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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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8 guys on every beer league team

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That is totally True JR, i never showered untill i hit bantam AAA because it was our coachs rule that to get on the bus you have had to shower and now i cant leave the rink without. Also the players who i play with who never play high level never seem to shower.

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A few thoughts:

-Be the Ringer as long as you can be

-Gracefully transition to "wiley" Old Guy

-Never be Naked Guy


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No ones adamant about showering together, but showering in general. I used to care about the whole 'showering with dudes' thing, but i want to get the filth of my gear off of me more than i care about that now.

I just think its gross to get that smell in your car, on your seats, etc etc.

But... whatever floats your boat.

I know...just having some fun.

The shower at the rink are literally only big enough for two people...anymore than that and swords start getting crossed.

That just adds to the issues when there are 20 in the locker room and only 2 can shower at a time.

Plus I have never had an issue with stink in the car....I towel off and put on dry clothes.

Yeah, I think you're taking the "showering together" argument too far, Eric.

Just curious - did you ever play a high level of competitive hockey? Not insulting you, just curious - I notice that adults who never did tend not to not shower at the rink.

I do, I hate being smelly and it also gives me a chance to loosen my muscles after a game. If I don't shower afterwards, I will cramp up.

LOL...it really isnt even my arguement....just playing around. :)

No I never played high level hockey, and the one year I played in high school there were no showers at the rink (outdoor), and I dont take any offense.

If I didnt live literally seven minutes door to door from the rink, I would be concerned about that too. I just dont have the issues you guys do I guess. I towel off and have dry clothes, sit in a truck with AC for 7 minutes, and am home in the shower. If I lived 45 minutes away, like some of my team do, I would have to re-evaluate my position, but as it stands, I really do not see, or smell, a downside.

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re this whole 'showering' thing - I assume we're all adults & so do what we must

I personally shower @ the rink whenever possible, BUT showering at home is quite convenient & so provided that it's an option (living close by for once, not having to be anywhere after the game etc) I'm sure most of us would pick it first - certainly an extra 15 mins (especially in dry clothes) wouldn't cause any health issues

my greatest beef with showers at some rinks is that it takes FOREVER to get the water to even room temperature (it's icy cold otherwise), and in some other cases it furns boling hot so quickly you can't even rinse - all this doesn't make showering at the rink more attractive.

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1. Our naked guy has a superstition [who is also the young guy [as am i], and ringer] that he must in all his glory stand on a bench in the locker room and tell us a pre-game tale. Needless to say our whole team can tell you the whereabouts of everything in our bag with our eyes closed.

2. Just to throw my 2 cents in, what if the rink doesn't have showers? I know of at least 2 local rinks without showers. The reason for not having showers I have no idea. Just wanted to put that out there.

EDIT*-Just noticed JR97's post I was referring to ice rinks without showers but every roller rink ive ever played in had no showers as well for what it's worth.

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EDIT*-Just noticed JR97's post I was referring to ice rinks without showers but every roller rink ive ever played in had no showers as well for what it's worth.

When I played inline it was at a rink owned by the local YMCA that had no locker rooms, let alone showers. Rather than drive home in stinking clothes I would always change in the corner before leaving. Unfortunately there was also a walking track around the outside of the rink that was often used by the hockey moms and other older ladies. Needless to say rink management frowned upon my choice of changing locations.

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My local roller rink i used to play at recently did renovations they may have showers now but back when i played and that was like 3-4 years ago, I used to change into dry clothes and hear it the whole way home [i wasnt old enough to drive] about how much i stink and why the hell doesnt the rink have a shower. Needless to say my mom and pop always showed for every game. Even the ones I got a ride to haha.

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brings back some memories of when I was in basic training during the army. We had 5 mins before lights off to shower every night. 50 guys and 10 shower stalls that had NO doors. You can imagine the cluster f*ck...

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I'm also a naked guy, surprisingly enough, the other naked guy and I shared the same name

Share the same last name? Because if so...that would make sense...

I never used to shower...then I got to highschool, and I wanted to have sex after the game, and my girlfriend wouldnt let me unless I showered.

Concerning the guys that say there are only 2 showers...have you ever heard of "getting wet"? Get under the water, "get wet" step out, lather up (subsequently letting someone else "get wet"), and then get back in to rinse when its your turn. We normally only have 2 showers for an entire club team + practice squad, but it never seems to be a problem.


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Anyone who showers in a dirty, scum covered, urinated in shower is disgusting.

I shower in one of those at home; why should the rink be any different?

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Here's one for you... I coach Junior A here (16-18 yo's) to make the comp more accessable they released a rule where girls in that age group or above can play, as long as they can handle contact its all good.

Anyways, all the girls (generally the cleaner side of the species) jump straight out of their kit and go home. None shower and only 2 of the guys shower. One does because he has a train ride home that takes 2hrs and the other just likes being clean. Funny how its worked this season with the mixed teams.

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Inline place has none and no changing rooms. The ice rink has showers that look and probably are infected with stuff that would scare God himself. I don't give a damn what anyone else says, I already have a depressed immune system. I need a long-term infection like I need a gunshot wound. Edit: I don't stink either, there's this awesome thing called deodorant body spray for the ten minute ride home!

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so can we add player number 9 to the list

"guy who doesnt shower"

or would it be

"guy who showers"?

no beef to the shower guys, but im a go-homer; no problems no sandals

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I try not to take showers at the rink, i live 10 minutes away and go straight home after practice/games. However, in the rare case where i have to do something and leave directly from the rink, i will shower there. You really can't beat showering in the comfort of your own bathroom though, you can take your time and enjoy your shower. In a public shower you always feel rushed

On my prep school team, we always showered after away games because nobody wants to sit on a bus for 2 hours with 20 sweaty dudes, especially our female manager/watergirl. When you live at school, theres no point in showering in the locker room when you could walk back to your dorm and shower

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Its always great to go to the lounge for a beer after with guys like you, or to drive you home in your glorious stench. I think it's gross that you don't even care about stinking up your vehicle. Guys that don't shower after hockey never understand how grossed out everyone else is of this fact.

Not one single player on my team showers. The showers are disgusting.

Not showering and putting dry clothes on after hockey does not stink up your car.

I dont get close enough to other guys to smell them, thanks.

You sir, are far to involved with what other men do and how they smell.

Its hockey....if you have issues with stink, you are in the wrong sport dude.

Rink I play at doesn't have any showers... the one I've seen that does have showers are nice and very clean, they also have a gym, pool, and sauna. Problem is its like 90 mins away, one way but everyknow and then I go.

Nothing like playing hockey, sitting in the sauna , then getting a massage. Shower afterwards of course.

Of course after all that you got to toss the stink filled gear bag and pads into the back seat for the 90 min drive home with a stop for a quick meal. That will stink up a truck! :lol:

Want to smell something really bad.... you and your buddies motocross gear you've worn for three days on a desert adventure ride in 85 to 95 degree heat. Sitting in the back of the truck while you make the 1,300 mile drive home.

Truck smelled good after that with just the hockey gear in it.

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This is my break down

I showered when I played in high school and college......

now, not so much

Showering time takes away from the allotted time my wife gives me to pound a six pack after the game

Ahhhh ..... Priorities!

- President and Founder of the Massachusetts Chapter of Non-Showering Skaters of America (NSSA)

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On the issue of showering, fun story. I've never played hockey at a high level but I do currently play college baseball. I catch too, so the equipment thing applies. But, one of our backup catchers on the last day in Florida for spring training decided he didn't want to shower with the team after a double header. This guy is pretty big, so sitting in the dugout in 90+ degree heat, and catching bullpens for our relief pitchers contributed to him being a sweaty mess. Long story short, 18+ hours on the bus ride back north with him had everyone on the bus gasping for air at every rest stop, and we all wanted to kill him within 30 minutes of setting off from the field complex. Terrible terrible idea to not shower if you're making a trip of any distance, or have something to do after you sweat...be it a hockey function, gym class, or anything else where you sweat.

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I probably don't shower at the rink 80% of the time. Number one reason why is beacuse I'm never organized enough to have a clean towel, I never have soap/shampoo, and the water is usually ice cold. After roller I would usually take cold showers in the rink, sometimes still in equipment because I was that overheated. I often have to resort to unrolling a big pile of paper towels and towelling off that way when I do shower, haha.

I don't see what the big deal is, who cares if another guy stinks when he is driving home by himself in his own car? I've played in 4 men's leagues over the last year in the Toronto area, I'd say the majority of people don't shower at the rink.

Back in my AA/AAA/high school days everybody showered, probably had to due with the fact that we all had to wear semi-decent clothes to the games, often were getting rides with other people, often had long distances to go home, and even though it sounds semi-gay, it is a team bonding issue I think. You don't want to be like the weird kid in gym class who'd wear his gym shorts under his pants all day so he wouldn't have to be naked in the change room for 2 seconds with the other guys.

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If it's a decent rink, I'll shower after the game

However, I've only played at 2 rinks since the beginning of the summer to now and

1.) Is in the hood and the showers smell like someone dropped a steamy shit in the shower and lef scalding hot water on to dutch oven the bathroom

2.) The other rink has the nastiest locker rooms/showers that I can't imagine how one believes they would get cleaner after going in it..it doesn't even have lights

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