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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok rebranding

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Caught some video of Patrice Bergeron and Manny Fernandez working out at the B's rookie camp. Bergeron was using a maroonish stick that definitely lacked holes and had "Reebok" in big letters down the shaft. I'll try to locate pics.

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The holes never really had anything to do with performance, it was about marketing. Now, it's time to move onto the next big thing.

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I think this stick ever really made it off the ground from the start. Not many pro's used it and the graphics were nothing to rave about. I know that no one on this site has even bothered to leave any feedback on it in the review board. I personally had not found a curve that I liked on this stick so I never gOt one to even try it out. I can tell you this; Had I got one my first mission would have been to spray paint it BLACK.

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It didn't help that you lift it up and it felt incredibly heavy and unbalanced for a $220 stick.

Agreed... I only had so much cash and I'm glad I picked the S17 instead of getting sucked in by the marketing.

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It didn't help that you lift it up and it felt incredibly heavy and unbalanced for a $220 stick.

Agreed... I only had so much cash and I'm glad I picked the S17 instead of getting sucked in by the marketing.

So, you still got sucked into marketing?

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Agreed... I only had so much cash and I'm glad I picked the S17 instead of getting sucked in by the marketing.

So, you still got sucked into marketing?


Yeah, he did

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The feel and performance has nothing to do with the stick not selling, it was the price. None of my customers who bought one, didn't like it, in fact most of the sales are repeats. Those who like it, really like it. The $240 was just too much to swallow. Once it got down to $170 range, it sold just like all the other sticks.

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Agreed... I only had so much cash and I'm glad I picked the S17 instead of getting sucked in by the marketing.

So, you still got sucked into marketing?


Yeah, he did

Yeah, so I guess Easton's marketing team targeted me better than Reebok's. :lol:

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I paid 50 and I was very unimpressed with feel and release. I didn't think it was overly heavy though. I'd rate it among the lightest sticks I've used (XXXX, SE) with alright balance, better than a cheap woodie in a shaft.

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I guess it just didn't go over well with the holes. I mean, it looked "cool" and I expected it to sell well with younger players, but I guess parents don't want to have to spend that much on a stick.

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I honestly thought the balance was horrible for any stick much less a stick that costly.... It just looks like trash when you see similar priced sticks so well-balanced, you could set a watch to them.

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only one store in my area carried the stick. Problem was not everyone plays at the rink where the shop was, so it went over like a lead balloon in my area. Suffolk County NY

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