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Wedding Bands

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Hey all,

I happen to be getting married in a few weeks, and, since I begin to start wearing a piece of jewelry during that event, I started thinking how that may inconvinience me (no...not because it should turn girls off! I mean more issues like discomfort and distraction).

I then started to wonder what wearing a wedding band while playing hockey could do to my gloves and other possible consequences.

So, I would like everyone here who is married: Who wears their ring while playing? Who does not? Why?


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I usually take it off and keep it in the car, but I've forgotten and played with it. Never bothered me but the "what if" factor makes me keep it off.

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Never play with mine, if I forget, I notice 1st shift. Mine is also titanium, so if my finger was to break in a game, I could lose the finger all together.

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I saw a guy back home playing footy lose a finger because he went tight to the post on a corner and was pushed, got his ring caught in the hook for the nets, and that was all she wrote.

Also, if you get hit in the finger, I wear a nice Jeff Cooper platinum band, and don't want to have to cut that sucker off if my finger gets swollen

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Never wear mine. My goalie doesn't either but that's because I broke his one night with a slapper in a pickup game.

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I take mine off for hockey, and for most activities where I risk damage to it (or worse, outright loss). I explained to my better half that while I know she doesn't like me taking it off, it represents our marriage, and I would be crushed if it were to get broken or stolen. I already had to get it repaired once after pinching my hand between two landscaping bricks.

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Never play with mine, if I forget, I notice 1st shift. Mine is also titanium, so if my finger was to break in a game, I could lose the finger all together.

Yeah, mine's Ti and I wear it (until tonight, after reading this...)

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My ring is made of tungsten carbide and I always take it off. I don't want to think about having my finger ripped off. That and you can't cut it, you have to "break" it.

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Titanium band here too. I never wear it playing. It's a flat band so the edges would do a number on my gloves.

A fire fighter friend of mine has a few good horror stories about fingers and titanium rings.

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The mill I work at requires all workers to remove every peice of jewelry for safety reasons (except studs and chokers/necklaces within the collar) . I'm not married, but there have been guys that have lost fingers from wedding rings.

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I know a few guys who wear them. Not married, but I do wear a ring on my other hand...and it would drive me NUTS to have it on in my glove. I played with a guy who wore his WATCH when he played...it was a fairly nice, big faced watch too...he was a prick...so I always kinda hoped it'd get smashed.

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You know about the three rings of marriage, right?

The Engagement Ring

The Wedding Ring

The Suffering


You forgot the Enduring...

I dont even wear my ring... worn it maybe a total of 2 weeks since I got married 6 years ago. I used to work as a design engineer in a company that design military hardware (tanks and small arms), and you had to use the support rails on the side of the tank to get in and out... my ring had some designs on the outside, and it would wear those away. I've since changed jobs, and havent worn it since.

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I always take mine off when playing.

You know why they put the ring in the bull's nose? To pull him around, stupid! Just put the ring there and get it over with.

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My best mate wears his, it's a Lord of the Rings "one ring". Considering his wife its pretty funny that the black Speech on the ring translates to...

One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them

She certainly has him well and truely bound!

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Ignore my ignorance, but what's the problem with titanium rings?

Titanium is much much stronger than gold however it can be cut to remove from an injured finger. Tungsten, however, is too hard to be cut and must be "broken" to be removed.

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Gold may be softer, but it's still harder than skin and tissue. I've had my cheapo gold band caught on a lot of things. I used to have a 9 foot basketball rim on my old house and the ring got caught on the rim a few times when I was dunking. Ouch. I even got it caught between the bricks on the side of the house when my hand lightly brushed by. Ouch. The most recent was getting it caught on the logo plate thingie on the billiards table here at work. Ouch. I got pissed and just ripped that plate right off and chucked it. I've always worn it playing hockey and I've never had an issue, but now that I"m aware it could be an issue, I'm taking it off when I play. I don't need that floating in the back of my head when I'm going to the net.

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Gold may be softer, but it's still harder than skin and tissue. I've had my cheapo gold band caught on a lot of things. I used to have a 9 foot basketball rim on my old house and the ring got caught on the rim a few times when I was dunking. Ouch. I even got it caught between the bricks on the side of the house when my hand lightly brushed by. Ouch. The most recent was getting it caught on the logo plate thingie on the billiards table here at work. Ouch. I got pissed and just ripped that plate right off and chucked it. I've always worn it playing hockey and I've never had an issue, but now that I"m aware it could be an issue, I'm taking it off when I play. I don't need that floating in the back of my head when I'm going to the net.

Cheapo gold has something a lot harder than gold as the main component.

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