)

It will also make it easier to choose which stick (weapon) to take to your hockey game. My mood/confidence dictates which sticks I use for a game so when they are all lined up you can quickly scan which stick(s) will make you most comfortable/happy :)

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If he did what buzz did, then wed be walking for 10 miles ;)

Ponty....you loking to get rid of any of those :)

Isn't Ponty left handed?

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i think ponty is lying, all of those stick arent his. Its probably just his teammates or something.

Yeah, he plays on one of those teams where they all shoot the same way. Be more of a chimp, please.

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