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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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Actually, he wore some retail CCM Pro Tacks


In one of the video pics on TSN he had the Koho's on....he must have switched before the game.

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On Tsn(Sportscenter) they claim his gear didn't make the trip to calgary so he grabbed some Red Deer Rebel Gear he had in his garage at home... apparently old skates as well

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What is the black line along the top of Comrie's visor?


I noticed that last night also, I'm going to say it's to cut down glare from the lights. When I was younger I remember some kids doing that w/ their full face shields, I don't remember where they got the idea from though.

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I noticed that last night also, I'm going to say it's to cut down glare from the lights. When I was younger I remember some kids doing that w/ their full face shields, I don't remember where they got the idea from though.

thats what I was thinking, equivalent of a football player putting the lack lines under his eyes

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I was going to wait for someone else to post it since I can't find a picture, but since nobody else seems to have said it:

Holmstrom was in Torspo gloves the other day. I only got a quick glimpse of them, so I couldn't tell what brand of glove they really were (assuming they were re-branded as some of the other Torspo-users' gloves appear to be).

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Anybody saw what Sundin was sporting?


looks like his leaf mission gloves, cnt stealth, vector 10 skates, ccm bucket. also in the nhl photo gallery rick nash is using an se 16

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looks like his leaf mission gloves, cnt stealth, vector 10 skates, ccm bucket. also in the nhl photo gallery rick nash is using an se 16


I was going to wait for someone else to post it since I can't find a picture, but since nobody else seems to have said it:

Holmstrom was in Torspo gloves the other day. I only got a quick glimpse of them, so I couldn't tell what brand of glove they really were (assuming they were re-branded as some of the other Torspo-users' gloves appear to be).

Looks like Torspo gloves to me, but could be PPFs or some other Eagle glove as the thumb looks Eagle for sure.




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Holmstrom was in Torspo gloves the other day. I only got a quick glimpse of them, so I couldn't tell what brand of glove they really were (assuming they were re-branded as some of the other Torspo-users' gloves appear to be).

Looks like Torspo gloves to me, but could be PPFs or some other Eagle glove as the thumb looks Eagle for sure.




not '09 equip, but I thought this was interesting:

Torspo gloves - "Manufacturer: RBK Reebok"...um, what?


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