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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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80,000 dollars on sticks

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That was a great video! They were at Mariucci making that last week. I love that Harry got some screen time (men's equipment manager). He might be the funniest person I know.

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I haven't watched the vid yet, but I assume that $80K is the stick budget for the team. AHL teams play 80 games, and don't they start at about $125K worth of product from THC?

Do College teams go through that many more sticks in fewer games or are they "paying" that much more for them?

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I haven't watched the vid yet, but I assume that $80K is the stick budget for the team. AHL teams play 80 games, and don't they start at about $125K worth of product from THC?

Do College teams go through that many more sticks in fewer games or are they "paying" that much more for them?

I remember that they had the AHL teams on a stick rotation - they were alloted a certain amount and had to trade in the broken ones.

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College teams don't play as many games (typically Fridays/Saturdays), so practices are usually a bit more "intensive" than you'd find at the pro level. I don't know what the general consensus here is, but during the course of any given season, I'd say that I usually break more sticks at practices than I do during games.

Skating treadmills are the Devil.

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The skating treadmill will definitely kick your ass if used correctly. I used to work out on one in the summers during college and the thing was an absolute beast. When they crank up the incline and have you doing short sprints you start to wish you played another sport. Man I'm glad I don't have to go through that any more.

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i havent skated at mariucci but i've played at the womens rink.

that is also a really nice place to play. it can get a little bit warm tho.

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I haven't watched the vid yet, but I assume that $80K is the stick budget for the team. AHL teams play 80 games, and don't they start at about $125K worth of product from THC?

Do College teams go through that many more sticks in fewer games or are they "paying" that much more for them?

I heard that the NBH teams do "trade-in" on broken sticks, whatever that means. For me it means no souvenirs since 99% of the team uses them.

Watching WCHA games at Tech, they might go through 7-8 sticks in a game. I have yet to be at a game that didn't have 2 or 3 minimum.

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I haven't watched the vid yet, but I assume that $80K is the stick budget for the team. AHL teams play 80 games, and don't they start at about $125K worth of product from THC?

Do College teams go through that many more sticks in fewer games or are they "paying" that much more for them?

There is more stick work at the upper college levels than in the NHL or AHL from the games that I've seen. Both pre and post lockout and rule crackdowns.

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I haven't watched the vid yet, but I assume that $80K is the stick budget for the team. AHL teams play 80 games, and don't they start at about $125K worth of product from THC?

Do College teams go through that many more sticks in fewer games or are they "paying" that much more for them?

I heard that the NBH teams do "trade-in" on broken sticks, whatever that means. For me it means no souvenirs since 99% of the team uses them.

Watching WCHA games at Tech, they might go through 7-8 sticks in a game. I have yet to be at a game that didn't have 2 or 3 minimum.

They don't do the "trade-in" at the U. Part of the contract has a pre-determined number of dollars that are allowed to be credited towards gear. Basically the first $XX,XXX is free stuff...

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I don't follow the Western schools as much as the Eastern ones but I was shocked to see Okposo back on campus after ditching them MID SEASON.

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I also thought it was odd to see Okposo out there. Must be no hard feelings.

My team scrimmaged there a couple times this spring. Really tough to skate on the wide ice, but the ice itself is wonderful. I was fortunate enough to score both times, once to tie it 1-1. Hoped to go to a shootout, but we ran out of time at the very end...

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That whole facility looks extremely nice. Im down here in SoCal, so ive never quite had the chance to see a school so dedicated to the sport of hockey. Looks very nice.

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