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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Hazing the "Rookie"

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Lets see...only freshman on Varisty back in highschool: Jelly donuts in my shoes, clothes in shower, "ROOKIES GET THE PUCKS AND BOTTLES!".

In college, we had what was called rookie races at a roadtrip to New York for some games. One upper classman pushing a shopping cart/bell cart, and one rookie in each, down the hall....needless to say we got 10 feet before the bell cart was part way in the wall.

Some of this other stuff is ridiculous and stupid.


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"Aliu chose not to play along and a few weeks later was involved in a fight with then Spitfires captain Steve Downie at practice."

Why does that not surprise me?

I'm more suprised by the words captain and steve downie in the same sentence

haha I second that, and Downie got handled.......

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I've never been a fan of the "beating the shit out of a guy", anything else that causes bodily harm, or potentially wind up in trouble with the law.

Most any involvement Ive experienced was minor embarassing stuff to be all had in fun.

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Fuck worst thing ive done/ had done was playing drinking games with the older guys and having to drink what they drank. Also wherever play seems to go along the 'masks get the pucks and bottles' theme.

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This guy told me when he was a freshman, during practice the team put vodka in a few water bottles. Then unleashed the bottles to the freshmen right after wind sprints. When your dying for air, squirting vodka in your mouth isn't the greatest feeling. I now smell all water all the time.

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This guy told me when he was a freshman, during practice the team put vodka in a few water bottles. Then unleashed the bottles to the freshmen right after wind sprints. When your dying for air, squirting vodka in your mouth isn't the greatest feeling. I now smell all water all the time.

That's pretty funny..but a total waste of vodka.

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I dont understand what happens if your a rookie that is the best player. What if you are the new person and everybody knows that your better than everybody else on the team, do the veterans still try this stuff?

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In my experience the rookie who is awesome is ESPECIALLY picked on, they know he can play now they wanna see if he'll gel into the team's social group. The tighter the group, the more likely this will happen.

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^^^^^I wonder what the team did to Sidney Crosby or Ovechkin or Gretzky. I'm almost positive they don't have very interesting hazing stories. I doubt very much anything serious happened to them.

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Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I doubt its gonna get out anytime soon. Some guys on the board who are close to Perron may know but I can only assume they'd be tight lipped on this one for obvious reasons.

On one hand I can see they would, because they have probably done it all their lives. But, on the other token I can imagine that they'd be too busy with training, real bonding, their own lives etc. to worry about this sort of thing. Only the fly on the wall really knows.

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In my experience the rookie who is awesome is ESPECIALLY picked on, they know he can play now they wanna see if he'll gel into the team's social group. The tighter the group, the more likely this will happen.

My dad coached the Flames' Craig Conroy in high school. He said Craig took some of the worst beatings he had ever seen and had to suspend a bunch of players for it. I'm talking pink bellies until he bled.

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In juniors we all had to "hotbox or sweatbox" (whatever you call it) in the bathroom on the bus, 10 at a time after a preseason game. Not fun... it gets ridiculously hot and I get somewhat claustraphobic in small spaces.

The captains would throw a dime and 5 pennies in the bathroom every thirty minutes and whoever got the dime got out. It took me about 2 hours so it could have been worse.

Our coaches made damn sure we did it. If we didn't, they would shave our heads the the next day at practice... Only 2 guys elected for that.

I'm all for team building, but this has no place in sports.

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^^^^It's times like that, even though it sounds harsh, I wish Someone would pass out from heat exhustion and the coaches and the team would be held liable for something. Thats just insanity.

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If it hasn't happend yet, some kid will die from the bollocks these teams put their kids through. Hopefully its nipped in the bud before that happens.

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Hazing should be banned for life, doesn't belong anywhere at any level, and people who defend it saying it's tradition are idiots IMO.

Bullying is just as much a "tradition" at schools, but I don't see anybody trying to denfend that...

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I was lucky enough not to get rookied when I played rep hockey... I was shitting bricks about what they'd do to us rookies. I don't think anyone on our team got rookied on that trip... I remember it well as it felt like we dodged a major bullet after all the stories I'd heard!

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I was a senoir in High School when I decided to try out for hockey. I had played up to High School then quit. So this is 4 years with no Hockey, but I made the team. I wasnt that skilled compared to the other guys, but I was 6 foot and 200lbs...and had been in quite a few fist fights in the last few years. Yet they still wanted to shave my head with the freshmen as I was technically a rookie. Now today, I wouldnt have cared since I shave my head anyway, but over 20 years a go, I had a gorgeous mullet, LOL, and prized it. So I challenged anyone on the team to "helmet boxing" (helmet and gloves on, and no other rules). If anyone beats me, I get shaved. One at a time, as many as they want. They picked their toughest guy (you know the one...the "psycho kid who isnt afraid of anything). 20 seconds in he gives up, as I PUMMEL him. My icetime went up exponentially, as I was dubbed the goon of the team. LOL. Good times.

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I was a senoir in High School when I decided to try out for hockey. I had played up to High School then quit. So this is 4 years with no Hockey, but I made the team. I wasnt that skilled compared to the other guys, but I was 6 foot and 200lbs...and had been in quite a few fist fights in the last few years. Yet they still wanted to shave my head with the freshmen as I was technically a rookie. Now today, I wouldnt have cared since I shave my head anyway, but over 20 years a go, I had a gorgeous mullet, LOL, and prized it. So I challenged anyone on the team to "helmet boxing" (helmet and gloves on, and no other rules). If anyone beats me, I get shaved. One at a time, as many as they want. They picked their toughest guy (you know the one...the "psycho kid who isnt afraid of anything). 20 seconds in he gives up, as I PUMMEL him. My icetime went up exponentially, as I was dubbed the goon of the team. LOL. Good times.

HAHA now thats a awesome story

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I was a senoir in High School when I decided to try out for hockey. I had played up to High School then quit. So this is 4 years with no Hockey, but I made the team. I wasnt that skilled compared to the other guys, but I was 6 foot and 200lbs...and had been in quite a few fist fights in the last few years. Yet they still wanted to shave my head with the freshmen as I was technically a rookie. Now today, I wouldnt have cared since I shave my head anyway, but over 20 years a go, I had a gorgeous mullet, LOL, and prized it. So I challenged anyone on the team to "helmet boxing" (helmet and gloves on, and no other rules). If anyone beats me, I get shaved. One at a time, as many as they want. They picked their toughest guy (you know the one...the "psycho kid who isnt afraid of anything). 20 seconds in he gives up, as I PUMMEL him. My icetime went up exponentially, as I was dubbed the goon of the team. LOL. Good times.

I call BS on this one...

What self respecting goon would be seen dead in a pair of superlight S15's? :P

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