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Slash guards

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I'm looking into buying some slash guards that will slide under my elbow pads and cover the sometimes unprotected area between the gloves and elbow pads. I've heard great things about the jofa slash guards, but they're not made anymore. If anyone knows where I could get a pair somewhat like the ones Ovechkin is using here that would be great.


Also, does anyone know anything about these itech slash guards? Are they comfortable and protective?


If anyone knows of any other good slash guards, post 'em up. Thanks in advance.

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Then the Itech ones are out- they are plastic with male velcro that attach to a sweatband. The old Jofas were sewn to the elbow pad, I'm not sure of any that slide under the pad like you are looking for.

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I personally like the Easton and Eagle slash guards. Both are the wrist band type though. They are comfortable and don't impede your movement.

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Monty22 Posted Today, 03:44 PM

Then the Itech ones are out- they are plastic with male velcro that attach to a sweatband. The old Jofas were sewn to the elbow pad, I'm not sure of any that slide under the pad like you are looking for.

I remember reading an old topic where JR ws talking about the old jofa ones he had/has and he cut off the slash guards, stuck them under his elbow pads and left them floating.

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No, JOFA made a floating slash guard that attached with Velcro. It is what Ovechkin uses. Pretty much impossible to find - suggest you contact a Swedish member to see if they still sell them.

I know A2Rhino had a set he was trying to move.

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If you're interested a PIAS in my area has/had a pair of Stinger slash guards. I can't find any pics online, but it's a floating guard that velcros around your arm, not a wristband type

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My Bauer EP Comps came with them. Maybe there is an equivalent out there? These were price-point elbow pads.

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I second the Eagle ones. I've tried the Easton ones but the padding is only on one side. The Eagles look "ribbed" and offer a much more effective fit. Just in case you don't know what they are, here's a link:

Eagle Slash Guards

imo they are the best (of what I've seen and tried). You won't be disappointed!

BTW I use 3" guards, I can imagine 5" being overkill :S

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are there many elbow pads with built in slash guards? i dont like the sweat band type ones, and so far i have only seen the graf 700 elbow pad with a true slash guard. i have gotten 3 slashes in the wrist in about 5 games so its about time i cover that area before i get hurt too badly

sorry to hijack this thread

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Jofas old 9177 had extended slash cuffs. I think they became last years RBK 8k elbow.

Also last years, I think, Easton Synergy 800 had extended slash guards.

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DavidT, Your right on both RBK and Easton. I had a pair of the floating Jofas that someone took off my hands from here. I now where the JOFA 9177, aka RBK 8K's. They fit my unusualy long forearms.

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I second the Eagles. They protect all the way around the wrist and forearm and is what I have used with shorter gloves.

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i duno if you can find them, but i got a pair of nike slash guards in a prostock sale. their this funny little peice of foam with hard plastic at one end. no straps. all you do is slide it under your elbow pads (hard peice of plastic sticking out) and it adds about and inch or two of protection. dont even know their there.

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i duno if you can find them, but i got a pair of nike slash guards in a prostock sale. their this funny little peice of foam with hard plastic at one end. no straps. all you do is slide it under your elbow pads (hard peice of plastic sticking out) and it adds about and inch or two of protection. dont even know their there.

Those were meant to go in the sleves of one of their undershirts. I have several of those as well. Never really did anything with them.

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Tried both the Easton and Eagle slash guards and liked the Eagle's more.

The Shock Doctor Lacrosse slash guards look interesting. Anyone else have any feedback on them?

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I saw these at a trade show a couple of weeks ago. They looked very nice and are mobile. I will be getting samples of them soon. I know that one of the biggest complaints with slash guards is the lack of mobility with one solid plastic piece. These address that issue.

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I saw some of those Farrell products in a pro shop in Arizona a couple weeks ago. Honestly, I almost bought some of the shoulder pads even though I really don't wear any these days. They were really light and mobile I thought it was a really cool concept.

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