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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The movie thread

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Halloween II laid an egg.

Really? I thought the first one (Zombie's...not the first FIRST one) was pretty good. Never been a fan of slasher/horror flicks...but my GF is...so I've been watching a few lately. I was looking forward to seeing H2...maybe it's a download, oops...I mean rental.

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Doesn't surprise me at all. Rob Zombie's a horrible director and at best, Devil's Rejects is tolerable. Never really cared for the guy but he lost all respect when they remade Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He lashed out, saying he'd been approached to direct it but thought that classics shouldn't be remade. Then he rapes the living shit out of Halloween and manages to outdo himself for H2.

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Halloween II laid an egg.

May be the biggest understatement I've heard in a while. This movie was atrocious. As a rule, I'm not really a fan of the mindless slasher/horror films, but the first Rob Zombie Halloween was tolerable so when I was asked to go out and see it as a date with someone that loves these type of movies I figured I could at least stomach it; wrong. This attempt by Zombie to make Meyers more "human" or give a reason for his killing is not only unnecessary, it was downright confusing to no end. I spent the entire movie either confused as to where the plot of the movie was going... and, not the good kind of confused where the plot completely throws me for a loop, ala Fight Club. Or, considering walking out of the theater because of how terrible the movie actually was. I guess my preconceived thoughts towards this type of movie does not help how I see this movie, but even if this was my kind of thing... I believe I would have still saw it for the mindlessly slapped together bucket of bile that it is...

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Your recollection of Halloween II is EXACTLY how I felt when I went and saw Public Enemies. A lot of people loved that one though. I went and saw it with a friend and when we left I found out he sent me a text asking if I wanted to leave. That was 3 hours of crap for me.

Good thing IDPA took a good chunk of the fun fund out of action and I only went to about 5 mediocre movies this summer instead of a lot more.

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my vote is for "funny people". Not only did it lag in the middle, but there really was not that much funny about it. It takes a lot for me to think a movie is bad, but this one did it.

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Just got home from seing Paranormal Activity. GREAT for the genre, but damn do you feel creepy afterwards. This one demands that no spoilers are told.

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Well they finally released that and put Trick R Treat out on DVD (great btw, if you liked Creepshow or Goosebumps) but still nothing on the Poughkeepsie Tapes.

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Just got home from seing Paranormal Activity. GREAT for the genre, but damn do you feel creepy afterwards. This one demands that no spoilers are told.

So it wasn't cheesy then? I saw the trailer for that and immediately thought of "Saw" or something; a movie that's basically made to scare high school kids, but other than that blows.

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