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Bauer Lidstrom?

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I wanted to try nikebauer stick and at the moment i am using an easton with the lidstrom curve on it and i cant seem to find a nikebauer curve similar to the lidstrom whilst looking around online. Can someone reccomend a curve from nikebauer or do they not have a lidstrom like curve?


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P02 Samsonov curve would be the clone from NBH

Correct, but the P02 is only available through the NBH ID program. Your only other option is to find one pro stock.

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I saw a dozen of Vapor XXX lite's the other day in my LHS with Esposito's curve on it. It looked pretty identical to a Lidstrom and if you look hard maybe you'll find some.

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P02 Samsonov curve would be the clone from NBH

Correct, but the P02 is only available through the NBH ID program. Your only other option is to find one pro stock.

Interestingly enough, this curve is widely available in europe (but not in North America). But you cannot get a P88 if your life depended on it over here.

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I am like you #28tz, preferring a long blade, open face, and big heel curve. The P02, as stated, is what you want, however, as stated, cannot easily be had. The next closest one NBH makes is the P106, which is rounded toe as opposed to the Lidstrom square toe, still a long blade, a lie of 5 which is close to Lidstrom's 5.5, a heel curve of about 1/2 inch (same as Lidstrom), a slightly open face (not as open as Lidstrom but close), and a moderate curve depth (close to Lidstrom). Check out the Jokinen/P106 and see what you think. Later,

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For what it's worth the Jovo Warrior curve is the clone of the Easton Lids.

You could always go with a NBH shaft, Lids blade combo.

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but rather than start a new one, can anyone tell me what pattern by NBH would be the clone to CCM's Thornton pattern?

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but rather than start a new one, can anyone tell me what pattern by NBH would be the clone to CCM's Thornton pattern?

I dont think NBH makes anything like the thornton, at least not according to the specs in the patterndb. Maybe the NIKEID program lets you choose a blade close to it though.

EDIT: Looking at the nikeID site maybe something like a P71 or P15 might fit that bill. But they arent exact clones, rather similar but not clones.

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P02 Samsonov curve would be the clone from NBH

Correct, but the P02 is only available through the NBH ID program. Your only other option is to find one pro stock.

Interestingly enough, this curve is widely available in europe (but not in North America). But you cannot get a P88 if your life depended on it over here.

couldnt agree more. find me a decent pair of gloves for under 300 swiss francs and a p88 one90 and i'll buy you a porsche ;)

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From my research as I currently love the Jova curve from Warrior...

TPS - Stoll - 055

Sherwood - LI - PP5

RBK - Phanuef - P32

These are close to the Jova/Lidstrom curve. Some are slightly diff I beleive, not too sure as I havn't seen all face to face.

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From my research as I currently love the Jova curve from Warrior...

TPS - Stoll - 055

Sherwood - LI - PP5

RBK - Phanuef - P32

These are close to the Jova/Lidstrom curve. Some are slightly diff I beleive, not too sure as I havn't seen all face to face.

Phaneuf is less deep, and it starts slightly more forward of the heel IMO. I can use the Lids curve pretty well (had to borrow a friend's for a pickup game), I use Drury styles mostly and the stick I had in Phaneuf was back on the bench within a few minutes.

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Interestingly enough, this curve is widely available in europe (but not in North America). But you cannot get a P88 if your life depended on it over here.

ehh.... The p88 is one of the most popular curves on bauer sticks here in sweden, so you can find it in almost every sports store and hockeyshop online!

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From my research as I currently love the Jova curve from Warrior...

TPS - Stoll - 055

Sherwood - LI - PP5

RBK - Phanuef - P32

These are close to the Jova/Lidstrom curve. Some are slightly diff I beleive, not too sure as I havn't seen all face to face.

wasn't Lecavalier the Lid "clone" by RBK?

(except they aren't square toed anymore...they used to be until last season)

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From a composite standpoint, what curve is closest to the Iginla?

i think for nbh that would be a p88 (lindros)

P12 is Bauer's answer to the Iginla. I happened to get lucky this weekend and found a pro-stock "Cuma" pattern that is exactly the same as the Easton Iginla. Apparently, this kid used to be a P12 guy but since has gotten his own pattern with Bauer.

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From a composite standpoint, what curve is closest to the Iginla?

i think for nbh that would be a p88 (lindros)

P12 is Bauer's answer to the Iginla. I happened to get lucky this weekend and found a pro-stock "Cuma" pattern that is exactly the same as the Easton Iginla. Apparently, this kid used to be a P12 guy but since has gotten his own pattern with Bauer.

Thanks a lot Chippa

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From my research as I currently love the Jova curve from Warrior...

TPS - Stoll - 055

Sherwood - LI - PP5

RBK - Phanuef - P32

These are close to the Jova/Lidstrom curve. Some are slightly diff I beleive, not too sure as I havn't seen all face to face.

wasn't Lecavalier the Lid "clone" by RBK?

(except they aren't square toed anymore...they used to be until last season)

But lecavalier is CCM. Pronger used to be identical.

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Didn't want to start a new topic, so I'll just add this here.

I've always been a loyal Easton user, mainly the Lidstrom, but I've gone through a few Easton OPS' lately rather fast, and I think it's time to give another manufacturer a shot.

Is it fair to say the Warrior Kovalev is similar to the Jovo without the square toe?

Kind of like how the Easton Drury is somewhat the rounded Lidstrom/Getzlaf, or NBH Gagne/106 to the Samsonov/02.

Is there versions like this in Reebok and CCM?

Obviously there are slight differences between the two just beyond the round/square part, but hopefully you get the idea.


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