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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going to college tomorrow....

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"High school class" and "college class" are two completely different animals. Your experience in most high school classes is going to be about the same...but in college, you're going to have some classes that the mere thought of which make you want to drop-out; but then there will be others that you might actually enjoy going to.

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1:50 isnt that long for me considering I had that length for class in High School.

Like Lkpt said, it's completely different. Some classes will fly by, some will drag on forever. I've had professors that I enjoyed going to their classes and some that I couldnt stay away and would LITERALLY sleep 2/3 of the class, only reason I showed up was because attendance was 15% of the grade.

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This might be a weird question, but what are these 'points' for grades? In Northern Ireland, we have exams at the end of the year for our grades.

If I were you, I'd do as much as you could for these points...

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Germany has the best woman in the world. ;)


Guessing she didn't lift her arms up then?

Wasn't really interested in her under arms, I guess that must be a Brit thing. ;)

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This is going to be the best time of your life. The most important thing is for you to get good grades and after that have as much fun as possible. You have four years before the rest of the responsibilities tag along for the the ride, so make sure to take full advantage of this time.

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Germany has the best woman in the world. ;)


Guessing she didn't lift her arms up then?

Wasn't really interested in her under arms, I guess that must be a Brit thing. ;)

HAHA :lol:

Just remember if your Grandad hadn't of been a convict you would of been one of us 2wp1dmh.gif

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Germany has the best woman in the world. ;)


Guessing she didn't lift her arms up then?

Wasn't really interested in her under arms, I guess that must be a Brit thing. ;)

HAHA :lol:

Just remember if your Grandad hadn't of been a convict you would of been one of us 2wp1dmh.gif

LOL! so true...

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1:50 isnt that long for me considering I had that length for class in High School.

Like Lkpt said, it's completely different. Some classes will fly by, some will drag on forever.


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Germany has the best woman in the world. ;)


Guessing she didn't lift her arms up then?

Wasn't really interested in her under arms, I guess that must be a Brit thing.

HAHA :lol:

Just remember if your Grandad hadn't of been a convict you would of been one of us

Actually Opa was from Poland. Another country that could beat the poms at cricket. :D

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Germany has the best woman in the world. ;)


Guessing she didn't lift her arms up then?

Wasn't really interested in her under arms, I guess that must be a Brit thing.

HAHA :lol:

Just remember if your Grandad hadn't of been a convict you would of been one of us

Actually Opa was from Poland. Another country that could beat the poms at cricket. :D

Crickets not a real sport, we put our time and money in proper sports like the ones at the olympics.


Read it and weep kangaroo boy


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1. Go to class. You can at least get B's if you show up. Come senior year you know when and where to slack but don't start your fresh year off.

2. Fresh/Soph years are easy inflate the GPA.

3. Network. Be nice and meet everyone. You never know who you may meet that may give you notes if you miss a class, a job reference, or info for a good party.

4. Weekend starts on Wednesday but still go to class on Thurs and Friday.

5. Don't finish college too early. Enjoy the experience but get value out of 4 years.

6. Know what works for you. Some people like 3 hr classes, some like days off, some do well to study in the library etc. Which ever one works for you adapt your schedule to.

7. Go to the sporting events, clubs and intermurals. Don't hang out in your room all day.

8. Don't bring a relationship into college. Meet people hang out but don't get tied down.

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Also, don't major in being a poof and derailing a thread by having some silly quotefest about someone else's country.

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Professor Mack knows the way.

Hockeysc23's point 3 is seriously important. Allot of the guys I went to school with (High School and Uni) hook each other up for jobs all the time. Sometimes networking can be the only way to get into certain industries/high paying positions, never be afraid to stay in touch past the compulsion that you cannot be bothered.

Getting Notes, a job or even top grade crack like our Brit friend can all be done through networking.

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Yes, adding the little emotes to everything just makes it better. Quit being a pissant.

Its just banter. If you dont like it, dont read it. Simple as.

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No, it's utter crap and worth no one's time to even have to scroll past it. Maybe it's a condition you have, but it's becoming a bit more prominent and should cease.

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No, it's utter crap and worth no one's time to even have to scroll past it. Maybe it's a condition you have, but it's becoming a bit more prominent and should cease.

To say its worth no one's time is abit of a silly thing to say really, because its obviously worth your time otherwise you wouldn't of said anything about it would you?

If you geniunally believed that then you would of just ignored it and let it run its course.

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No, I'm not going to ignore douchebaggery and let it "run its course." Emoticons, a disability to reply without directly quoting the last post before yours, dated jokes about heritage and female's armpits should not be ignored. It's like watching a child get slapped by Gallagher and not doing anything about it.

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No, I'm not going to ignore douchebaggery and let it "run its course." Emoticons, a disability to reply without directly quoting the last post before yours, dated jokes about heritage and female's armpits should not be ignored. It's like watching a child get slapped by Gallagher and not doing anything about it.

Oh please do get off your high horse 2dqjy9h.jpg.

If you really had that much of a problem with it, then you should of just PM'd me instead of trying to look the MSH hero.

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Welcome to the show, I'm not about pm'ing. You've got an infantile need to try and irritate so unless you actually have something to add about college, peruse other threads instead.

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