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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kor Hockey Out of Business

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I looked at the first 3 pages and didn't see this posted. I got this in response to an email I sent them:

Dear Customer or Supplier,

It has been recently decided by the owner of KOR to close the Canadian branch of KOR Hockey Ltd. Effective September 12, 2008 the Canadian parent company through the Canadian courts filed for reorganization which includes its subsidiaries.

KOR Manufacturing Mexico is owned by the Canadian parent company and has closed for the time being while the owners establish their plan for its future.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

Dave V. Woronuk

Phone: (403) 295-0511

Direct Fax: (403) 274-4151

Email: Dave.Woronuk@megasys.com

Rich Enriquez

Director of Sales



13465 Camino Canada Ste. 106-502

El Cajon, California 92021

(619) 572-0757

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Can't say I'm surprised, but no less saddened. Truly great innovators who seem to have been done in by a few fateful decisions on the cusp of a recession.

Hopefully the refinancing and reorganisation goes well, and Kor can get back on track in the near future.

Best wishes to all involved.

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I agree.... They have a great product with excellent customer support.... By all accounts their inovations led to skates like the Bauer One90 and One95...

I'm in Shift 2's now, but will probably use the One95's as my next skate.

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I agree that they have a great innovative product and had great customer support. I'm also sad to hear the official news, but it doesn't suprise me either.

I promoted the product to every friend and team mate that asked me about my Shift 1's or was in the market for new skates and none of them bought the skate (although one was about to last week, but then his size sold out on Hockeygiant). Friends and teammates of mine have picked up other equipment I've recommended as well as electronics and computer parts so it's not simply a matter of people not caring about what I said about the product. I think it had more to do with the fact that no one had heard of the product and it was very hard to find in stores. Plus, when they were in stores in Toronto the store that carried them had them for $799 plus tax which was more than people were willing to pay for an unknown product. By the time they became available on Hockeygiant for $199 people were interested in the price, but lost interest because there was no where for them to try them on in store.

I think a happy medium would've been $$500 or less in store to start (I know they were priced around that in the US so that wasn't the only issue) - that combined with more advertising to create awareness and better retail availability would've went a long way. The test drive program was a good idea, but even in the limited shops this was available in it would've been easier for most sales reps to sell better known brands. When you add to these factors a clear out of skates before the new product was even out that pissed off existing accounts (making the Shift 2's even more challenging to find in store as they were available in less places) and the fact that the Shift 2 was significantly delayed that likely put the company in trouble right there. The current economy certainly couldn't help things either.

Having said all that I'm still happy with the product, am using my original Shift 1's and have a backup pair waiting in the wings and won't hesitate to pickup closeout Shift 1's or Shift 2's in my size if I see them or continue to recommend them to friends. If there comes a time when I'm out of KORs then I'll probably try to find the best deal on a pair of One95s I can or another pair of skates that use a concept similar to KORs. I wish all of the people effected by this the best and would love to see KOR revived at some point.

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I wouldnt say that - the ONE90 concept was already in development when KOR showed their skate. I was at that tradeshow when Bauer's skate product manager hinted at it.

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I wouldnt say that - the ONE90 concept was already in development when KOR showed their skate. I was at that tradeshow when Bauer's skate product manager hinted at it.

It also took Kor a loooong time to get the skate to market. We had posts about it a year or more before it was at the show.That delay is what allowed Easton to get their skate to market first.

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Wow....well, I guess with all of the lack of communication from them the last few weeks, we shouldn't be shocked. In any case, it sucks that they went under. Maybe they'll be back someday...who knows.

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First Mission now Kor, makes me wonder who's next.

I really hope they are able to re-organize and get back on their feet.

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I'm also sad to hear the official news, but it doesn't suprise me either.

Now, isn't this part of the problem? Just wish some of these up and coming companies that aren't backed by companies like REEBOK could make the push KOR did but sustain it. They'll be missed.

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Kor was less than stellar over here when it came to after-sales support.

Strange... I live in Maryland and had an issue with one of my Shift 2's. They sent me a new pair right away. I found their customer service to be great...

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Not suprised to see them go after receiving a poor experience with their product and an even poorer response when I gave feedback based on my time with their skates.

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Not suprised to see them go after receiving a poor experience with their product and an even poorer response when I gave feedback based on my time with their skates.

Yeh, they weren't all too receptive of my criticism either... I still say the skates are good, but they had a lot of flaws. Well, I guess if you loved the things there is always torspo...

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there is always torspo...

If you had quality control issues with Kor, do you really want to go there?

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Kor was making those for giant I thought? Sucks for them they shut down, but it isn't the biggest loss. They are good skates but horribly unrefined in design.

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Not suprised to see them go after receiving a poor experience with their product and an even poorer response when I gave feedback based on my time with their skates.

Yeh, they weren't all too receptive of my criticism either... I still say the skates are good, but they had a lot of flaws. Well, I guess if you loved the things there is always torspo...

I'm sorry you feel that way Keith, I thought I had always shown myself appreciative of your comments. I've always agreed that there's been a lot of space for improving, some we had acknowledge from the get go, other opportunities were received by our customers, like the kevlar reinforced base that unfortunately didn't get to go to market, higher abrasion/friction resistance materials on the upper, stronger eyelets, etc, have been worked on thanks to your comments.

One big one has been the elimination of the mounting plates, which takes 70 gr avg off from each boot, again, didn't get to see the light of day.

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